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Love Jul 2014
I'm done repressing my gayness
Because it's the "Christian" thing to do.
I will wear ******* rainbow ****** pasties
And march in a pride parade
If I please
And then go to church and praise Jesus
And God and the Holy Spirit
For making the way I am
And how I am
Because he made me perfect.
I am gay
I am Christian
I am proud to be both.
Emily Tyler Apr 2013
"That's so gay!"
A use of
Slang and slander

If they use
Gay as in
It would be a good expression.

But if they use it
As a reference to

You can't be more gay
Than someone else.
There's no scale
To measure

And it's a bad expression
So gay is


Gay is not bad.

People who say "That's so gay."

They are bad
Oh, venting.
Serenus Raymone Jan 2013
Intolerant to Tolerance

(Poem by Serenus)

They tolerate your gayness

You should be so glad

That they’re not indifferent to your difference

They’re not the one’s calling you Fg

They tolerate your blackness


They’re much bigger

In their minds

They’re colorblind

They’ve never uttered

The word N

They tolerate your religion



And Christians

Believe what you want to believe

They tolerate your decision

They tolerate your opinion

They tolerate your facts

They tolerate your voice

They even let you talk back

They can stomach you as a person

Isn’t that honorable?

Doesn’t it feel great…

To be so tolerable?

We all need to pull together

And strive to be prosperous

It’s time to move forward

And be intolerant to tolerance.
Andrew Parker Dec 2013
I Met the **** Hater

Have you ever seen someone so beautiful
that you felt like crying?
Have you ever felt so utterly Disgusted by someone
that you wished they were dying?

Do you think I feel gay guts and gayness in my genes?
Or did society manufacture me - one of their gay liberal machines.
I'm not sure which is better,
Either  way you'll make me a martyr.
But I'll be your Hester Prynne baby
with my Big Gay Letter.

I cannot erase
that look on his face.
when he told me **** ****, Go Away.
I'll punch you in the face just for being Gay.

A separation of message and mind.
Hateful judgment is not hard to find.
When I stand in the shower,
or sit down on a park bench,
I'm a **** to him clear as gay.
It's like he thinks I ate some magic flower.
My girlfriends don't fare much better - to him called a bar *****.
This guy is the part of society that makes being gay scary to say.

He thinks Gays making out in public can't be allowed.
He thinks Legalized gay marriages should be disavowed.
He thinks Animal ***, *******, and ****** are because of gays.
He thinks Gay **** between two women might be more okay.
He thinks *** should **** more gay people.
He thinks Criminalizing ****** would make things more equal.
He thinks Adam's choice of Eve or Steve is all that matters.
He doesn't care about myself, or your heart's fragile rathers.

This man is the **** Hater.
Not a rare breed at all.
He could be your waiter,
or your teacher,
maybe even your sales assistant at the mall.

I Met the **** Hater,
while I made out with a guy at the bar.
The **** Hater was kinda old, yet strong and tall.
But I didn't fall
or become dehumanized.
When I caught a glimpse of his face
and saw that utter look of Disgust
that I just cannot erase.
I saw it in his face - the **** Hater's
'**** Hate.'
ConnectHook Sep 2015
Sustainably globally gay – we need more of it / socially-conscious progressive group-think / openness through tolerance of diversity in perversity / justice for more more more of gay gay gay / it’s progress it’s now its queer-friendly because it's sustainably globally gay / when gay gets gayer the queering gets clearer / so let's start the conversation about ****-**** gayness / inclusion through cluelessness in transparent openness / by the way - get GAY / before the homosexual conversation queers the queerness of the ongoing conversation / let's celebrate gayness, **OK ?
Did I mention the need for openness and tolerance of absolutely everything Gay? After all - they represent almost 7 percent of the population...
Erin Aug 2013
I was doing it

Because I thought about it,
I thought of
David Levithan
and his books
and I thought of
Alex Sanchez and
HIS books,
I thought about
Julia Anne Peters and
HER books.

And after I was done
thinking I realised
I was doing what
I hated.

Boy meets Boy isn't
a gay story.
It's a story about love.

Keeping You A Secret
is not a
lesbian love story,
it's just a love story.

Rainbow Boys Trilogy is not
a gay trilogy it's
a story about growing up and
getting along and
being in love and
being scared and
being stupid
and being brave
and being

I'm just thinking about them as
being about gayness because
they are gay,
even if you take away everything they
are love

Love Is The Higher law--
about 9/11.

I Am J--
Being yourself--
a common theme.

Wide Awake--
finding courage and
finding yourself.

All these books,
and I've been looking at them
W R O N G.

I mean,
ten years ago
Boy Meets Boy
Keeping You A Secret
Rainbow Boys
was a
H U G E D E A L,

but now...
so much.

Maybe it's from living in a
household where gay
didn't exist,
Don't get me wrong,
I still want a book about
a character living in a
fantasy world or
utopia as a..
clone, maybe.

Or a dragon slayer.
August 28, 2013 /itsjusterin
devare Jul 2014
Being gay isn't bad
But just the opposite
It's beautiful, it an expression
It's someones life, someones posture
Being gay isn't bad but just the opposite
I'am gay u might be gay but that's just us
Deep inside of all of us theirs gayness but only some chose to let it out
Being gay isn't bad but just the opposite a mixture of beauty and expression
Love and life passion and truth of what reality really is....
Being gay isn't bad just the opposite
Do you think the same thing?
I grew up on the boarder of city and country
On neo-folk and punk served with romantic classical
The kind of music that paints pictures
Rainy days were my favourite
My Mom didn't pay much attention to me so I learnt to play
With my wild imagination
Until Dad came home
He'd leave whenever he got mad "I'm going for a drive"
I loved dogs and horses and all natures creatures
Except cockroaches
Dear god did I ******* hate those things
My Mom was a pagan my Dad the member of a Catholic church
Mom told me if I am good in this life I'd be a unicorn in the next
My Dad just taught me the lord's prayer
My first friend told me I was going to hell
I knew she'd be a slug in her next life
School bells
I enjoyed school
I was a prodigy child in everything except math
Dad pushed me into Karate, Judo, Rock Climbing, Soccer, Boxing
I liked playing my piano and drawing my dog
Sports made me uncomfortable
My first kiss was with slug girl
She was pudgy and had a cute smile which I was jealous of
But she screamed and ran away
That was the first time I heard the term "gay"
I started to like boys because I thought it was "right"
My Mom said "we all love our friends" but my Dad frowned
I loved my Dad
I wanted him to love me too so I kissed the boy I grew up with
It was gross
I kissed many boys after that and tried my hardest to forget slug girl
We moved into the heart of town and I wore more black
I stopped playing with my Matchbox cars
I stopped galloping about like the horses I desired
I put on a little eyeliner and the bullying I faced when I was younger
Made me weak
It got worse
They tormented me those kids
I wished them all dead but I knew Karma would get them
Now I am still drawing animals and writing and playing piano
But I wont ever forget my Dad and his silly beliefs and *** Pistols
I embrace my gayness although not to it's shining potential
But I will always love myself for everything I was
And ever will be
My story is far more dark and complex than this but to tell it would take a lifetime
My whole lifetime
And more to come
Travis Green Aug 2021
When you look at me
You will see all the femininity I possess
Shimmering on the surface
My masculine side buried below
The shores of my core
Deeply felt dreams
Raveled in perfumatory stories
Blossoming like beautiful, bright canaries
So tuneful, melodious
Fine-feathered creatures
That makes me feel overjoyed
To serenade in their greatness

I am liberated in the gayness
That grandly glows
In the inner part of me
Pursuing the path of love
That carries me to prominent dimensions
Where the dreamiest, Corinthian men
Fantastically dance and romance my mind
With their king-size, kinetic muscles
So strong as a Samoan wrestler
Smooth, groovy thighs dropping
It low to the ground as substantial sounds
Heavily rock the town

Manly, confident chest
Brick bassline abs
Inhaling the smoke-filled cadence
Gorgeous backbones in supersonic rhythm
Bringing the funk, getting it crunk
Sexalicious hips hypnotically rotating
So captivating, shaking the nation
With their cracking knees and legs

Look at them gleefully glide
To the power of the engine running rhymes
Reeling me in line
So they can intoxicate my mind
With their flaming and taming stares
Sweet-lit lips so dope
I can’t miss out on a kiss
Please light my fire up
In the deepness of my vessel
Give me more mind-blowing magic
Make it an overdose
Of swagalicous street boys
Bopping their electric heads
Hip-hopping, show-stopping
Never stopping, giving me everything
I knew I would love
When I entered the gay world
Jonny Angel Mar 2015
I remember sitting
around the tracks
with my comrades.
We were in rolling fields of clover
back then.
The doves that flew above us
had no clue
about our firepower.
We had .50 cals
and we picked our teeth
with splintered bone fragments.
To think
we even had the time
to smoke and joke
about our ridiculous nicknames
brings a smile
to my weathered-fface.
Moose was toothless,
lost them
to some drunk civilians
in a bar fight.
Wagner, the skinny one,
always cracked me up.
I miss McMinn's toothy-grin
and the way French
always wanted out,
constantly feighning his gayness.
Radosavich loved his rock and roll
and Flint sparkled from his hole
carved into the hillside.
Moore had chicks galore
and McLemore got his
divorce papers by airmail.
He went eerily silent
while Top barked ******* for us to do.
The Man was clueless,
but we protected his ***
We had bills to pay.
I really miss those *******.
They were the best friends that ever were.
Travis Green Aug 2021
Today, I am glowing with radiant gayness
With remarkably brilliant rainbow poetry
Emanating on the great and glorious
Landscape of my body, my immeasurable
Fond breast so proud and loving for the man
I admire, the teeming bliss he brings to me
With the halo of his heartland, his arms
Like a truly loving armrest where I can
Lay my head on and think about him forever
So long as the days and nights that come

I am a rosiest and delicately perfumed flower
Flourishing in his highly poetical framework
His unlimited compassion, charismatic faction
His handsomeness hovering harmoniously
In my unclouded mind, making me so toweringly
Gay to be in his juxtaposition, immersed in thought
About how his thick, passionate lips taste, how amazing
It would feel to embrace that space and leave a million
Monumental poems on the splendorous exposure
Reena Choudhary Jun 2019
Not many people understand,
That I did not chose my sexuality.
Many people think it’s a decision,
But it’s not an who I was born to be.
It’s a radiant act of self-blessing
Something every artist must do sometimes,
When no-one else will bless you.
And it’s funny, good-nature,
and startlingly strange.
No my gayness is not a disease,
I fall in love like any other,
And I have goals in my life,
To have a family, to be a mother.
Its ‘gayness’ isn’t obvious,
but it’s in the tone,
the voice, the stance toward the world.
No matter the pull toward brink.
No matter the florid,
deep sleep awaits.
There is a time for everything.
If you think what I feel is wrong,
I guess you can think that way,
I am proud of being gay.
Let no one cage who you were born to be, Don't be afraid to show off your true colors...
Shanna Thomas Mar 2019
I wear a rainbow bodysuit and my friends say,  you can't wear that anymore, you're not gay. I started dating a guy, so I guess that makes me straight. As if my gayness no longer exists. As if my gayness can just go away. Just dissolve. Something I can turn off and on. I tell my boyfriend I want to go to pride, and he looks at me bewildered, like why do you need to go to pride? You're straight. I break up with my boyfriend. My gay friends question what happened to the lesbian in me? As If she died because I'm dating a guy. As if I labeled myself in a box. As if I labeled anything about me. As if… a gay girl cannot date a guy and still be gay. As if 24 years of fighting for my rights gets diminished the moment I date a guy. I break up with my boyfriend. I am ******* pansexual. I love based off of personality, emotions, feelings. I don't see gender… No I'm not ******* bisexual, so don't even go there. I have every right to date who the **** I want, when the **** I want, wherever  the **** I want and **** who ever has a problem with it. My straight friends say it's about time. Now you can settle down, get married, have kids. I guess I couldn't do that before when I was “gay” right? Cause God forbid gay people get married, let alone have kids. Cause gay people can't settle down right? I break up with my boyfriend. I'm welcomed back into a community. A community that doesn't support me. That tells me i'm bisexual. I'm greedy. I don't know what I want. How can we support each other if there's bullies within? If our foundation is flawed, anyone can tear us down. And rip away everything we've worked so hard for. I break up with my boyfriend.
Lyn Jul 2021
I love it whenever Cookie. . .

kneaded her cute paws on cushions. . .

slept on my bed. . .

slept near the TV. . .

slept on top of the furniture cabinet. . .

slept in between my legs. . .

gave us Norman, Zoe, Vincent and ****** (but he sadly left us so soon). . .

played with her kittens. . . and. . .

defended them whenever Buddy bullies them. . .

gave me gentle gazes. . .

gave me gentle meows. . .

looked at me with her big, innocent eyes. . .

played very energetically. . .

showed her the moments where sheʼs still a kitten at heart. . .

she comes whenever we call her. . .

she responds to calling her name. . .

was very affectionate. . .

melts my heart every time. . .

she rolled around whenever she was playful. . .

she told off Claudia sometimes. . .

comforted me without any effort. . .

I love her tri-colored coat, her beautiful innocent eyes, her cute face that I will dearly miss. I may have not shown you how much I love you, Cookie, but I will always remember you through your babies. I will protect them.

I love it whenever Oli. . .

knocked over things whenever he throwed a tantrum. . .

bit or scratch me gently when I irritate him. . .

whined when I hug him. . .

ignored me whenever I call him. . .

would give me a meow of warning before biting me. . .

followed me home the first time I saw him. . .

gave me that irritated gaze. . .

can be sweet when he want to be. . .

screams whenever he fights with some other cat. . .

doesnʼt want to fight other cats. . .

lightly bumps my hand or lean whenever I touch him. . .

slept beside me. . .

slept on top of the refrigerator. . .

doesnʼt care about pleasing me. . .

knew that I love him so much.

Oli knew how much I love him. I love the black spot on his lower lip, his orange eyes, his white and orange coat, the cute pattern of his front paws, his long orange tail, his innocent face, his gayness (****). I love every single detail about you, baby.

I never thought that you impregnating Pola was a blessing in disguise, because I didnʼt know that you would leave us so soon.

You might be gone, pero lahat kayong mga dumaan sa buhay ko ay may kanya-kanyang espesyal na lugar sa puso ko. Miss na miss ko na kayo. Sobra. You guys are perfect. You didnʼt deserve any of what happened to you. Iʼm sorry I couldnʼt protect you guys from this cruel world. One day, you will get the justice you deserve. And the same goes for all of the animals they abused. Hindi natutulog ang Diyos. They will get what they deserve.

October 15, 2019 - July 22, 2021
October 14, 2019 - July 22, 2021
Oli and Cookie were my cats. They were murdered by my neighbor who are animal abusers. Please, if you donʼt like animals, just ignore them. Do not hurt them. Please.
Travis Green Nov 2021
You activate my gayness
When I see your starry astonishingness
When your swagger is amidst me
I feel like I could glide in your vibe
I feel like I might melt away
Into unreachable places if you touch me

If you kiss me with your magically moist lips
I would submerge in the naked and never-ending oceans
When I paint you in my mind, I see you
Holding me so closely to your shoulders
With the warm, soft rain falling upon us

I imagine you naked and glowing in your greatness
How I invade your immaculate and exquisite space
Tasting all the masculine places that beckon
My hands and tongue to come closer to their surface

Boy, your golden-brown delightfulness is such
An eminent masterpiece that deserves to be loved delicately
Can I be your bright gay flower abiding in your empire?
Can I be the one to feel your sublime power?
Would you let me love you right and be your shining light?

I want to stream in your stellar straightness
Feel the vastness of your robustness
Hear your slang that I like, drink Hennessy, and
Smoke Marlboro Gold 100’s, feel the drunkenness coming
Just lying on the flawless Persian floor and adoring one another
Blowing striking scented smoke into the thick air
Incomparable sensations between us growing
As we flow in the picturesque and iridescent waves of romance
Travis Green Sep 2021
He enlivens my gayness with his fascinating hazel eyes
Sparkling like the finest and most authentic art
Myriad melodies around his sandalwood-scented shoulders
Appealing dreams that careen within his inner being
His lips lewdly inviting, his beard flowing with astronomic passion

He finesses my faggotness with his salacious straightness
The sexiest vibe in a stud that I crave to rub and love, hypnotically hug Him, let him passionately pluck the stems of my limbs, cherish my Pleasing petals, let my love settle on his deliciously contagious skin
Travis Green Jun 2021
Lay me down
In a colossal palette
Of rainbow hues
Feel the rare magic
Moving through my body
Ready to rise anew
And let my heart
Speak the language of gayness
Deep May 2019
Tonight is the night of renunciation,
O weary heart, shed that person
In tears and sobs—
For moon is weary carrying the grief of world
Wane her a little forgetting your woe tonight,

Tonight is the night of renunciation.
O perturbed heart, untie the hinged boat from
anchor and sail away from hopeless dreams—
For stars are burdened with undue hopes of men,
falling and fading from sky, reduce their weight
Bidding farewell to those memories tonight,

Tonight is the night of renunciation.
O innocent heart, love is despot, so end these grieving
for a person’s absence—
For the air is sick and sad sailing house to house
Lower her sadness abating your loss tonight,

Tonight is the night of renunciation.
O withered heart, saunter in the lawn this approaching dawn
Born anew, listen the chatter and flutter of birds,
For the sighs of lovers have turned their song melancholic,
Sing loud, O heart, return their gayness
For they’re not meant to suffer for our melancholy tonight.
Travis Green Sep 2021
I want to step
Inside the gateways
Of your straightness
Let your scintillating sweetness
Mesmerize my gayness
Embrace me, kiss me around a fireplace
Take me to outer space to a safe place
Where I can taste the titillating poetry
You articulate and inhale your savorous scent
Travis Green Oct 2021
I could hold sway
Over his engagingness
Sprinkle gay glitter
Upon his slim
Dreamy frame
Take him to paradise
Pen my lines of love
Across his chest
Make him feel
Every word there is
In my heart
Showcase my adoration
To him
Take him away
From being straight
Into a state of gayness
As I give him
All that he needs
Travis Green Feb 2022
To be taken by your straightness
Was the greatest wish that was on my list
I wanted to feel you sticking your stiffness inside my softness
Absorb my homosexuality
Put one hand on my neck
And the other one on my chest
Kiss me fiercely
Let your passion traverse through my world

I ached for sweet, unadulterated satisfaction
Your strong tempting touches
As I rubbed your confident, toned arms
Letting you **** me remorselessly
So extremely enamored by your captivation
Hot city boy, such a delicious delight to enjoy
Such immeasurable rapture thrilled through me
As I stayed transfixed on your exquisiteness
The way you incandesced in my eyes

Refined bearded lover
You illumined with wildly spectacular dreams
I was suffused with extreme steam
Felt sublime sensations on my skin
Thirsted for you so burstingly
To feel your sparkly kisses
The sudden invasion of your blazing power
Cascading through my creation
Giving profoundly gratifying pleasure
As you swayed my gayness
Travis Green Mar 2023
Being by his side is like a walk in the bright, magical clouds
A vivid, compelling treasure in my dreams, a smooth masculine king
So clean-cut and robust as ****, so lovable and indestructible
I behold his mocha chocolate globes, and I am so bowled
Over by his dope *** smoking machotasticness

Loving him so much that I can’t think straight
I ache for him more than ever, in need of his stalwart
Charming hotness, to be taken into his radiant scintillating mantuary
Where his perfectness captures my queerness
Guides me to the transcendent limits of seamless mind-bending
Ecstasy, I burn with passion for his rare smashing attraction

He sets me afire, makes me burn brighter and hotter
Than a raging radioactive volcano, he stupefies me
He gives me the butterflies, he makes me smile all the while
He demonstrates his greatness to my gayness
I am so completely feverish and blissed out
The more he shrouds me in his uncontainable white-hot desires

He gives me a thousand astounding sensations
The more his stellar silken sexiness blazes through my headspace
I am enamored by the way he stands in my presence
His captivatingly intoxicating fragrance streams all over me
I feen for a chance to sink into his impassioned heart-grabbing
Enchantment, clamp my hands against his phenomenally macho
And wondrous pecs, all lovely and seductive muscles

My sweet saucy brick, his prominent russet etes hypnotize me
A million times more than before, I am absorbed by his gorgeousness
Thoughts of lying next to him, feeling and kissing him
Traveling through time and space, in sheer superlative harmony
I lose myself In the depths of his delectable relishable majesticness
Yearning for him to conquer and ****** my humongous honkers

Lick and twist my stiff glistening peaks with his fingertips
The feel of his bare matchless graspers against my extraordinary ***
Toys with my tight, fuckable warehouse, makes me sweat
As he pleasures me, as he moves his fingers deeper within me
Make me kneel on my knees to go down on his suckable stick shift

Hold him closer to me, let my clutchers rub up and down
His long, macho thighs and legs, put his delicious dangling swingers
In my mouth, peck his belly, caress and taste his treasure trail down to  Lush eye-grabbing rug, dive into the wildness of his liveliness
Steadily working his firmness, arousing the curiosity
Of his top-drawer artistic royalty, fire up his thugness

Have him so carried away as I have my wicked way
With his savage swelling snake, fill the tip with hearty heated kisses
Rap with his mean king-size *******, make him grow harder
Make him moan louder, make his manhood speak to me
While he plunges it deeper into my cakehole

I spectacularly salivate for him, worship his assertive
Immersive muscularity, cherish the way we traverse together
In grandly indelible and poetical harmony
I ******* him harder, faster, causing him to squirt out
Sticky thick milk all around my amorous perfumed lips

So dreamily sensual, so lewd and juicy
I lick it with my tongue and digest it
Look fixedly into his come-hither flickering eyes
Marveling at my magnetic lover man as he  tongue kisses me
Takes me deeper into his bodacious vivacious nation
Of hypersexual high-powered hotness
Tells me that he loves me, tells me that I am everything to him
Takes me in his brutal bulging arms, sends me in endless ecstasies
Danny Price Jan 2015
O woe this tragedy
Where hast thou brought me!

The environment is hostile,
The colors are so pale.

Take me somewhere special,
Some place to regale.

I'll follow thee
'til I fall weak in the knee,
In thine grace I trust.

O heavens behold!
The devil's own betrothed!

Thou burnest mine eyes,
On thine judgement my gayness relies,

So take me, oh trusted bird,
To a place nor burned, nor churned.

I'll follow thee
'til I lose ability to see,
In thine grace I trust.

In all my heart I dread,
Here is so wide spread

That many may see me.
A heinous curse! I can no longer flee.

Find me one more homely
So I might not feel so lowly.

I'll follow thee
'til I lose all sense in me,
In thine grace I trust.
Travis Green Aug 2021
He amplifies my gayness
With his Remy Martin eyes
So compelling to capture
In his rapture, I travel
Magically in his urban swag
Yearning to sit with him
Rest my hands on his thighs

Feel surprising highs
Rising out of nowhere
Curling up on my tongue
Like gummy worms
I speculate on him
******* and revealing
To me what lies behind
His astonishing allure

I get heavily excited
Wanting to touch him
Everywhere and satisfy
My every urge as I explore
The superlative surface
Of his flexing foundation
Keone L Friesen Jan 2014
Oh Allen, the moment I read Howl I fell in love, Oh Allen the moment I read Kaddish I cried in beauty. Oh Allen the moment I read an article about so called beat poets I was content.
Allen for no man may ever be as beautiful as you. For no man may ever be as wise as you.
At night I sit reading obbsesevly over the big book named "collected Poems. 1947 to 1997, Allen Ginsberg.
Oh Allen for I love your gayness, oh Allen for I love your talk of obscenety, oh Allen for I love your poems which ring threw my mind during everyday caseual conversation.
I wish for that death could have delayed the taking of your beautiful soul, so we could sit down at Weeds cafe drinking coffee as we read 1861 by Walt Whitman. Or sit down in A new York Jazz club listening to A trio as we read each other's newest work.
When I daze in the light of the day I dream of you Allen. For some dream of ***,hourses or streak I dream of you Allen Ginsberg... I dream of you.
Travis Green Feb 2022
I longed to ravage his ***
Grab his chest, relax his legs
Rub his flesh passionately
Enclasp our bodies together
The enchanting scent of his masculinity
Wafting over my presence
I wanted to strip him of his streetness
Send him into transports
Listen to his moans of sensual gratification
As I bit his tasty throbbing *******
He convulsed in rapture
Deeply under the influence
Of my intoxicating gayness
Travis Green Feb 2022
I was attuned with his masculinity
Feeling frenzied and fulfilled
As he consumed my gayness
Released his hot breath on my mouth
Licked my cheeks and neck sloppily
While I held on to his gigantic guns

His aromatic armpits were delicious
His studly, tattooed chest
Was so sexalicous to survey
With his sensuously spectacular beard
Electric expressive lips
Bright sublime eyes

He was the most mind-blowing masterpiece
That had me profoundly engaged with his nation
All I knew was that I wanted him on top of me
So I could cling to him tremendously

He was my eternally enrapturing rhythm
My euphoric enthrallment
My romantically ebullient superman
Mesmerically melanin king
An adventurous land to sink into
Travis Green Sep 2022
Undying, unchanging game-changer
You are the baddest passionate flame
That entices and surprises my mind
Makes me hella breathless
So extra soft on your firm and deathless flex
Great, unshakable, and intoxicating captivation
Entirely heroic and divine, fervent and protective

Inexpressibly delectable and freshalicious arrestingness
Worshipful, chivalrous prodigiousness
The fondest and hottest charm
My heart beats in synchronicity with yours
In a deep, dreamy rhythm
Feeling your heavenly and heavily hot sauce all over me

You take me to a sexually stellar
And gratifying ****** the more I bask
In your sizzling sweet dreams
Feel your soft, solacing teasers
On my jazzy bouncy castles
My rigid, quivering tips
Romance me infinitely
Disassemble my gleaming perfumed expanse
Devour my enchantingness
With my bright fiery spice

Caress me in the wild electric blue night
Peer at me with your elegant southern blue eyes
Your marvelously clear, taut, and olive machoness all over me
So impeccably beckoning and compelling
You are a majestic and velvet pleasure
So aggressive and expressive
You put on the arm on my heartland

Take over my entireness
Feel inside my innerness, touch and tantalize
The favorite, fascinating places of my foundation
Take my gayness by storm
Make me flourish immortally
In your luxurious and royal mantuary
Travis Green Feb 2024
He titillated my gayness
Amazed by his giant snake
And ***-filled nuts
All manly and muscular
All smooth and salubrious

He drew me nearer
To his ruling power
I was constantly drooling
As he was perusing
Every part of my body

I found unbound pleasure
In the presence of his impeccable sexiness
His untouchable robustness
How he ****** me
Cuffed me, clutched me

Took me in his arms
And demolished me
Hijacked my sweet tight hole
Made me float as he soaked me
In his thick, milky load
Travis Green Oct 2021
There’s so much gayness
That gleams inside me
When I see your special
Succulent body, when I see you
So visibly in my mind
The images so galvanizing
I almost thought I could
Reach inside my dreams
And touch your pleasingly
Glistening and magnificent chests
Your fascinatingly fit stomach
Marvel at your body hairs, your smooth
Clean hands, your sensuous
Silky-soft shoulders, your lovely
Impeccable beard, your kissable cheeks
Your bewitching black eyes
Your manly, sculpted eyebrows
My hot armored warrior
So wondrous to walk into your world
Travis Green Jan 2019
The gayness inside of me was
was exploding into a heavy
spinning rise in the autumn
blue sky, marching trees
and leaves gyrating in the
cityscape, groovy pumping
beats filling the air, as huge
partygoers came hip hopping
on the scene.  There was a
spark of passion in the horizon,
a sizzling flame intensifying
within this masterpiece, while
shirtless guys boogied and
swayed their hips to the
electrifying sounds of gay
pride.  The accelerating
adrenaline amplifying
inside their astonishing
craftwork.  The smooth
flow of waving hands
and deep dropping thighs
and ankles cruising various
dimensions.  The rhythm of
bouncing shoulders and arms
lost in the wind, as I danced
and danced upon this glorious
wave.  I'm in love with this
magical place, the vibrant
beauty blowing in sight,
the laughter and happiness
swirling through the exhilarating
Vince Chul'Theg Feb 2017
I have never
(and hopefully
never will be again)
Secretly in such deep
Love with someone

Piano, guitar, trumpet, drums, voice
Brilliant in his ability
To absorb knowledge
His mind a sponge

Consistently chill
Not easily riled

Persistently positive
And funny

When we met I was
An overweight, ******
Textbook closet case
Face in textbooks

Eating and smoking
To fill the void

I’d find any reason at all
To spend time with him

Sure!, Let’s go!

Dinner out?
Who’s driving?

Monty Hall Piano Room?
Let me spark this joint first.

What’s worse was that I
Loved (and still love and adore)
His then girlfriend

And so it was this strange
Situation where I loved
The couple, was secretly
Obsessed with the boy
And so jealous of the girl

But I was too ashamed and
Self-aware to be nasty to her
Because it wasn’t her fault

Shame so locked in my marrow
I couldn’t even project
The insecurity it created

Cristo and Lirah
Would go out for a romantic
Dinner and I’d feel
More alone in those moments
Than any other

So I’d smoke and do school work
Or walk through the woods with Nayla
Or go eat with Jireh


Side bar: So it turned out that
Jireh had a big ‘ol thing for me

I was so blind because
Of my behavioral asexuality
‘Locked in’ gayness
Love for Cristo

I may have led her on for like, years.
That’s ******.

And John had a thing for Jireh

Weird love non-triangles
All over the ******* place

- - -

We drank so much

I remember drinking every day for
The last month of my junior year
In WC14

Movie night?
Word: White Russians
Pair well with Bladerunner

My shame was so strong that
Even when I was blacked out
(Or nearly blacked out)
I could still use a Treuschler
Bathroom to ****

Then stare at myself in the mirror
And be disgusted with my
Own reflection

“You love him.
You love Cristo.”

“You’re ******* gay, bro.”
“SAY IT. "


. . .

“******* coward.”

Shame slicing right
Through the shitfacedness
For self chastisement

- - -

I told him I was gay
At a club in Baltimore a few days
Before I left for Micronesia

He said: “Where are we going
for your send off?”

I said: “The Hippo.”

He said: “You know that’s a
gay bar, right?”

“Yeah, man. It’s cool.”

I told him after returning from
Peace Corps
That I’d been in love
With him in our college

Cool, collected and responsive
As usual, he said:

“Thank you.”
Emily Moser May 2014
Dont **** me,
Heart-**** me.

*a poem from your gayness
Aditya Roy Aug 2019
I'm different from the advertisements
I'm different from being able to check the diffident
I'm differently formed, coffered the affidavit
The defendant left me in a spell of the time that I had lost
Imbibing my guilt in the adequate alacrity, inevitable wasn't it
The loss of my sensible sagaciousness and I took it to curtsy for my childish grin
Smirks and lenience were standing upon at gaze, in the confused crowd
Only you, you were standing in the surface flowing with troughs of tridents of storms
Making choices beyond your gayness, and pristine condition was your choice of gentleness
noun: arrival
the action or process of arriving
a newly emerged development or product.
Jackie Apr 2013
I'm gay
But I never wanted to be
I never wanted this permanent thing
That defines me
I was ashamed of myself
I hated myself
I thought the church would turn their backs on me
I thought God didn't want me
Who would want a gay daughter
I would pray that I was straight
Yell at the top of my lungs
"Lord take this gayness away!"
I got no reply
That day I almost took my life
Stop the noise
Stop the looks
Stop the hatred
Just make it stop
All that time I couldn't see
That God truly loved me
I missed all the signs
To worried about the pain inside
He wasn't ashamed
He loves me
He loves everybody
God made me this way
Not to suffer
But to inspire
That's what I'm going to do
Express my point of view
God didn't make me this way
Because He hates me
He did it because He loves me
Travis Green Feb 2022
Even though you were straight
I thought it would be great if you were gay
I longed to see the sparkle in your heart
The magically spectacular rainbow in your soul

I wanted to dance in lovingly lavender gardens
Throughout the day and night
Smell your precious, refreshing fragrance

Let our lips meet in unison
Erupting seduction eminent
Swathed in the solidness of your masculineness

Feeling your immaculate bare body against mine
Your hands on my chest
Giving them the best massage

Lock me in your arms tighter
Be awed by my beauty like a dazzling star
Make me feel collected in your incredibleness
I adore your tallness
Your thugalicious swagger
Your consumable, creamy, and velvety chocolate body

******* gayness
Tantalize my spine with your tongue
Let your mouth mesh with the back of my neck

I want a ******* love with you
Holding on to your body
I cherish your treasure

The contours of your face are gorgeous
Your body is a warm place always to stay
To collapse into your attractiveness

— The End —