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David Nelson Sep 2011

let me see if I can explain
this heavenly creature running thru my brain
she spins my head in  constant circles
from pie faced smiles to tears of rain

a heart touched by a golden finger
thoughts of her constantly linger
late at night while I probe these keys
thoughts of a church's mass bell ringer

from out of nowhere she did appear
whispering words into my ear
hairs on my neck rise and stand
creating thoughts so very clear

sometimes I think of Raggety Ann
with maybe a touch of Peter Pan
she takes me into this fantasy world
but she is real and makes me feel like a man

closing my eyes I can see her smile
I long to hold her for a such a long while
feel her warmth wrapped in my arms
her voice on my heart's lone speed dial

yes I am one incredibly lucky guy
my head soaring so way up high
there is nothing quite like my babydoll
these words I've written tell you why
alexis Apr 2015
my teacher
called my name in class
and i almost couldn't answer
i still see your eyes
in the books i haven't been reading
your voice echoes in my brain
when i look at the trees
i hear your smile
it's a million bells jingling
in the background
you are the answer
to all of my astrological questions
you put the ******* stars in the sky
i wish for you every night
and maybe you're gone for good
but i will always love you
i don't care if the stars fall
they're reminders that you existed once
i fell for your frizzy hair and how
it sticks straight up in the mornings
i fell for your rose petal lips
they cause sparks
when they touch me
you are the reason i am alive
without you i would feel nothing,
see nothing,
be nothing
you are the fire in my lungs
and **** it burns but
i've never loved pain so much
you gave me a home
i ran away
but the tears will lead you to me again
if it's right, oh baby,
you fill my veins with poison
and this sickness is the only disease i can love
you are the white light at the end of the tunnel
you are the rain in August
you are the leaves falling from the trees
and you are the only war i'll ever take part of
i fell in love with you
from your fingertips to your toes
and **** baby girl,
you make hell feel like home
and it's never been so bright down here
i like the bumps on your arms
and i love the smell of your perfume
you make me laugh during a funeral
at the way you whisper ***** jokes
to lighten my day
you lighten my day every day
your smile alone is the
reason i came home at all
i can't get enough
you have me
David Montgomery May 2015
Babydoll you make
stars fall,
valves and engines stall,
your eyes are living oceans of stars,
your smile is the metronome of my
and try as I may,
try as I might,

I don’t think I’ll ever
get the words right,
to tell you what I feel tonight,
but I hope you feel it
when I kiss you,
I hope know it in my affection,
the way I’ll always protect and miss you,
even when the clocks
hands have stopped moving,
with my poetry and dying words,
there will be a part of me left,
still proving,

to the world,
that you, and only you,
could ever
be my mine.

© dm 2015
With your perfect smile, and beautiful voice,
you my love, are my favourite choice.
With your laugh so cute, and words so kind,
you my princess, are on my mind.
With your gorgeous eyes and wit so clever,
you babydoll, are my forever.
This is just a slight edit of my last poem.
Leah Rae Sep 2012
I Am The New Age Villain. No Masked Maccasurer, I Carry My Blades On The Inside.

More Terrifying Than Any Clown, Or Ghost Faced Monster With A Butcher Knife. I Am The Teenage Girl With Daddy Issues.

I Will Swallow Your Sons Whole. I Will Pull Them Under The Covers Until All They Can See Is Black And Blue. I Will Carve My Name Above Their Still Beating Heart, And Turn Them Ugly. I Am Their First And Last Love, Wrapped Up In Old Christmas Bows That My Mother Could Never Bring Herself To Get Rid Of.

With A Tongue Piercing And A Bad Tattoo Of A Rose On My Ankle, I've Got Problems With My Identity, Seems To Me I've Lost It On The Assembly Line Of  You What You're Supposed To See On  MTV , I've  Never Been Given Anything To Really Stand For.

So This Means I Fall In Love Easily.

I Fall Into Bed Easily, Between Layers Of Needing To Be Needed, And A Bottomless Appetite For Hands Across My Flesh. Bruises Make It That More Much Worth The While, Because Hours Later The Marks Will Still Be There To Remind Me Of Just How Badly You Never Wanted To Let Me Go.

He Places His Palm To My Chest, Mine To His, Says "Baby We're Making Love." But How Do You Make Love When You Hate Yourself?

I Have Learned The Hard Way That Your Mother Doesn't Want You To Bring Girls Like Me To Christmas Dinners. I've Felt My Stomach Curl Up Around My Insides, Chewing Me Apart, From The Inside Out, I Am Empty.

So I Beg Them To Fill Me.
Pour Promise Between My Sheets, And Breathe Into Me. I Am Broken.

I Know You're All Afraid Of Me, And Thats Why You Hate Me. I've Seen The Sneer Across Your Lips, Spark Starving And Growling. You Want To See Me Fail. You Probably Don't Know How Often I Cry Myself To Sleep At Night. I Was Bred, Not Built, I Am Human Too. But So Much Less Real Than You, Because This Hollowness Is Like A New Anesthetic.

But Like Every Good Comic, The Villain Was Not Always The Villain. Some Sick And Twisted Past Has Ripped Him Apart At The Seams, Left Him Begging Desperate, Lonely And Fragile, Chasing Down The Kind Of Sweet Revenge That Rots Your Teeth.

I Wasn't Always This Way. I Was Delivered Into The Mouth Of Temptation, And **** Did The Bite Hurt.

Like Any Good Story, It Had A Begging Middle, And End, But Not Necessarily In That Order, Because My Beginning Was My Mothers End, And My Father's Story Seemed To Happen Without My Existence. Without My Permission

Because He Walked Out. Like Backlit Silhouette Of Shadows Against My Bedroom Walls, He Was Always Leaving In My Dreams.

He Met A Girl With A College Degree, Called Her 'Babydoll' And 'Lover', And She Gave Him The Gift Of Three Sons, Who Search For The Thread Of Meaning In Their Father's Speech When He Kisses The Tops Of Their Heads At Night.

He Made This Way. He Tore Our The Seems Of My Storybook And Left Me Screaming In My Sleep. This Lost And Angry Abandonment Couldn't Rest Any Longer, I Now How Streets To Chase Away And Hours To Destroy, And This Would Be The Time For Our Rib cages to Meet, In Hot Heat, And Spark Into Something Bigger Than Me,
So Yes, Call Me Your Villain.

Because Like A Villain, I Am Chasing A Revenge Deep Into Myself, Down Highways Called Veins, Where I Once Wrote The  Word 'Happiness' In Blue Ink For An Older Me To Find Someday. I Am Waiting For A Redemption To Thread Its Fingers Into My Hair, And Tell Me I'm Literally Worth Fighting For. I Am Exhausted, Because I've Got Blooded Knuckles, And Broken Battle Hymns.

The Only Hero I'm Fighting Is Myself.
Mimi Feb 2012
I’m old enough to know but
too young to know better
the state says I’m an adult as of May
but I still don’t know what I want to be
when I grow up,
except for still carrying around my Blankie.

Teddy Bear holds up the pipe to my lips
I can’t do it on my own, I’m not so good at this,
he says breathe deep Baby, I’ve got you.
The fuzz on his face is rough when he kisses the top of my head.

Taj and Tibby walk in holding hands
“Baby!” he smiles and leans down to kiss me
“Hey little one” she says and hugs me tight.
Lauren and Luke come out of their room and
give me big smiles.
Everyone is glad I am home and I exhale
grey smoke because I am glad too.

I am the baby, but I am also the best cook.
While I clang pots in the kitchen my man pours
champagne and turns on the new speakers.
Chicken Piccatta for dinner, because when
you feed people, it’s the best way to tell them
you love them.

The flimsy laminate floors are sticky,
the practically cardboard walls are dusty,
the room like a cave is dark even with the blinds cracked open
but Taj makes us laugh and we dance to the music.
Kitchen table cleared of drug paraphernalia
becomes the flimsy garage-sale/side-of-the-road version
of the dinner table I grew up with.
The people crowded onto its edges
a kind of family.
zeineb bouhaouel Sep 2014
she was shedding tears
what's wrong little dove he said
i just realized
i'm no queen of carthage
nor the heir of england
i'm no khaleesi
i can't slay no dragons and
i can't free no men
but you are much more babydoll he said
no i'm nothing but
the queen of sorrow and sadness
the heir of sin and guilt
i'm a useless creature
and a heartless *****
i lead a meaningless life and
i deserve to be butchered with a keen edged knife
Johnnie Rae Jan 2013
It came in the form of a memory,
Of all the sweet things you've ever said to me,
Keeping me deep within the dream I've been living,

And you know something babydoll?
(Yes, I've decided to call you babydoll, for it satisfies the southern in me)
You're the drug I could never stop taking,
The rule I could never stop breaking,
And the hunger I could never satisfy,
(For I never get enough, you see)

And something else, cutie pie,
That I could never stop telling you,
Is that without you, my heart would stop beating,
It would simply forget to function without your love guiding me,

And something else I can't help but mention,
That you my love, are the sun to my shine,
The words that I make rhyme,
And my only reason left to smile,

Yes you, my dearest darling,
My Prince Charming,
The one who swept me off my feet,
When I was sure I had fallen,
Unable to get up,

For you, my sweethearted lover,
The only one I'd trust talking to my mother,
Without subtle guidance,
You said you wanted a nickname,
So don't take just one,
Take a million, I've got an endless supply to give,
For that is how much you mean to me,

And maybe, just maybe, one day,
When we're old and grey,
Sitting on a park bench feeding birds,
Who carelessly fly away,
Maybe I'll hand you this poem,
And a list of nicknames,

The paper will be yellow and faded,
And crumbled every which way,
And that's how you'll know I've been adding on for decades,
And once in a while I'll ask for it back,
To add on the ones I've thought of as time passed,

And I'll tell you this now, my sweet,
That paper will be filled,
And pages apon pages will be added,
For there are not enough nicknames in the world,
To tell you what you mean to me,
For that, there aren't enough nicknames in the galaxy,

Just like there aren't enough stars in the universe,
To tell you how bright you make my life,
But if you look hard enough,
You may just see it in my eyes,
Past the constant worries of day to day life,

Freddie Mercury once wrote,
"Can anybody find me, somebody to love?"
Well I'll be the one to write,
Hey, I've found somebody, and boy, is he something,
No, scratch that, he's not just something,
He is my everything,
And without him,
I'd be nothing.
Taylor Marion Feb 2012
Red tailed fox striped jewelry box,
but these jewels shine of coal.
I keep trying to feel,
but I got no hope
in my heart
or in my soul.

Red tailed fox striped jewelry box,
you sit next to the bearded elf.
Third from the right, seventh shelf.
I carry you around like a babydoll.
Ragged dress with a hooded eye;
you reek of destruction,
but like a prized possession
I'll carry you to my grave when I die.

Red tailed fox striped jewelry box,
may you spare me one key?
I beg of you to open up,
Please, please, please!
Shed some light for me.
That's how our hearts seem out to be.
Dripping wild, red cries of kerosine.
Their voice sounds of dusty rust
when they sing.
Tripping over the finish line
their broken back

Red tailed fox striped jewelry box,
but like a door
this box holds much more.
Much more than a box has held before.
The secrets that lie
rest behind
dark, evil crescent moons
like the sun reaching an eclipse.
Typhoon lips.
Untouchable kiss.
Half of a whole.
Red tailed fox striped jewelry box
shines of nothing
but a bunch of coal.
bouhaouel zeineb Jan 2015
she was shedding tears
what's wrong little dove he said
i just realized
i'm no queen of carthage
nor the heir of england
i'm no khaleesi
i can't slay no dragons and
i can't free no men
but you are much more babydoll he said
no i'm nothing but
the queen of sorrow and sadness
the heir of sin and guilt
i'm a useless creature
and a heartless *****
i lead a meaningless life and
i deserve to be butchered with a keen edged knife
Jason Schnepper Feb 2015
They say Love can move mountains
Love can be magic
Love can make you feel so high
that you never ever wanna come down
That's the love I found in you Baby
So beautiful and magical
fanatical, dazzling
truthful, just so unimaginable
it's like a miracle
I'm walking on the clouds
and I never wanna come down..
Love is passion, Love is warm
Love is a kiss,Love is a child being born
Love is a song playing in our hearts
it's melody moves us
we sing and dance to its rhythm
and with love nothing can tear us apart
you feeling me baby
it's real  so deep insane , it's crazy
and I wouldn't have it any other way
and I love you Baby
I might not not be famous
but you still make me feel like a rap star
killing these syllables  with real love
that you can feel in your heart and soul
my love for you it overflows
and each and everday it grows
babydoll don't you know
that i love you so
babydoll don't you know
babydoll don't you know
I will never let you go
Neptune Jul 2015
This was a twisted night,
I looked naughty at her sight,
He brought me a **** scrumptious babydoll,
Where I took her fully on demand,
Commanded us to kiss,
I felt her lips speak on mines wanting me to make her mine,
He watched us unravel into one of his prolonged fantasies,
In my mind I felt amoral,
But every part of me love the entertainment of pleasure we had,
The night aroma smelled like grapefruit,
And she tasted like a sugar cane,
Such a bittersweet moment,
Move baby move,
Slow baby slow,
She did by my every word,
I had to much control on her,
Like she was my little voluptuous puppet,
That night it should've last longer,
Her curvy body so addictive to hold,
Her heartbeat so quietly beating to match mine,
The way she looked at me as if I brought her back to life of happiness,
I noticed how she fell for me more than I care for her,
But I noticed how I fell for him more,
We made it clear how we felt that night,
He made it clear how he liked it,
Will I ever be the
same without her,
Or is it the two that finally makes me complete.
The cop asked me for my license to which
I replied what the hell is that.
Officer Tillman  I belive i met your wife in a restroom
down at the laundrymat.
She didnt do ya justice.
Cause you arent  all that ugly
but you are kinda fat.

No my last name isnt Knoxville  but I
sure had some fun in Tennessee.
Met darlin that left a burnin feelin behind just for me.

My life is like a tweenty four hour cartoon.
A wreckless wonder.
If ya wanna ride along theres always room.

Gotta babydoll I often reffer to as Tinker.
She's my favorite semi insane funsize drinker.

Got a amigo or two.
Some fake ID's  cause some people just happen to be looking
for me.
I thought you already knew.

Some people like to hate.
Clive.  Forrest.  Ian.
Dont be jelouse your still living togather in the same basement
no hope ever having none inflatable

Iv'e taken some pretty hard licks.
Put my mind in a blender .
Now all im left with is becon bits.
Im the  ******* of poetry alone I hold the crown.
Some might call me a village idoit.
But I would say im most fun fella in town.

And if ya read this work and still cant see.
You can go to hell.
And thats one thing apon me my imaginary friends
and my little badass tinker agree.
shireliiy Sep 2015
Dry ingredients in a large bowl, If you're apple shaped.One theory as to why scar tissue does not occur with this implant is that the firmness of the cohesive gel prevents the body from contracting around it.Now.easy cleanup and the materials can act as heat deflectors from the holes provided so you can immediately store the hair dryer after you have used it.history of breast and colon cancer.I.the effect will be lost.eating a cup of yogurt daily can be beneficial in preventing yeast infection and eliminating bacterial vaginosis.lingerie still serves as protection and support for the delicate body parts of both.

Men and women,za p Choosing The Right Babydoll lingeriethe babydoll lingerie has been a well known choice in undergarments since the 1950's.Ask the staff your questions.Jennifer Aniston.Robert Kardashian divorced Kris Kardashian eventually citing irreconcilable differences.for all intents and purposes.Another circumstance is pregnancy.short.a kind of oil that the body produces in the sebaceous glands,wrinkles and sagging skin.Most salons will use and offer the standard rhinestones.While it is natural for every healthy women to have a particular feminine scent

style textalign.t go completely bonkers.Fashionable things have become the fucous for people all over the world.The follicle in the ***** if.

Becomes large or passes the standard size then which is about 2 centimetres then it is termed as ovarian cyst.You probably have plenty of pictures with the both of you samsung galaxy phones</a>,there is always one size just for you.These are yogurt.come in different   go on,iframe src embed order 0 width 480 height 390 iframe p p style textalign.making last year's bras lss than helpful.It is often known as a strong Endometrionoma strong cyst because of its location,is the wife.This is an original article.So not only does it look superior to your standard soft ply tissue paper.adds a touch of.
l m May 2014
His fingers glide down me as if he knows my body like it's his,
I bet he knows that just his touch alone sends chills down my spine.
I try to concentrate on his pink tainted hands but my focus lingers to his pale lips kissing my neck with his naughty hands on my hips tickeling me as he guides my body along his, and the music. He knows i'm his now, he has me in the palm of his hands and before I can tell him, he trails his lips to my ear and whispers " Babydoll, you'll never find someone who loves you, not even me"
bucky Feb 2016
you keep looking at me like i’m god-*******-incarnate, babydoll
******* at the rind of an orange i bought you ages ago like it’ll still give you sweetness if you just ask it nicely
here’s the part where we die, me first, telling you something sweet so you won’t feel too bad. here’s where my hand meets yours, curling around your little knuckles like i can’t die right without it.
here’s where our hearts hurt, where they ache so bad it feels like they’re burning.
it’s okay. i don’t mind. i don’t mind, baby, so long as it’s you i’m lying cold next to.
my grave might be empty, and that’s okay too,
we might die out in the bitter ******* cold, heads upturned so we see the sky.
you always loved those constellations, could list them from memory by the time you were six. only right you die seeing them one last time,
is that morbid? i don’t think so, sweetheart. you’re just dramatic, always were, always looking for a fight from me.
i used to love you the way kids do, the way you should, the way you deserved.
i used to love you something special. it’s okay, honey. it’s okay.
i don’t mind, anymore.
sinderella Nov 2013
i love him
i love you
i love two

he's perfect
but then there's her
babydoll knows how to get it

i feel like a sinner
and to be honest
she deserves better
so does he
but still
he loves me
so does she
even though i
don't seem to
feel the same
but i do

oh god, help me
i'm in love with two
i'm not a player
i just don't know
who to choose

how anyone can
see my flaws
and still want
to see my all
i have no idea
they deserve better
both of them
since i'm
bad luck
for em'
© sinderella.
David Nelson Sep 2011
We Weren't Looking For Love  

we both came from large mid west cities
lot of things to do and a lot of places to go
somehow we both stumbled into this small town
there was no way that we could know

oh it was innocent enough as she passed by
she said hi and I smiled and tipped my hat
there was something though that caught my eye
it wasn't just her beauty it was more than that

oh she had beautiful grey eyes and long golden hair
with a gorgeous smile and a body that wouldn't quit
but it was like you could see inside her soul
her gentleness her calm I'll never forget

we met in the courtyard of this little village
and sometimes we would go to the cafe LaBlue'
I think because we were not looking for love
it came so naturally to us before we knew

we would hold hands and stare into the night
if I really wanted to see the entrance to her heart
I could look into her eyes and there it was
cupid hit me square with his love dart

I would write her poetry with words special for her
she was my beautiful **** gorgeous babydoll
her gift to me was I was able to taste her lips
she would nibble my ear and do this little growl

there were many things that made us a perfect match
if we disagreed she would smile and give me a shove
I would melt in her arms and beg for forgiveness
we fell so madly because we weren't looking for love  

if I were to die tomorrow it would be sad but still ok
because I met the love of my life and so few do
I will take the memory of her wherever I go
I look at her picture and say God I love you

Gomer LePoet ....
David Nelson Sep 2013
Often I Have Wondered

If I heard a knock at my door
Would you be the one standing there waiting nervously 
Would you smile real big as you handed me a bouquet of Sunflowers And would you say, I picked these fresh from your garden
Or would you say Hello Babydoll, It's just me
Often I Have Wondered
Would you take me to a really nice restaurant?
Or would it be McDonalds for me
Would you wine and dine me
And would you walk real proud with me by your side
Would you fix me a home cooked meal with candle light?
Or would you say Hey good lookin, whatcha got cookin
Often I Have Wondered
If we were dancing, would you step on my toes?
Would you do the funky chicken?
Or would you take me around the floor with a little two steppin
Would you pull me close, hold me tight and no matter the pace of the song
Would you stare into my heart & slow dance all night long?
Often I Have Wondered
If I closed my eyes to sleep
Would I awake to a kiss from your lips, a warm touch from your hand?
Would I open my eyes and smile & see you smiling back at me
Would I drift off to sleep alone or in your arms?
And when I awake would you be there
Or would it have all been a dream

Perly Sunflower 2011
trying to keep her words alive - alive like she is in my heart
Tom McCone Nov 2013
a minute ache:
stand me up, in this dark,
in the door,
pour me out, trace out light lines,
was i ever so divine as
my eyes, when lain upon you?

turn me round, all
i want to steal
is beating inside your chest;
of all the worst ideas,
you're winning so far, so

tie me up,
                 I can
run away faster than
you can, but I
won't move
if you
tear me apart. like you haven't, already.
Gonz and Roses Oct 2011
Sweet rejection a simple pinch and slap in the face.
Drunken splendor  and a ***** floor.
Some woman I dont care to know why do I always
find myself in this ****** up place.

Puff Puff Pass.
Wild Turkey loud music im such a happy sleeze
with not a hint of class.
Lean of over the bar my dear you fill my thought's and i your glass.

I walked when I was ten.
Runaway in New Orleans dont belive I could do that one again
Two packs a day and a shakey hand.
Midnight drives strippers in arm bar's
with floor's of sand.

Im not ment for long but sugar im here now.
Drinkin till I die fields of my past been burried
long ago under plow.

Dance in happiness die without regret.
My friends names tattoo my thoughts.
Richard ,Rach,Baths,Lily,Paula how can I ever forget.

******* up perfection is I.
A perfect losser who could care less.
How could you ever shed a tear when I die?

Rearview babydoll backseat queen.
Stay crazy in this cold place.
Skeeter do you still dream in your beauty so tormented
and obscene.

Where all perfect for are flaws.
Barstool will be forever empty.
Im tried but always eager to fall down for a
half naked body or a fellow lunatics cause.

Gonzo do ya know how they see ya outside thoose glasses
so dark.
The partys jester  spirt of a eternal teen.
Empty cans hold court by the lake of lovers lane
where still they park.

Richard a bottle  and friendship forever i'll share.
Insane is a buddy but never worry.
Cause even a falldown drunk does care.

So sad is the fading light bitter the moment.
But perfect isthe ****** up song though.
Kids dont let em break ya you stay crazy.

And I'll forever be Gonzo.
As a canvas of naked beathy I trace every curve loving every moment when her sweet skin is pressed against


Her moans A music to fill the darkness of a passion filled night.

Kissing lips tasting the sweetness of desire her body the vesssel of my love.

Inside the softness are plessure building her love free as inside her i drive myself

yerning for this moment to never end.

Love is eternal *** is a action that only brings us togather as one.

A storm of emotions and a valley of plessure as we explore are bodys

togather one night of many of a eternal passion.

Her legs around my waist back against the wall bodys apart souls togather.

her plessure my passion sweat laced slumber as togather we came.

as in gentle slumber i brush her hair aside from her neck.

marvle at my angel so sweet within my arms.

As she turns to me looking so deeply beyond all i am not.

And seeing her lover and her friend she takes my inside her

as we make love through the nights plessure casting aside the past and its


In her eyes I see all that I never knew i could be.

Her eyes that touch my soul and melt the flesh.

Words unspoken her body so perfect as if made for my arms.

This night eternal you've cast over every day.

Julie Elizbeth Robbins.

You know the ocean of my soul and it yerns for you to forever stay.

I could never say everything you are to me Jules.

are road has been long but all I know is that.

you are my passion and the life blood to my soul.

For we know what other's few ever will

love eternal babydoll John.
Im not the type of writer  whom one would expect this from.
And to a degree  I can expect  to be givin crap over this.
But in the shell of a dunkard you  find the heart of a sap

Stay crazy Gonzo
David Nelson Sep 2011
Pretty Please with Sugar

I've hit the wall with my thoughts
words will no longer fill my head
now nothing there but doubts
things I have written you never read

you were my magical inspiration
you were the soul of my delight
I need you to be my Leda
I want to be your swan in the moonlight

I miss the fragrance of my Sunflower
I miss my babydoll and all her charms
I beg you pretty please with sugar on it
return to my waiting empty arms

Gomer LePoet ....
Harry J Baxter Feb 2014
Mr. *******,
Mr. Oh here comes another pretentious cry for attention
I know self-deprecation babydoll
like you know his bedroom ceiling
Mr. International
jetted out from UK to the land of the silent heroes
where the grass isn’t green enough
and everybody was seemingly either
addicted to donuts, bacon, and cheese
or 5K’s, yoga, and weights
they don’t sell **** by the ten pack either
Mr. Liar Liar pants on fire
masochistic almost autistic
Mr. High or Drunk
Caffeinated thrift shop hipster
loves the girls until he has them
scrooge McDuck
I do believe misanthrope is the word
but always first to crack the whip of jokes in bad taste
if he were homeless he’d hang a sign around his neck
it would read:
Will somebody, for the love of God, please Validate me!?!
Mr. Rational thought secretly praying in the back room
Mr. Intellectual Dropout
don’t judge me judger
Mr. I’m brave for doing this
Jesus I am terrified
Mr. I could be great
if I could just find a ******* desk chair comfy enough
Woman, Hear my cries.
Woman, here she lies
Woman, don’t turn away
Woman, So powerful are they.

With your haunting eyes
And your seductive ways
Only you can match
The game he plays

You can make it end
A sway of your hips
I swear lord
This is just one bad trip

Woman, hear my cries
Woman, here she lies
Woman, don’t turn away
Woman, so powerful are they

All you have to do,
Is work a little bit
Of your natural juju
The man is down with it

Fire in your fingertips
Heavens known in your lips
Won’t you cast your magical spell
Honey it will do us all well

Woman, Hear my cries.
Woman, here she lies
Woman, don’t turn away
Woman, So powerful are they.

Baby you can put them in their grave
Those ****, worthless knaves
Thanked by a woman’s generation
No more silent contemplations.

Yeah it’s safe for all.
Come listen to the woman’s call.
Clad in only her leather black.
Only till she’s needed will she come back.

Woman, Hear my cries.
Woman, here she lies
Woman, don’t turn away
Woman, So powerful are they.
Not anymore Babydoll.
Johnnie Rae Nov 2012
Sunshine, I feel the pain in your eyes as you look in to mine,
as if torn as to whether to gaze deeper, or look away,
I knew this day would come, I always knew I wasn't good enough,

Now let me ask you,
whats so good about picking up the pieces,
when your never gonna forget anyway?

What if I'd rather leave them to fade into distant memory,
and move on like its all okay,
but deep inside I'll know I never recovered,
because babydoll,
I couldnt forget you,
not even if I wanted to,
theres a scar on my heart in the shape of your name,
and incase you didn't know,
scars don't fade,

"hold my heart,
its beating for you anyway"

None of the colors can reach the darkness of my mind,
and none of this, will ever change with time,
because, babe, I can't forget you,
theres a hole in my heart in the shape of the love you provided,
and then let slip away,

"Whats so good about, pickin up the pieces?
What if we don't even want to?"
had the song 'Caraphernelia' on. Also by Pierce The Veil
for those of you who don't know, caraphernelia by definition, is a heartbroken disease in which someone leaves you but leaves all their things behind, making it impossible to forget.
Dre Guthrie Jun 2016
Just you and me, babydoll
in the back of the death trap
in front of the passenger train
in-between your rock and my hard place.

Ribcage like the basement heater,
you're really just the worst side
of paradise, pressing your
unreliable heat on my chest.

Whiskey and wine, baby mine,
don't taste nearly so good as when
I can lick the drops off your chin,
fearing I've ruined your chances.

'Cause you touched me, y'know,
me, the heaviest hand to hold, the
most hopeless burden to carry, and
I've never made it any easier for you.

I ain't a poet, really, just a man who
forgets what he's gotta say. Maybe one
day, when we're old and bitter and eating
our dust, you'll read between the lines.
flynt May 2013
painting red across my wrist
and all i wanted was a better view
"wake up"   it says   "let's go get high"
my cheeks flushed hot red
damped by my fears
bored because i'm dumb
it calls me a queer
my mind although
is a riot that you watch
from your tv
pupils dilated
doll parts scattered
bless my body
bless my soul
wrap it up in
you're so *******
fabulous babydoll
you fit right
******* in
this goes in with the other poems all written under the influence
this makes absolutely no ******* sense, and it's *******
enjoy - who the **** am i?!
Jeanette Dec 2015
I’m standing in front of a stove starved  
for heat, shivering before a *** of boiling water,
my stiff fingers attempt to fold
themselves into my chest.
it's unusually cold in California this week,
I know you would be pleased.
I am focused on a gifted bouquet of orange roses
decorating my dining table;
only you would understand why
they make me so blue.

I thought about you this Thanksgiving,
how your hands drew a line through the air
showcasing points of chaos, as you recounted
the turkey fire, and your grandfather's
drunken speech, 8 years ago this week.
I couldn't remember the punchline,
but we laughed so **** hard.

I figured that's why you were writing,
you too recalled a time I made you laugh,
but edited the sad parts out.

You ask how I am.
I want to tell you I feel not like myself,
but I think it unfair to make you a reference point
of whom I think I should be.
So I'll say, I feel less
like the girl you would remember,
and more like a stranger
living in her body.

I had a dream three days in a row
where we were sitting on the shallow end
of an empty pool avoiding remnants
of algae water, settled in small ponds.
I was wearing a burgundy, babydoll dress
that I used to wear when I was in eight.
I whispered something in slow motion,
you laughed, teeth grinning towards the sky,
like a child;
how bittersweet it was to remember the way
the lines find their place around your almond eyes.

I guess you will always be a place where
my subconscious goes to ache.
David Nelson Aug 2011
I need you (now)

I see your beautiful face in everything I do
I have tried everything to just forget you
my mouth waters in hunger for your taste
I walk in constant circles colliding with my haste

you run away and hide you think I am crazy
just because I refer to you sometimes as Daisy
or is it the look in my eyes that tells you I'm mad
I passed insanity yesterday I mean it's really bad

your eyes burn a hole in the back of my brain
so soft and sensuous I struggle to explain
those lips so delicious my appetite is burning
can I say more clearly how much I am yearning

your golden hair shinning like Jason's hidden fleece
when I look upon your body I feel my presure increase
the curves spell out danger if you're moving to fast
when I feel my body next to you I want it to last

what other way can I explain how bad I need your touch
before I explode inside I need you so **** much
I'll write it in the skies from my chariot somehow
my darling babydoll I need you and I need you (now)

Gomer LePoet ....
all of
i know.

a nice
to live,
i get
i give,
ah- huh,
are met,
as i get.

i like
i like
i know
is fine,
all of

i am
to rest,
i know
her best.
oh yes,
can be
a sweet
little thing,
she's a
free spirit
don't you know,
i call her
a smile,
don't work
i call
i get

© 2013
Real, but make believe.
Alexa Feb 2023
I ask too much of you and you can’t take it anymore
I just know I’ve never loved anyone like this before.
It always ends badly with a mutual obsession
I hope we do it and make it out of this depression
~ A.S. 15.04.22 ~
David Nelson Jun 2013
Pretty Please with Sugar

I've hit the wall with my thoughts
words will no longer fill my head
now nothing there but doubts
things I have written you never read

you were my magical inspiration
you were the soul of my delight
I need you to be my Leda
I want to be your swan in the moonlight

I miss the fragrance of my Sunflower
I miss my babydoll and all her charms
I beg you pretty please with sugar on it
return to my waiting empty arms

Gomer LePoet ....
mars Nov 2017
i can't write anymore.
i go fishing for words in a dried up lake
and lose the thoughts at the sight of you.
you envelop even the empty spaces, of course
when i can't write i think of you.
i think it's because I know it will never be as beautiful.

this will be my downfall
the thunder in my head
has struck the trees
and the leaves
fall to the ground
from its quake.

it disrupts every
******* aspect of my
life. my spine
shakes at your power,
my shoulders slump
at your warmth. your
hands have stripped every part of my
identity. you rebuild
me again. I cannot
write because your eyes
don't allow me.
your lips are
my prison and my liberation

your hand around my throat is your claim and my closure
i know you never wanted to posses my and my ***** soul
but truly i am nothing without your tightening grip
just a pet to your words your voice your body
it is all I am.
I cannot write for I am no long a being.
Just the creation of a God.
just a babydoll who listens
a girl who obeys
a child with closed eyes

is this love
or is this rebirth
im a little ****** up over this
Taylor Apr 2014
babydoll keeps saying she loves me, *but she doesn't know what a mess i really am.
Taylor Apr 2014
you are way too beautiful and alive to fall for a girl like me, babydoll. save yourself while you can.

— The End —