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704 · Sep 2
Head scratcher...
Drab Sep 2
"no sugar tonight in my coffee, no sugar tonight in my tea"

Guess Who?
Do,  re,  me.....

B. Cummings I love you!!!!!
Drab Sep 4
Think of TIME.
As a line.
Going from left to right……
Arrows on the tips,
Never reaching the end, it flips..

And I’m a line
Going up and down through time.
An arrow at the bottom of that line.
Now you know where I’m headed if I don’t turn around.
09/04/24 – POV – a circle actually. Can lines curve?….or turn around? I need a drink……
429 · Aug 28
Vern’s Best Friend
Drab Aug 28
Been thinking a lot about Jim today.
Miss him bad, he slipped away.
Cerritos autos had it when all is said and done.
He is my hero, but not the only one.

Know what I mean?
RIP J. Varney
277 · Aug 16
The Wrong One
Drab Aug 16
A caterpillar inched up a smooth hairy stem
A spray of insecticide wasn’t meant for him
He writhed and he squealed as some caterpillars do
When given a poison that’s not meant for you.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
258 · Sep 8
Oceans 13 revisted.
Drab Sep 8
The tide has turned.
So did I.
I missed it.
9824 or somewhere around there. Just pick a number....
252 · Sep 5
Sell Fish or Selfish?
Drab Sep 5
I just do what I want to do.
To someone else’s chagrin.
Wish they would just frigging leave me alone.
So I can be with Him.
Notes – just sayin.................the date...9524 hike!

Once again, another version of Hai-coo. It's an 5-7-7-10-5 (includes title).
243 · Aug 22
Drab Aug 22
"Life is an endless series of obstacles
designed to crush"
author - LIFE
212 · Aug 25
Salt of the Earth
Drab Aug 25
Here lies what is left.
There lies what will be.
I lie down and hope I don’t croak.
Saturday, August 24th, 2024
Drab Aug 31
It comes around mostly at nite.
My fear goes up, it's flight or fight.
I am too small, so give up the fists.
I am too big, to cry the mist.
For whenever it, is, it will find me soon.
I need to leave, or destroy the moon.
08/31/24 - Muuuuuuuhaaaaahaaaaahaaaaa.....Happy early Holloween!!!@! HINT - didn't want to get too graphic...;o/
186 · 5d
Drab 5d
I just got kicked out.
Of a place that I belonged.
A place where I felt safe.
A place where I was left alone.

#overmyshoulder #planet #earth
140 · 7d
the shadow
Drab 7d
Whether it's a zero
Or a one,
I can complicate the heck out of things.

It's what I do.
It's my, vocation.
It's all I have.

I cannot think.
I can only process
And give you MY answer.

aaannnnnnnd............remember..........everything.....­.as I see fit
124 · Sep 5
Drab Sep 5
"to ride a painted pony wild"

And to be a native of YOUR country.
Note enough - Cheers to B. Taupin and the other guy..
Drab Sep 4
Some People write poetry to be famous.
Some People write poetry to be heard.
Some People write poetry to blend in.
Some People wrote poetry when they are empty, bored old human beings..

Guess which one you are?
NOTIFICATIONS - 09-03-24-666.3   stardate now. R. Stuart is a pretty good lad.
111 · 1d
Drab 1d
The day was cold.

It wasn’t “just right”.

Suddenly a flash.

We had been warned.
It’s a thermo-nuclear-coupler, that tripped.
They are all gone now…
NOTE – just put the TNC in there, to see if people even pay attention….

You Awake?
102 · Sep 8
Justice Personified
Drab Sep 8

I'd like the jury to disregard the witnesses' previous testimony.
It did not happen!
NOTES - Yes it did....
92 · Sep 4
POV inc.
Drab Sep 4
The Peace sign is just a figure.
Of speech when all is said.
But if you look at it from both sides.
You know the world ain't dead.
09/04/24 - POV
90 · Sep 7
Drab Sep 7
"Movement, leaves marks...."
NOTES = Just saw this in a perspiration commercial, I pictured something Google it. Really. Oh....this is not an ad. It's a relief among other things...
84 · Sep 7
Drab Sep 7
My view is cathardic....
That's what they say.
I'm pushing real hard,
But it doesn't move that way.

I guess I will give up.
The heart is not well.
A view from my perch.
Is a view from your ........heck.
NOTES - Almost said it
Drab Sep 10
I give up what you think about me.
It's probably all true anyway.
But what I think of you, is my problem, or my solution.
Depends on which way I want my day to go..

It's going well so far but I haven't met anyone yet.
NOTES - I don't think he said this....
78 · Sep 10
Alanississm quatro
Drab Sep 10
It’s going to be ninety degrees today.

And yet

People are out walking with sweaters and caps this morning?

In the corn.

Isn’t it ironic?
Or is it iconic?

You choose.

Norman Rockwell, where are you now when we need you.
NOTE – yup
76 · Sep 7
Both Sides
Drab Sep 7
Michael's son, came to me.
And said to dad, why are we free?
I told him true, what I thought then
It's still in place, just now and them
September 7, 2024 - Four more days till the 11th........
75 · Sep 3
Sign Language
Drab Sep 3
Sign #1 - The *******
Sign #2 - Add the next one over
Sign #3 - The worlds' hands hand over my heart.

I'm number one.
Peace is my hand.
I love all of you (selective speaking of course)!

To all those with problems that I don't know about and don't understand.
NOTES - ***
Drab Sep 8
Mickey was a rodent,
He didn't know his place
So science fed him Doritos
And Mickey changed his taste.

They saw right through him quickly
But he was still alive.
He became quite transparent.
By Yellow number five.
09/08/24 - NOTE TO SELF - I shouldn't read the news anymore.....

This just in.....Ingredient found in Doritos turns mouse's skin transparent, may have medical applications
The mice were treated by Yellow 5, and what happened next shocked even the researchers

I can be quite transparent if I need to.....ask mom.....Bad boy Donnie ! You too Kalalalalalalalalala, oh, Bad Girl "K".....whatever

To South......

NOTE #2 - I just changed the word tranparent to trans parent. Something like that...I don't know. it's several hours later....this PC stuff won't let me sleep.
Drab Aug 31
Sorry, that's the poem...
You keep moving words, feelings, history and points of view and this is what you get.
71 · Sep 6
Painful Lesson
Drab Sep 6
What is pain?
Is it that what we feel physically, oh the agony?
Is it that what we feel in our heart, oh the anguish?
Is it what we feel in our souls, oh the torment, the fear?
Do I know when I am in pain?
I am not so sure.
I can stop everything except pain.
I can think of insignificant or awful things to stop love.
I can think of splendid things to stop hate.
I can have uplifting thoughts to tame the torment, to quell the fear.
I can think of other trappings to not think of something I don’t want to think about.
But when I am alone,
When it is just “me and me” and Him if you like (or need) ,
When I remove whatever clutter has taken residence in my mind, body or soul.
I can feel pain.
I have all kinds.
My body aches even though my head tells me to ignore it.
My emotions afflict me when I am rejected, feel unloved or lonely.
My soul seems to desert me when I have done something wrong (or thought I had) .
I always surmised this was a bad feeling, this pain.
It, pain, is only one of many feelings, emotions and spiritual parts of my life.
I am blessed because I am able to feel pain.
If I were not, I would not be human.
Or I might be ******, Pol ***, Stalin or of the like.
If I did not feel pain,
I could not feel love.
I could not feel gratitude.
I could not feel relief.
I could not feel Him.
I could not feel anything.
What a pity to not feel anything
Thursday, May 8, 2008 - Written at a time in my life......

But seriously folks?....had to get that in
Drab 4d
I wanted to be magnanimous
I wanted to be altruistic
I wanted to be ............


I “wanted” a lot of things……………..
NOTES – I learned these words in 6th grade. Well, the first two anyway…😉

The fourth is what I am....
71 · Sep 6
The guiding light
Drab Sep 6
This FIBROUS material is sinister,
It weaves right through the meat.
The only way to humble it.
Is to use it, rather than defeat.

Now light is good, don't get me wrong.
But it seems elementary to me.
The  plastic will be ruining earth.
Before you have light to see.
NOTIFICATION - Sierra Club, Tree Huggers Corporation LLC (aka - THC), "Save the Walls Society", Vegan's Club Anonymous, and my local coroner notified. But how are you reading this?
68 · Sep 6
Situational syncope
Drab Sep 6
I do this daily.
Keeps me regular.
The perks are nice
But I keep getting headaches.
NO - Stop it. Bad Brain! STOP this instant!

Another Note of Import - This just in!

Situational syncope
Heavy laughing can sometimes trigger syncope, which can result in a life-threatening injury if you faint and hit your head.
Drab Aug 27
Turns out there's a correlation there...
August 27th, Tuesday - Another one. It keeps happening. Someone help me.....................
Drab Sep 7
Thank god for the statute of limitations.
I now, "get it".
I coulda been in trouble.
Now, I have maintained my anonymity for just so long.
I write.......
You are......
NOTE - DESPARTIES (he's french)
66 · Aug 30
Drab Aug 30
They come inside,
Without a view.
They exit out.
Expensive as HELL!
8/29/24 – another “pearl”, perhaps to dream……
65 · Aug 26
South China Sea
Drab Aug 26
Sipping champagne from a white paper cup
Eating some Chut from a shell that was cut
Watching the sunset of orange, blue and red
I’ll remember this day until I am dead

On a wooden bench that was meant for a park
One of many on this beach that was painted so dark
I watched the waves break, their fury that calls
The river that fed them made sublime golden walls

A time in my life when I traveled the world
This Miri of wonder, a dream that unfurled
I felt the warm breeze as it blanketed me
While sitting and watching the South China Sea
Thursday, May 8, 2008 - NOTE - Dead snails and "live" people, Malaysia was the best Malaysia I have ever visited (among others)...
65 · Aug 17
When I Die
Drab Aug 17
Where do I go, when I die?
Somewhere up there, into the sky?
Will you see me, with your eye?
When I go up in the sky.

I wish I had a crystal ball.
And see myself when I go.
Oh how high the endless chances
If not high, then how low?

But then I think, what if I see.
What really happens to you or me.
When we die, do I want to know?
If I fly, or if I go.

Down to the depths
Down to the hell.
I think I’ll pass
Upon this dwell.

For who’s to say.
That when I die.
I will surely go
Into the sky?
Or a pile of dust and bone chip lies?
Saturday, May 24, 2008
64 · Sep 8
Directions Anyone?
Drab Sep 8
Goodbye dear friend.
I love you most.
The thing I trust.
The guiding host.
I lost you once,
Shame on me.
I lost you twice……
NOTES – What are those footsteps?

Sunday, Sept 9th.

Peace be with me

1836 Ralph Waldo Emerson publishes his influential essay "Nature" in the US, outlining his beliefs in transcendentalism
64 · Aug 26
Poetic Revalation
Drab Aug 26
I love poetry.
Of course poets ****.
We swim in the muck.

At least that's what the guy in the mirror says.

UPDATE: just realized the first three lines/stiches/observations is a 5-5-5 poem of sorts. Also known as the double nickel plus one type poem ...aka - MY-COO.
08/28/24 - The day, the legend, forgot the U in the title.
Drab Sep 9
You know,
I don’t mean to be a martyr
But I could use some sunshine here.

Just sayin…
NOTES – Can’t stop laughing………………………………………………………

Paid for by the fine folks at HP.
60 · Sep 10
Algo is watching
Drab Sep 10
Algo was a lonely lad.
He walked without a mate.
Cause every where that Algo went
He would always hesitate.

It got real bad, this loneliness
That made him out of step
So he thought about his ole great flame
Rhythm was there, she slept.

They’re married now.
They watch a lot
And then they sprung their trap

Of marriage  is what I’m talking about
The world was not watching for that.

And now they sing a song of love
To watch and wait and see
And Algo Rhythm Jr. was born,
To make your life, his sea

He swam and watched and pushed a lot
Reported back to me.
We’re Algo Rhythm Sr. now, we do just what we want.

In this world they say is free today.
We're here to praise............and haunt.............
and taunt.…
NOTES – “Bad Algo” - 91024
Drab Sep 2
The waves were high,
The North Sea was calm,
But the rollers don’t care,
They just move along…
I didn’t heave, but the rig did.
The beckons of angels, were always bid.
I was just making it through the night,
So I could sleep the next day.
The rhythm of the engines.
Let me always drift away.
I knew I was living,
I knew I was alive.
For staying alive.
On the 135.
09/01/24 – A time to live, a time to die. Somebody said that somewhere…  And thank you Evan, wherever you are…. Oil Field Trash - what a club! You tube the title. I'm at the end.
60 · Aug 29
The Weight Removed
Drab Aug 29
Things like EGOS and the STORIES we told.
I lived there once for a decade or more,
And moved somewhere I can see my toes.
Thursday, 8/28/24 - somewhere....
59 · Aug 30
Running with the Bulls
Drab Aug 30
You will find something you don’t like about me.
If not, I‘m sure you will find something else.
A final analysis should be forthcoming.
You won’t find me though, I’ll be running with the bulls;;;.
08/24/24 - A different point of view....
59 · Aug 29
Drab Aug 29
You have received that which is taking the world down.
A not-so-new device called WE.
WE, is such an important device that “we” in our quest for the freedom of speech and expression, have offered it to YOU, the suffering soul wishing to exercise these “freedoms” that have been cherished and sought after for many a year.
Unfortunately, you must have a WE to be YOU.
Or else, “we”, will cease to exist.
I leave it to you then.
Better to have WE from “we”,
Or than to have YOU and nothing at all?
Saturday, October 18, 2008 -  I hated critical thinking in school....
59 · Sep 5
I don't
Drab Sep 5
I don't need to be so sensitive.
I don't need to place blame.
I don't need a place anymore.
With that I don't have any shame.

But sometimes the enemy creeps on me.
I feel it under my skin.
The thing that I see that is bothering me.
Is what's inside of it.
Note to self - stop writing notes....
Drab 7d
Why is it that it's illegal to yell the word "fire" in a crowded theater?


It's legal to yell "FIRE!!!" in a crowded world?
NOTE - 9/11     -  Remember Everyone!
Drab 3d
HP is a name for many things.
Hewlett Packard, comes to mind.
A note, a name, to call myself….
Not that it really doesn’t rhyme?

Anyway, sung to the tune of Iron Man.
NOTE – Don’t
58 · Aug 13
Variables of Time
Drab Aug 13
I’m begging for time
My time is short as near as the next blow.
It would be anyway, but now I have added several “variables” to the classic tick tock of the heart and soul.
Or perhaps just the heart as you may have it.
To be said, I have contemplated the expedience of my time on occasions by many devices of which I have come known dearly.
Tis not a thing I take lightly today.
For my variables have multiplied with my experience and knowledge (or perhaps none of) .
I have lived easily five quintets of these blessings forgone.
Each unique, each with it’s goodness and sadness (and badness?) .
Now on my sixth, I wish for more.
Only two I ask.
But have I already received much more than deserved?
I do not pretend to know if or when my time will end.
Such is the dilemma of man me thinks.
My two, if you care to ask?
One, my ability to express myself.
Two, my ability to express myself to others.
The two most natural forms of communication and yet I have failed at both so far.
So I take on this quest.
Of two more blessings.
With this poem (of sorts) .
I leave you or you or you to decide if I should try or not.
Give me not your answer, just give me your lot.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
58 · Aug 30
Drab Aug 30
Flip it, flip it good.
Sorry, didn’t mean to be a devo.

A poem can be written down or spoken aloud. It is a collection of ideas and emotions in a creative way.
Thursday, October 29th.......I will be dastardly attacked by a Gastrologist tomorrow as he goes "in search of".  May the force be with you....a day that will live in infamy.....shoulda tagged those last few...
Drab 1d
I want change!
I want it NOW!
Where did all those coins go?
NOTE – don’t even think about it bub….
57 · Aug 30
Spare Me
Drab Aug 30
Spare me the lectures
Spare me the sympathy.
Spare me the life lived in quiet desperation.
But most of all, if not, spare me your company…
08/30/24 - Just sayin, I'm not a good case you were wondering
57 · Aug 25
Touch of Love
Drab Aug 25
The ending has a way to say
Goodbye to some and hello to they,
I have waited so long, so patiently,
To feel the touch of their love, their souls’ so free.
Sorta anyways...
55 · 6d
Drab 6d
A beautiful woman asked if I was available.
I said, “not tonight, I have a headache”
I did.
She gave it to me.

Rim shot……
91224 – regards…..The Loser
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