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Mula sa pamilya ng mga dukha
Binhi nina Santiago at Catalina
Itong bayani na tunay na pangmasa

Dahil sa kahirapan, nagtrabaho ng kung anu-ano
Nagtinda ng mga baston at mga abaniko
Naging ahenteng naglalako at matiising bodegero

‘Di akalaing ang lakas ng mga bisig
Maaaring sandata sa mga manlulupig
Ni Andres na pangalan palang ay kaykisig

Subalit ‘di umasa sa lakas ng katawan
Pinatalas niya ring kusa sariling isipan
Inaral ang siyensiya at sining ng digmaan

Mga kababayan ay tinipon niya
Upang sa mga dayuhan lumusob, makibaka
Anak ng Tondo, Ama ng Katipunan – iyon siya!

*Bonifacio Day & Start of the Year of the Poor in Philippine Church Calendar
My Poem No. 284
Post-azure, cloud splashed sky,
washes with the suns descent,
breaking into melodies of sunset.
Fracturing into a blush,
the richness of the spectrum
makes itself known.
On a tangent of change,
amorphous clouds bleed
amber glow
and bittersweet combinations
of reds and yellows.
Vermillion streaks through,
and a few cloud folk turn titian,
like sumptuous surreal apricots
rotting in the sky,
that seem to augur
encroaching darkness.
Billows on the horizon
leak crimson,
like spilled wine on table cloth,
and pucker out
like blooms of flaming roses.
Fire refracted
coloured cousins of the sun
are dancing all about.

Here is the anthem
of wild transformation.
Here is cause
for quiet celebration.
Here at this fluent juncture.
Here at the closing of day.

The whole of the ocean below,
is the skies tremendous mirror.
It's reflection is variegated,
into variations a thousandfold.
Multitudinous, and ever differentiated,
distortions of above
ride the crests of waves.
Each apex is a new story.
Each new story,
just as soon as it is told,
comes crashing into trough.
Each finale is the ****** of beginning.
The dynamic roar
of the oceans ever-changing topology
is rife with meaning.

Colossal symphonic wonders,
the primordial song,
releasing upon: the uni-
verse continual,
sending the manifest
to move, with the give and strain
of immaculate design.

Here ensconced
between the safety of light
and the mystery of night.
Here at the oceans edge.

Above, shades of catalina-blue, in conversation
with the outer most cosmic-black
dismiss earlier brighter hues.
Tinged by the infinite nature of space,
the jeweled dome darkens.
Overhead, the first stars appear,
sky transparent to beheld blackness.

Luxuriant, pulling horizon, attracts
violet into it's unfolding theatrics.
Bloodied clouds turn purplish, then black,
a darkening rawness allures,
decaying with vivid beauty,
tragedies of a rouged romance
drug down into shadows play,
searingly alive, extraordinarily actual.

And then, the hush of dusk.
Darkness is felled, like silence.
Scintillating stars
strengthen in the nights
surrounding abyss;
giving radiance definition.

Dynamic Beauty
Lives In Transition,
Erin Kay Jun 2013
I wish it was easy for me to do what you do,
But I have never been very good at opening myself up.

You do it with such elegance.

Your every word begs for attention and leaks a little of you into the air.
People breathe you like oxygen,
and have come to need you even more.


Your eyes tell me what mine could be like
If I dared to follow in your
Rebellious, graceful,
Albeit complicated footsteps;

once again you are the first one on the dance floor,
But the beat I hear most clearly when I'm around you
Is not the one you inspire Club One to clap to.

One million loose-lipped ladies and never a line about you,
because no one has it in them to talk about what isn't in you.

You are a poet's dream.
You are pure beauty in its rarest form--sincerity.
You are every coin thrown in a hat,
every victory yell,
every unexpected smile at the turn of something new,
every bird who refuses to fly in a pattern.

You are what's inside every note.
You are fiercely loved.
You are frustratingly, and unfathomably,
too good for words.

and only the sunshine deserves you.
Written for a dear, dear friend.
Poemasabi Jun 2013
I had to run to the store today at lunchtime
we were out of paper plates
we had a party last night
and didn't want to have to do dishes again

While there and while moving quite quickly
although in the shape I am in, "quickly" is being very kind to myself

I came across a man
In a blue blazer
with yellow shorts and
knee-high yellow socks
in beige shoes

My first thought was
I need to get paper plates
my father-in-law is waiting for his lunch
he's eighty nine and flew over the Pacific
during WWII in a PBY Catalina
one of the most beautiful flying boats ever created
pulling pilots out of the water
who had come up short in a dogfight
or of fuel
I needed to get paper plates

This isn't Bermuda old chap
or a cricket match in Rhoorkee
the british invented great campaign chairs there
this is Connecticut but then

I realized that I knew the man
I had worked with him in a previous life
in a long dead company
that burst before the internet bubble did
He was a former British Sergeant Major
and as such took his colonial British very seriously
that attitude fascinates me
his office I recalled, looked like a colonial governor's office in India

So I said hi
and we talked for a bit
and wished each other well
and said good bye
as I needed to get paper plates
my father-in-law was waiting for his lunch
Oídos con el alma,
pasos mentales más que sombras,
sombras del pensamiento más que pasos,
por el camino de ecos
que la memoria inventa y borra:
sin caminar caminan
sobre este ahora, puente
tendido entre una letra y otra.
Como llovizna sobre brasas
dentro de mí los pasos pasan
hacia lugares que se vuelven aire.
Nombres: en una pausa
desaparecen, entre dos palabras.
El sol camina sobre los escombros
de lo que digo, el sol arrasa los parajes
confusamente apenas
amaneciendo en esta página,
el sol abre mi frente,
                                        balcón al voladero
dentro de mí.

                            Me alejo de mí mismo,
sigo los titubeos de esta frase,
senda de piedras y de cabras.
Relumbran las palabras en la sombra.
Y la negra marea de las sílabas
cubre el papel y entierra
sus raíces de tinta
en el subsuelo del lenguaje.
Desde mi frente salgo a un mediodía
del tamaño del tiempo.
El asalto de siglos del baniano
contra la vertical paciencia de la tapia
es menos largo que esta momentánea
bifurcación del pesamiento
entre lo presentido y lo sentido.
Ni allá ni aquí: por esa linde
de duda, transitada
sólo por espejeos y vislumbres,
donde el lenguaje se desdice,
voy al encuentro de mí mismo.
La hora es bola de cristal.
Entro en un patio abandonado:
aparición de un fresno.
Verdes exclamaciones
del viento entre las ramas.
Del otro lado está el vacío.
Patio inconcluso, amenazado
por la escritura y sus incertidumbres.
Ando entre las imágenes de un ojo
desmemoriado. Soy una de sus imágenes.
El fresno, sinuosa llama líquida,
es un rumor que se levanta
hasta volverse torre hablante.
Jardín ya matorral: su fiebre inventa bichos
que luego copian las mitologías.
Adobes, cal y tiempo:
entre ser y no ser los pardos muros.
Infinitesimales prodigios en sus grietas:
el hongo duende, vegetal Mitrídates,
la lagartija y sus exhalaciones.
Estoy dentro del ojo: el pozo
donde desde el principio un niño
está cayendo, el pozo donde cuento
lo que tardo en caer desde el principio,
el pozo de la cuenta de mi cuento
por donde sube el agua y baja
mi sombra.

                        El patio, el muro, el fresno, el pozo
en una claridad en forma de laguna
se desvanecen. Crece en sus orillas
una vegetación de transparencias.
Rima feliz de montes y edificios,
se desdobla el paisaje en el abstracto
espejo de la arquitectura.
Apenas dibujada,
suerte de coma horizontal (-)
entre el cielo y la tierra,
una piragua solitaria.
Las olas hablan nahua.
Cruza un signo volante las alturas.
Tal vez es una fecha, conjunción de destinos:
el haz de cañas, prefiguración del brasero.
El pedernal, la cruz, esas llaves de sangre
¿alguna vez abrieron las puertas de la muerte?
La luz poniente se demora,
alza sobre la alfombra simétricos incendios,
vuelve llama quimérica
este volumen lacre que hojeo
(estampas: los volcanes, los cúes y, tendido,
manto de plumas sobre el agua,
Tenochtitlán todo empapado en sangre).
Los libros del estante son ya brasas
que el sol atiza con sus manos rojas.
Se rebela el lápiz a seguir el dictado.
En la escritura que la nombra
se eclipsa la laguna.
Doblo la hoja. Cuchicheos:
me espían entre los follajes
de las letras.

                          Un charco es mi memoria.
Lodoso espejo: ¿dónde estuve?
Sin piedad y sin cólera mis ojos
me miran a los ojos
desde las aguas turbias de ese charco
que convocan ahora mis palabras.
No veo con los ojos: las palabras
son mis ojos. vivimos entre nombres;
lo que no tiene nombre todavía
no existe: Adán de lodo,
No un muñeco de barro, una metáfora.
Ver al mundo es deletrearlo.
Espejo de palabras: ¿dónde estuve?
Mis palabras me miran desde el charco
de mi memoria. Brillan,
entre enramadas de reflejos,
nubes varadas y burbujas,
sobre un fondo del ocre al brasilado,
las sílabas de agua.
Ondulación de sombras, visos, ecos,
no escritura de signos: de rumores.
Mis ojos tienen sed. El charco es senequista:
el agua, aunque potable, no se bebe: se lee.
Al sol del altiplano se evaporan los charcos.
Queda un polvo desleal
y unos cuantos vestigios intestados.
¿Dónde estuve?

                                  Yo estoy en donde estuve:
entre los muros indecisos
del mismo patio de palabras.
Abderramán, Pompeyo, Xicoténcatl,
batallas en el Oxus o en la barda
con Ernesto y Guillermo. La mil hojas,
verdinegra escultura del murmullo,
jaula del sol y la centella
breve del chupamirto: la higuera primordial,
capilla vegetal de rituales
polimorfos, diversos y perversos.
Revelaciones y abominaciones:
el cuerpo y sus lenguajes
entretejidos, nudo de fantasmas
palpados por el pensamiento
y por el tacto disipados,
argolla de la sangre, idea fija
en mi frente clavada.
El deseo es señor de espectros,
somos enredaderas de aire
en árboles de viento,
manto de llamas inventado
y devorado por la llama.
La hendedura del tronco:
****, sello, pasaje serpentino
cerrado al sol y a mis miradas,
abierto a las hormigas.

La hendedura fue pórtico
del más allá de lo mirado y lo pensado:
allá dentro son verdes las mareas,
la sangre es verde, el fuego verde,
entre las yerbas negras arden estrellas verdes:
es la música verde de los élitros
en la prístina noche de la higuera;
-allá dentro son ojos las yemas de los dedos,
el tacto mira, palpan las miradas,
los ojos oyen los olores;
-allá dentro es afuera,
es todas partes y ninguna parte,
las cosas son las mismas y son otras,
encarcelado en un icosaedro
hay un insecto tejedor de música
y hay otro insecto que desteje
los silogismos que la araña teje
colgada de los hilos de la luna;
-allá dentro el espacio
en una mano abierta y una frente
que no piensa ideas sino formas
que respiran, caminan, hablan, cambian
y silenciosamente se evaporan;
-allá dentro, país de entretejidos ecos,
se despeña la luz, lenta cascada,
entre los labios de las grietas:
la luz es agua, el agua tiempo diáfano
donde los ojos lavan sus imágenes;
-allá dentro los cables del deseo
fingen eternidades de un segundo
que la mental corriente eléctrica
enciende, apaga, enciende,
resurrecciones llameantes
del alfabeto calcinado;
-no hay escuela allá dentro,
siempre es el mismo día, la misma noche siempre,
no han inventado el tiempo todavía,
no ha envejecido el sol,
esta nieve es idéntica a la yerba,
siempre y nunca es lo mismo,
nunca ha llovido y llueve siempre,
todo está siendo y nunca ha sido,
pueblo sin nombre de las sensaciones,
nombres que buscan cuerpo,
impías transparencias,
jaulas de claridad donde se anulan
la identidad entre sus semejanzas,
la diferencia en sus contradicciones.
La higuera, sus falacias y su sabiduría:
prodigios de la tierra
-fidedignos, puntuales, redundantes-
y la conversación con los espectros.
Aprendizajes con la higuera:
hablar con vivos y con muertos.
También conmigo mismo.

                                                    La procesión del
cambios que son repeticiones.
El paso de las horas y su peso.
La madrugada: más que luz, un vaho
de claridad cambiada en gotas grávidas
sobre los vidrios y las hojas:
el mundo se atenúa
en esas oscilantes geometrías
hasta volverse el filo de un reflejo.
Brota el día, prorrumpe entre las hojas
gira sobre sí mismo
y de la vacuidad en que se precipita
surge, otra vez corpóreo.
El tiempo es luz filtrada.
Revienta el fruto *****
en encarnada florescencia,
la rota rama escurre savia lechosa y acre.
Metamorfosis de la higuera:
si el otoño la quema, su luz la transfigura.
Por los espacios diáfanos
se eleva descarnada virgen negra.
El cielo es giratorio
viran au ralenti, sus
insubstanciales geografías.
Llamas entre las nieves de las nubes.
La tarde más y más es miel quemada.
Derrumbe silencioso de horizontes:
la luz se precipita de las cumbres,
la sombra se derrama por el llano.

A la luz de la lámpara -la noche
ya dueña de la casa y el fantasma
de mi abuelo ya dueño de la noche-
yo penetraba en el silencio,
cuerpo sin cuerpo, tiempo
sin horas. Cada noche,
máquinas transparentes del delirio,
dentro de mí los libros levantaban
arquitecturas sobre una sima edificadas.
Las alza un soplo del espíritu,
un parpadeo las deshace.
Yo junté leña con los otros
y lloré con el humo de la pira
del domador de potros;
vagué por la arboleda navegante
que arrastra el Tajo turbiamente verde:
la líquida espesura se encrespaba
tras de la fugitiva Galatea;
vi en racimos las sombras agolpadas
para beber la sangre de la zanja:
mejor quebrar terrones
por la ración de perro del
labrador avaro
que regir las naciones pálidas
de los muertos;
tuve sed, vi demonios en el Gobi;
en la gruta nadé con la sirena
(y después, en el sueño purgativo,
fendendo i drappi, e mostravami'l
quel mí svegliò col
puzzo che n'nuscia);
grabé sobre mi tumba imaginaria:
no muevas esta lápida,
soy rico sólo en huesos;
aquellas memorables
pecosas peras encontradas
en la cesta verbal de Villaurrutia;
Carlos Garrote, eterno medio hermano,
Dios te salve, me dijo al
y era, por los espejos del insomnio
repetido, yo mismo el que me hería;
Isis y el asno Lucio; el pulpo y Nemo;
y los libros marcados por las armas de Príapo,
leídos en las tardes diluviales
el cuerpo tenso, la mirada intensa.
Nombres anclados en el golfo
de mi frente: yo escribo porque el druida,
bajo el rumor de sílabas del himno,
encina bien plantada en una página,
me dio el gajo de muérdago, el conjuro
que hace brotar palabras de la peña.
Los nombres acumulan sus imágenes.
Las imágenes acumulan sus gaseosas,
conjeturales confederaciones.
Nubes y nubes, fantasmal galope
de las nubes sobre las crestas
de mi memoria. Adolescencia,
país de nubes.

                            Casa grande,
encallada en un tiempo
azolvado. La plaza, los árboles enormes
donde anidaba el sol, la iglesia enana
-su torre les llegaba a las rodillas
pero su doble lengua de metal
a los difuntos despertaba.
Bajo la arcada, en garbas militares,
las cañas, lanzas verdes,
carabinas de azúcar;
en el portal, el tendejón magenta:
frescor de agua en penumbra,
ancestrales petates, luz trenzada,
y sobre el zinc del mostrador,
diminutos planetas desprendidos
del árbol meridiano,
los tejocotes y las mandarinas,
amarillos montones de dulzura.
Giran los años en la plaza,
rueda de Santa Catalina,
y no se mueven.

                                Mis palabras,
al hablar de la casa, se agrietan.
Cuartos y cuartos, habitados
sólo por sus fantasmas,
sólo por el rencor de los mayores
habitados. Familias,
criaderos de alacranes:
como a los perros dan con la pitanza
vidrio molido, nos alimentan con sus odios
y la ambición dudosa de ser alguien.
También me dieron pan, me dieron tiempo,
claros en los recodos de los días,
remansos para estar solo conmigo.
Niño entre adultos taciturnos
y sus terribles niñerías,
niño por los pasillos de altas puertas,
habitaciones con retratos,
crepusculares cofradías de los ausentes,
niño sobreviviente
de los espejos sin memoria
y su pueblo de viento:
el tiempo y sus encarnaciones
resuelto en simulacros de reflejos.
En mi casa los muertos eran más que los vivos.
Mi madre, niña de mil años,
madre del mundo, huérfana de mí,
abnegada, feroz, obtusa, providente,
jilguera, perra, hormiga, jabalina,
carta de amor con faltas de lenguaje,
mi madre: pan que yo cortaba
con su propio cuchillo cada día.
Los fresnos me enseñaron,
bajo la lluvia, la paciencia,
a cantar cara al viento vehemente.
Virgen somnílocua, una tía
me enseñó a ver con los ojos cerrados,
ver hacia dentro y a través del muro.
Mi abuelo a sonreír en la caída
y a repetir en los desastres: al
hecho, pecho.
(Esto que digo es tierra
sobre tu nombre derramada: blanda te
Del vómito a la sed,
atado al potro del alcohol,
mi padre iba y venía entre las llamas.
Por los durmientes y los rieles
de una estación de moscas y de polvo
una tarde juntamos sus pedazos.
Yo nunca pude hablar con él.
Lo encuentro ahora en sueños,
esa borrosa patria de los muertos.
Hablamos siempre de otras cosas.
Mientras la casa se desmoronaba
yo crecía. Fui (soy) yerba, maleza
entre escombros anónimos.

como una frente libre, un libro abierto.
No me multiplicaron los espejos
codiciosos que vuelven
cosas los hombres, número las cosas:
ni mando ni ganancia. La santidad tampoco:
el cielo para mí pronto fue un cielo
deshabitado, una hermosura hueca
y adorable. Presencia suficiente,
cambiante: el tiempo y sus epifanías.
No me habló dios entre las nubes:
entre las hojas de la higuera
me habló el cuerpo, los cuerpos de mi cuerpo.
Encarnaciones instantáneas:
tarde lavada por la lluvia,
luz recién salida del agua,
el vaho femenino de las plantas
piel a mi piel pegada: ¡súcubo!
-como si al fin el tiempo coincidiese
consigo mismo y yo con él,
como si el tiempo y sus dos tiempos
fuesen un solo tiempo
que ya no fuese tiempo, un tiempo
donde siempre es ahora y a
todas horas siempre,
como si yo y mi doble fuesen uno
y yo no fuese ya.
Granada de la hora: bebí sol, comí tiempo.
Dedos de luz abrían los follajes.
Zumbar de abejas en mi sangre:
el blanco advenimiento.
Me arrojó la descarga
a la orilla más sola. Fui un extraño
entre las vastas ruinas de la tarde.
Vértigo abstracto: hablé conmigo,
fui doble, el tiempo se rompió.

Atónita en lo alto del minuto
la carne se hace verbo -y el verbo se despeña.
Saberse desterrado en la tierra, siendo tierra,
es saberse mortal. Secreto a voces
y también secreto vacío, sin nada adentro:
no hay muertos, sólo hay muerte, madre nuestra.
Lo sabía el azteca, lo adivinaba el griego:
el agua es fuego y en su tránsito
nosotros somos sólo llamaradas.
La muerte es madre de las formas…
El sonido, bastón de ciego del sentido:
escribo muerte y vivo en ella
por un instante. Habito su sonido:
es un cubo neumático de vidrio,
vibra sobre esta página,
desaparece entre sus ecos.
Paisajes de palabras:
los despueblan mis ojos al leerlos.
No importa: los propagan mis oídos.
Brotan allá, en las zonas indecisas
del lenguaje, palustres poblaciones.
Son criaturas anfibias, con palabras.
Pasan de un elemento a otro,
se bañan en el fuego, reposan en el aire.
Están del otro lado. No las oigo, ¿qué dicen?
No dicen: hablan, hablan.

                                Salto de un cuento a otro
por un puente colgante de once sílabas.
Un cuerpo vivo aunque intangible el aire,
en todas partes siempre y en ninguna.
Duerme con los ojos abiertos,
se acuesta entre las yerbas y amanece rocío,
se persigue a sí mismo y habla solo en los túneles,
es un tornillo que perfora montes,
nadador en la mar brava del fuego
es invisible surtidor de ayes
levanta a pulso dos océanos,
anda perdido por las calles
palabra en pena en busca de sentido,
aire que se disipa en aire.
¿Y para qué digo todo esto?
Para decir que en pleno mediodía
el aire se poblaba de fantasmas,
sol acuñado en alas,
ingrávidas monedas, mariposas.
Anochecer. En la terraza
oficiaba la luna silenciaria.
La cabeza de muerto, mensajera
de las ánimas, la fascinante fascinada
por las camelias y la luz eléctrica,
sobre nuestras cabezas era un revoloteo
de conjuros opacos. ¡Mátala!
gritaban las mujeres
y la quemaban como bruja.
Después, con un suspiro feroz, se santiguaban.
Luz esparcida, Psiquis…

¿Hay mensajeros? Sí,
cuerpo tatuado de señales
es el espacio, el aire es invisible
tejido de llamadas y respuestas.
Animales y cosas se hacen lenguas,
a través de nosotros habla consigo mismo
el universo. Somos un fragmento
-pero cabal en su inacabamiento-
de su discurso. Solipsismo
coherente y vacío:
desde el principio del principio
¿qué dice? Dice que nos dice.
Se lo dice a sí mismo. Oh
madness of discourse,
that cause sets up with and against

Desde lo alto del minuto
despeñado en la tarde plantas fanerógamas
me descubrió la muerte.
Y yo en la muerte descubrí al lenguaje.
El universo habla solo
pero los hombres hablan con los hombres:
hay historia. Guillermo, Alfonso, Emilio:
el corral de los juegos era historia
y era historia jugar a morir juntos.
La polvareda, el grito, la caída:
algarabía, no discurso.
En el vaivén errante de las cosas,
por las revoluciones de las formas
y de los tiempos arrastradas,
cada una pelea con las otras,
cada una se alza, ciega, contra sí misma.
Así, según la hora cae desen-
lazada, su injusticia pagan. (Anaximandro.)
La injusticia de ser: las cosas sufren
unas con otras y consigo mismas
por ser un querer más, siempre ser más que más.
Ser tiempo es la condena, nuestra pena es la historia.
Pero también es el lug
Carlo C Gomez Sep 2020
I begin anew
I begin with you

You are my isthmus
You are my tombolo

You connect me
You ground me

To this place
To this duration

One heart
One love
"Catalina" means a girl that makes you realize how amazing life is, and how every day prior to meeting her, seemed like a day wasted.
Abbie hailed a yellow top cabbie

Brenda had a sister in-law named Glenda

Cate ran late on her first date

Delly ate seven bowls of lemon jelly

Edwina drove to the town of Catalina

Fran burnt her finger on the very hot frying pan

Gwen had a strong yen to go and see her aunty Jen

Hope bought her husband a towing rope

Isobel fell under the magician's spell

Joann took her mother on a holiday in a caravan

Kylie went to the dentist with her brother Wylie

Lesley liked listening to Elvis Presley

Marcia enjoyed eating a freshly baked focaccia

Nell saw a turtle coming out of his shell

Olga lived at the top end of the river Volga

Primrose had a Pinocchio nose

Queenie knitted a multicolored beanie

Ruth could never tell the whole truth

Stacey loved playing dress ups with her friend Tracey

Tilly behavior was always rather silly

Una bought a house in the suburb of Yagonna

Verity wanted to be a well known celebrity

Winifred never stopped taking about Alfred

Xena was presented with a court subpoena

Yale told her teacher a tall tale

Zealand ventured out into the bushland
Alex Oct 2019

Just a goof I swear*

Call this the Catalina.
Your girl p#### wetter than aquafina
Whispers in my ear how she nastier than Trina
Grabbed me by the d### and swore she'd make me a believer
Then we left the crowd as we headed toward her beamer
Thinking to myself, this girl might be a keeper
Opened up the door,
I see her knees getting weaker
Turned around and told me, how she is a screamer
Cool with me, just gonna cut up the speakers
Both climb aboard, says she wanna play receiver,
I will do the chores, I can be your cleaner
Just call me Stanley Steamer,
now girl drop it down and show me that ******
We f##### so hard I believe I broke a femur
All I heard was SNAP,
Turned so red thought she caught scarlet fever
Looks me in the eyes, and begs I never ever leave her
Read between the lines, I seen her as a deceiver
Then she ****** me dry, nicknamed is over-achiever
Hopped out the whip, said I dont like your demeanor
Frustration made me trip so I threw up a finger
Yelled before I dip, good luck with the gonorrhea
Haven't seen her since and I hope I don't either.



It's just a goof I swear
ConnectHook Feb 2017
Southwestern Dis-United States of Memory*

Piñon smoke and sagebrush, voice of New Mexico night driving into an Arizona dawn rising over dreaming pueblos, low-ridden plazas, kivas and ruined cities’ rubble traced and highlighted by sunlight, Anglo angling into Aztec toward Zuni over arid zones… A to Z to El Dorado; a voice covers the high hills with a dusting of snow—every word hangs in the notes of the song: music to fall apart to, breakdown to, hurling the soul  into the bottomless well of psychotic nostalgia: *música de cavanga
, falling into the depths. Melody pushing to the threshold of a bar and leaving you there with cash in your pocket and no ride home. The warmth inside beckons—you step across as the song fills, swells, intoxicates, then excavates the wall of the dam until it collapses. The fatal mistake: you read too much into the lyrics of shallow love songs. The deathwish beast of despair arises, the flooded plains dazzle your eyes, the Indian girl smiles on the rim of the grand canyon, the tattooed cholo pulls a knife in the trailer park, the dark waters under the bridge murmur and surge with regret; el río de Las Animas, Durango CO, Aztec calligraphy on the wall: Las Cruces, NM; Clifton, Morenci, Globe, AZ: stepped pyramids of copper tailings, gang-warred walls in fallen barrios covered in Chicano hieroglyphics, the ruined huts of shepherds and cowboys, pit-house dwellings’ flaked arrowheads and pottery fragments scattered forever in the coyote laugh of desert dusk. Crepuscular colors on the names of mountain ranges: Santa Catalina, Sangre de Cristo, Sandia, each one a separate sunset delirium—then you ride through the night to the city of palm trees and the orange-lined boulevards of Heaven.

The singer herself grew old but her YouTubes live forever.
Voice of Linda Ronstadt, especially her early stuff:
♥ Evergreen (pt. 1)
♥ December Dream
♥ One for One

           I ♥ THE STONE PONYS !
Adrianna Aarons Dec 2014
Feeling should be beautiful,
not so ******* painful all the time.
CA Guilfoyle Feb 2013
Polished stone, bare *****- rafters loomed above
silent owls swooped, black before the dawn
red wood carved with sorrow's blood
masks to hide behind - some never found
So swift to pass upon the earth
ashes, silence underground
Diego painted the Santa Catalina's
mountains now hung upon a wall
have found him glorious
in the lost barrio
Molly Smithson Nov 2011
Don't forget that,
I whisper to
The pillow under
Your cool moonlight.
A sacrifice to
My God,

To your terra-cotta lips,
Warm and glimmering,
Like the tiles on a July day,
On that chateau we stayed at in Nice.

To your laugh,
Gaffawing at a viral sensation,
Bursting like the atomic bombs,
To me, it's a champagne cork,
That night in the balcony fountain.

To your eyelids closed,
The same ivory shade of your breast,
And our children's cheeks
As you held them, cuddle them,
Tickle them, sob with them,
So right in our roomy, rickety home.

To your breath,
Taken in like a quick pull of a line,
Your arching spine,
Parallels the bridge above our heads,
As we sail on
Catalina in the Sound.

To your hands,
Crinkled soft like paper,
Tears ran down those creases
As we passed through the shadows.

But don't cry, wherever you are,
For I am with you.
In the creaking of the pedals,
As you tumble off your bike.
The sheets pulled over your face,
Your body racked with sobs for
Some boy, a cosmic second.

I am with you in the bright gold of your cords,
As you cross the stage for your diploma.
I am with you on the dreary playground,
As children in puffer coats and hats pick fun at you.
I am with you in the collegiate cologne
of the moment you gave it all up,
Some boy, a cosmic second.

But I am with you most in
The moment you gained it all back,
That supernova, explosion
When we realized, like two old friends
We'd been there together all the long,
Birth to *** to birth to sick to death
And all the love between,
And then there was no part.
TreadingWater Nov 2015
Woke from fitfull sleep {ifyoucallitthat}
to see her perfect silhouette
and as clearly as I saw her outine
i thought of you,
lying supine in my bed

Although that is a choice;
you have not come to know
like my westward island
it's a place where you could shore

The clarity of her shape so close and yet there is ocean that divides
some say I couldn't swim to her
but I know it's merely space and

and miles are meant for crossing
and time is an idea forged by man
she my westward constant
how I want~ you ~ in my hands
Terry Collett Mar 2013
Catalina waits for Arturo to come,
she has been prepared, told how
to lay and what to expect (to a
degree) and to wait and be ready.

Her attendants have left after
much fussing and tidying and
words of advice.  She lies on
the four poster bed, the hard

mattress beneath her, white
overstuffed pillows, staring at
her feet, wiggling her toes,
scratching her nose. She hears

voices, the door opens and he
comes in followed by others,
he looks at her shyly, looks
away, his friends whisper,

make suggestions, he laughs,
they guffaw, then seeing it's
time to go they make their
farewells, and leave the room,

closing the door behind them
with a click. She looks at him,
thin, tall, pale as moonlight,
clean shaven with his mop

of dark hair, standing there.
He looks at her lying on the
bed, hair dressed just so,
nightgown open at her soft

neck, small ******* just visible,
her hands together as if
about to pray. What to say?
He coughs, taps his hairless

chest. She smiles and taps the
place beside her on the bed,
her slim fingers childlike in
their smallness, ringed, his

wedding ring on the finger
next to another gold one of
smaller size. He climbs into
bed, senses the hard base,

his buttocks supported, his
heels feeling the silk sheet.
She mouths words, he doesn’t
hear, she smiles, hopes, waits.

He studies her eyes, her lips,
the thin brows, the parted hair.
She gently pulls him to her,
he allows her to move him

near, feels her hand upon
his wrist, her other upon his
narrow back.  He settles uneasy
between her thighs, she opens

to him like a flower, he hesitates,
hands either side of her head,
staring at her eyes, the sparkle,
candle light bright there. She

waits, her buttocks warm against
the silk, sees his eyes sponge
like soak her in, but he stiffens,
becomes arched, looks away,

closes his eyes. She waits,
nothing stirs, his breathing
deepens, his eyebrows rise,
his lips mouth sounds, he

makes motion, coughs, moves
off, lies still stares at the curtains
about the bed, the colour in
the candle’s light. She folds her

legs together, her knees touching,
waiting, gazes at him sideways on,
his profile, pale, his eyes shut tight.
No *** with him, she thinks, no

consummation, the marriage bed
unfed, no ****** bleed, no red rose
plucked, untouched, unfucked.
Then he ups and runs out

the door which closes with a click.
She lays there, her knees bent,
her hands at her sides, her small
******* soften, relax, her eyes stare,

her ears sharp for sounds, none
but whispers from behind the door,
coughs, splutters, soft conversation.
Was that it? they whisper, was that

the consummation?  She lies silent,
unused, unloved or was it just too
much, too soon? She sighs, gazing
at the sky and coin like moon.
Ellie Stelter Nov 2011
Oh, ******, my little Spanish sorrow,
Me encanta la camino captó la luz en tus ojos
Me encanta la forma tus sueños flotan a través del mundo de dormir
Oh, osito, my little love,
Tú, que hace reír a todo el mundo,
Y tú, que me hace cantar,
Te amo, y no puedo ayudar pero de amar todo de ti.
Oh Catalina, my lost one,
Te extraño, y me da dolor en mi corazón
Te extraño, y me da dolor a amarte así
Oh, mi amor, mi vida, mi sueño, mi esperanza,
¡Lo poco de tu me queda!
Oh ******, my little Spanish sorrow,
I love the way you caught the light in your eyes
I love the way your dreams float through the world of sleep
Oh little bear, my little love,
You, who makes the whole world laugh,
And you, that makes me sing;
I love you, and I cannot help but love all of you.
Oh Catalina, my lost one,
I miss you, and it makes my heart ache,
I miss you, and it gives me pain to love you so.
Oh, my love, my life, my dream, my hope,
What little I have left of you!
Hope May 2015
Don’t stand for too long
Or even wiggle
Because that's exercise
And exercising is a behavior
Unless it’s time for the daily walk;
Then you must go
Even if it hurts and you feel like a dog
On an invisible leash.
Never spend too much time alone
In a room away from the people you barely know
With whom you are stuck all day and night and
Forced to share toilets and
Puked-in shower drains and
Cramped kitchen counters and
Painful secrets you wouldn’t even tell your mother.
Precious heartbeats spent alone
Are called isolating and they are bad.

A smear of avocado hastily forgotten on a butter knife
Raises suspicion and a quarter teaspoon more must be replaced.
But heaven help you
If you pour a milliliter too much orange juice.
This is disordered behavior
And the few offending drops must be poured out.
Time will teach you
That wholesome rosy-faced girls much younger than you are
Holding clipboards with your life on them
Will treat you like a child
And disregard your hard-earned quarter-century
As a fish disregards an airplane.
Black tea past three o’clock is criminal;
It must be eschewed
Lest the minuscule amount of caffeine
Affect your sleep eight hours before bedtime
And override the Seroquel and the Ambien and the lithium.

And don’t you ever shut the door or flush the toilet
‘Til they’ve come in
To ogle your **** and ****
And when you’ve finally proven yourself trustworthy enough
To shut the door and flush
Never stay in for more than three minutes,
Even when taking a dump.
You will be suspected of purging
And you will be grilled like that eggplant you didn’t taste
Until you beg them to take your blood and say
Please please check the electrolytes and the pH
And I will even *** in a cup!
I don’t care! I just need you to know
I’m telling the truth.
And never say you feel sick to your stomach
Especially when it’s true.
That’s just an excuse people like us use
When we want to yodel to God
On the big white telephone.

Thirty seconds stolen in your room
To brush unruly hair is forbidden
Unless your waist-length hair
Is nearing dreadlock status
Because you might be Up To Something in there.
You can say **** but not fat
Unless you are justifying a tablespoon
Of Catalina dressing
To the Food Police.
You can’t have a hand mirror because
You might smash it and hurt yourself
But you will be surrounded
With lovely, breakable little picture frames
Full of inspirational quotes.

If you’re upset at dinner
It’s called anxiety.
If your heart hurts and skips beats
From years of puking your guts up every day,
It’s called anxiety.
If you need your space
It’s called anxiety.
If you can’t meditate
And you get so bored that
You let a juicy pregnant wolf spider crawl
Over your hand and arm seventeen times
And instead of OM SHANTI OM your inward chant
Is I Am The Walrus
It’s anxiety.
If you tell them you’re not anxious
It’s anxiety.

You can’t have your wallet
And your phone at the same time
So you’re less likely to run away
But they never check to see
Where your debit card and ID went off to
When you trade in your wallet for your phone.
They never notice the triumphant curve on your lips
Nor the slight stiff rectangle
In the breast pocket of the flannel shirt
That is perpetually around your waist.
You will keep these with you
All day and all night
In case someone drives the final corkscrew
Into your ear and you must vamoose
Before you find yourself
Floating white-knuckled in a deluge of blood
Grasping a cheese grater
Surrounded by seeping lumps of people meat.

But this house models the real world.
You are sick and you have no idea
What’s best for you.
After three weeks they know
Exactly how you work
And if you don’t agree with that
You are wrong.
You will relapse one day.
If you don’t agree with that,
You’re wrong and you will die
Because you can never quit cold turkey with food.

You must learn to enjoy the food
That you fight and claw and scramble to make,
To enjoy each perfectly metered tablespoon
Of peanut butter,
To delight in hastily and stressfully prepared dishes
Upon which you are terrified to put condiments
For fear of being told the selection is inappropriate,
To relish weak iced tea with no ice because
Someone took it all and never filled the tray,
Sparingly seasoned with two Splendas,
Carefully handed out and locked away by the keyholders,
Never sweet enough,
Never ever sweet enough,
The real sugar of real life replaced by
Bitter ******* brandied with the saccharine syrup of so-called safety.
A bitter ode to my time in residential treatment for my eating disorder.
Plaza de Armas, plaza de musicales nidos,
frente a frente del rudo y enano soportal;
plaza en que se confunden un obstinado aroma
lírico y una cierta prosa municipal;
plaza frente a la cárcel lóbrega y frente al lúcido
hogar en que nacieron y murieron los míos;
he aquí que te interroga un discípulo, fiel
a tus fuentes cantantes y tus prados umbríos.
¿Qué se hizo, Plaza de Armas, el coro de chiquillas
que conmigo llegaban en la tarde de asueto
del sábado, a tu kiosko, y que eran actrices
de muñeca excesiva y de exiguo alfabeto?
¿Qué fue de aquellas dulces colegas que rieron
para mí, desde un marco de verdor y de rosas?
¿Qué de las camaradas de los juegos impúberes?
¿Son vírgenes intactas o madres dolorosas?
Es verdad, sé el destino casto de aquella pobre
pálida, cuyo rostro, como una indulgencia
plenaria, miré ayer tras un vidrio lloroso;
me ha inundado en recuerdos pueriles la presencia
de Ana, que al tutearme decía el «tú» de antaño
como una obra maestra, y que hoy me habló con
ceremonia forzada; he visto a Catalina,
exangüe, al exhibir su maternal fortuna
cuando en un cochecillo de blondas y de raso
lleva el fruto cruel y suave de su idilio
por los enarenados senderos...
                                                          Más no sé
de todas las demás que viven en exilio.
Y por todas quiero. He de saber de todas
las pequeñas torcaces que me dieron el gusto
de la voz de mujer. ¡Torcaces que cantaban
para mí, en la mañana de un día claro y justo!
Dime, plaza de nidos musicales, de las
actrices que impacientes por salir a la escena
del mundo, chuscamente fingían gozosos líos
de noviazgos y negros episodios de pena.
Dime, Plaza de Armas, de las párvulas lindas
y bobas, que vertieron con su mano inconsciente
un perfume amistoso en el umbral del alma
y una gota del filtro del amor en mi frente.
Mas la plaza está muda, y su silencio trágico
se va agravando en mí con el mismo dolor
del bisoño escolar que sale a vacaciones
pensando en la benévola acogida de Abel,
y halla muerto, en la sala, al hermano menor.
John F McCullagh Nov 2012
I do not blame you, Caesar,
you have ridden history’s tide.
Marc Anthony, your Lieutenant,
Is a loose cannon at your side.
I think I blame the Romans,
those who sought a life of ease,
They, who dance to the music of time,
brought our Republic to her knees.
I know she was imperfect,
(At times our poor were squeezed.)
Yet Rome, Mankind’s greatest hope,
Now succumbs to your disease.
So place the garland on his pate
For I have ceased to care.
Like Catalina, we have lived,
Our epilogue: despair.
History doesn't repeat, but it does, like us, rhyme.
Vale Luna May 2017
I’m trapped in the constellations
Because I tried to grab the stars
But the moon screamed
I screamed
Echoing across the celestial
So the city of lights awoke

And the extroverts below
Cry out at us
To force us to remain mute
As if they control the solar system
But the moon ignores them
Thus, I ignore them too

The rays liquify me
As I try to connect the dots
But the images I arrange
Are mocking me
Laughing through the sky
Teasing the Milky Way

And the sun scoffs our feud
Too galactic to engage
Only observing
As I bounce between the fiery lines
Surging into boundaries
Too torched to care

But for the introverts beneath
There’s only a catalina void
Where the established figures
Are marginally vitiated
Dim flickers
Lost in the distance

So I’m overshadowed
By this lunar eclipse
Helplessly cornered
Inside the myriad configurations
I scream
Because I tried to grab the stars.
John Darnielle Jun 2020
I hear you starting up again
I see you standing on the deck
I hear your voice start to carry
I see the veins throbbing in your neck

And I know what you're saying
And I know what you're saying it for
But I'm not listening
I'm not listening anymore

And I see you come toward me
I see the sun climb down the sky
I hear your voice getting faster and louder
I see a stranger in your eyes

And I know what you're saying
And I know what you're saying it for
But I'm not listening
I'm not listening anymore
preservationman Feb 2015
I had received fortune of wealth
Yet in the dream I was still in good health
I had a Mansion high up in the Catskills of New York overlooking the Hudson River
Then had a summer home in Paris, France by a swan lake
It was breathtaking in a picture take
I would often sail on my yacht in some summers in the Hamptons on Long Island
It then would be travelling on my private jet and head over to Los Angeles to venture on Catalina Island
I would be lying on the beach getting a deep dark tan
The eye of riches of the sun at my command
Well, it was all a dream
My own imagination being a subconscious stream
All this happened while I was asleep
This was all in my memory to keep
At least I can dream
Being rich is what it might seem.
Lily Apr 2024
A is for Abigail, who shared with you a kindergarten trauma and
then forgot who you were in eighth grade, like Belinda, who
left without a word one sunday morning after mass, C is
Catalina, your best friend’s ex-best friend, who went
with you to Daana’s book launch in texas, and
Enrique, who you planned to room with in college but you hear from friends
crashed his car into a tree and joined the saints, but Flores had
another kid and his man bun is
slicker than ever and Gumaro, who you helped teach
english in fourth grade is still
hitting the gym beside Hiris, even as she
works at la perla full time and overtime, beside Isabella who
no white girl would talk to in middle school because they said she
smelled like dirt, or Juliana, punching
numbers into a cash register at the dollar general thinking
of falling in love with Kruz who made a
perfect vanilla cupcake candle in home ec but couldn’t
cook steak to save his life.  
Lucio remembers kissing you on the mouth in the church
nursery but he is now engaged to a white girl you’ve
never met, and he remembers a particular
messy Maria who would draw like her life
depended on it, and a Nadia who would cry in english 11
because her parents couldn’t help her with the homework
but still kiss him after her soccer games, who no longer
bothers to call Olivia, even though they were teammates for
a decade and now she works at her own sports shop with
a daughter who could have gone pro if only.
Profe, who was a migrant “helper” at your elementary school,
laughs at it all, remembering yelling at parents in spanglish,
although you heard her husband yelling at her on the phone at lunch,
laughing when Quito broke one of the chairs that the school bought with
its 4 million dollar bond that drained money and morale, who went
out with Romani and started a band in seventh grade that took
longer than usual to fizzle out, and the bullying stopped for a while, though
Sergio would never forget how it felt to bend down for hours with
bad black bruises up his back, wouldn’t ever stop
reliving every labored breath spent both here and there.  
And Thalia couldn’t even make a living, recalling almost
forgotten days of swingsets and slurping
pelon pelo rico tamarindo under the orange tube slide.  
Her ex-husband Umberto everybody but the feds
forgot about, and V is for Victor, the high school goalie who had to quit because he
strained his wrists in the fields, like Wanita, who is trying to raise
money for her second hip replacement, like father Xavier, who carves statues of
woodland creatures for the children he could never have, and
Yesenia, who sewed and sewed until her fingers curled and her
forehead wrinkled beyond repair, and she tells you that Zaida, who made the
best tamales in town, is now gone to the saints, and no longer
fears anything, even the government and their obsession with
small white slips of paper.

So much in a name, in a hyphen, in a tilde, but no, it
should be under V—“virgulilla,” and their names should be
written in your address book but instead
they’re in a list at some office in
the States underneath “undocumented” and “illegal.”
After John Keene’s ‘Phone Book,’ Dec 2021

hey y'all, it's been a while.  I'm trying to come back from hiatus and get back into writing and also to use my voice for bigger things.  I hope you like this poem and that it makes you think :)
blushing prince May 2019
catalina island
by the sea
philandering squid
my two front teeth chipping
on a rock out in the ocean
my mouth constantly feeling like a mussel
tongue wrestling
by the sea
notes on an open ended childhood
J 'ai enfin fait le deuil de ma Muse
Ce n 'est plus Ma Muse
Ni la Muse
C 'est Muse tout simplement
Majuscule sans déterminant.
Cosmique !
Sans fleurs ni couronnes !
J 'ai sondé la nuit noire
Et sa vulve béante
Souriait de mille étoiles filantes
Et j 'ai trouvé la paix
Aux côtés de l 'ombre de Muse
Qui m'a fredonné à l 'oreille
Dans mon demi-sommeil
Un ***-pourri de valse oubliée
Et de fantaisie pour orgue en ré bémol majeur :
Carmen Sylva.
Femme, Mère, Reine et Poètesse :
Muse. Terre de Feu.

Et j 'ai dansé aux obsèques de Muse
Ma valse musette invisible
J'ai vu un cirque et des clowns
Et des ourses et des prestidigitateurs
Des chevaux andalous et un couple nu,
Catalina et Hespérion, qui tournoyait
Entre coquillages, crustacés et méduses
Sur le sable d'une plage céleste
Abandonnée aux rayons de lune.

Puis Muse a disparu dans la queue d'une comète
Ne me laissant pour vestiges que le doux surnom
De Câlin le Fou et une toupie à son effigie.
Pdub Sep 2014
the best day of my summer
was of course, spent with you.
yet all we did that day,
was nothing new.

we went to lunch
at the end of the pier,
surrounded by ocean
Catalina was clear.

you took something from me that day
without your knowledge.
i did the same to you-
we needn't acknowledge.

since that day on the sea,
i've not been the same.
i gave you my heart,
and you gave me your key.
JB Scotsman Feb 2018

Sun touched Chumash children played upon the land.
Golden brown bears walked from mountains to coastal sand as wild steelhead swam up the Los Angeles River.
Cabrillo eyed the wide expanse. Spanish sailors laughed and danced with visions of beautiful wild maidens.
Old San Salvador bobbed and slipped smoothly through the warm salt waters of Southern California.
The Spanish Crown would be so glad, but thousands of Chumash would soon be sad.
Enchanted summer turned to fall as tranquil waters north turned to squall.
Captain Cabrillo and his men
returned south again,
to find protection on Miss Santa Catalina.
A fateful cut caused Juan’s leg to swell.
On January 3rd his men bid him farewell.
Near 500 years have past since then, Cabrillo’s gone as are his men.
40 million now tread upon nature’s most beautiful daughter.
Still upon a starlit night moon beams reflect an ancient light down on crashing waves with effervescent thunder. Her powerful beauty comes out again and erases the scars of greedy men.
Ancient words of Chumash roll and the ghosts of Tule elk bugle like banshees across the water. When again, will she be free to run again in harmony with nature and the universe of her creator?
Janet Li Mar 2018
we went to catalina once
hoping to see seals.
it must have been the third or fourth beach
(all rock)
that we kayaked to,
when we saw it.
we shrieked with glee
until, honing in,
saw something unnatural—
a perfectly round hole
gaping in its belly.

we shrieked again.

sometimes i feel like that seal.
my heart has this round hole in it,
gaping wide,
unable to ever be filled.
why is it that we feel our emotions in our heart so strongly?

i need to remind myself
it’s just the caffeine.
caffeine gives my heart holes.
so do unanswered calls
when you’re desperate for the person
you love.

the caffeine will wear off soon,
and you’ll be able to fall into the elusive sweetness of slumber.
don’t think about
loves long past
faces, eyes, smiles you cherished so hard
so long ago.

all you have now is you.

you are responsible for the decisions that led you here.
technology has made us more connected than ever,
a dozen faces running through your mind.

you miss them all.
with the touch of a button you could be close again.
to be so close is dangerous. you can fall back in.
but you, or life, or fate, has led you here.
some things are out of your control.

but things that are under your control are much worse.
you have the power to flick that switch,
to change the train track you’re chugging down
so easily.
one flick.

of course we have free will.
i know any one of the dozens and hundreds and thousands of potentially little choices—
but really, big choices—
can change my whole life.
that’s scary.
that’s staring down into the sea when
you can’t see the ocean floor.
just nothingness.
plunge in.
it’ll be ok. you can’t go too wrong.
you’re living such a blessed life as it is.
but the possibilities are endless and swimming in them is dizzying
i have vertigo
La anuncia el blancor de un cisne.
La anuncia un pavo real.
¡Ifigenia, Electra, Catalina!
Anúncialas un caballero con un hacha.
¡Ruth, Lía, Enone!
Anúncialas un paje con un lirio.
Anúnciala una paloma.
¡Clorinda, Carolina!
Anúncialas un paje con un ramo de viña.
Anúnciala una corza blanca.
¡Aurora, Isabel!
Anúncialas de pronto
un resplandor que ciega mis ojos.
(No la anuncian. No llega aún).

— The End —