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55 · Sep 1
For Emily
Drab Sep 1

Miss you....
08/31/24 - Gene too.....Hey, at least it rhymes...
Drab Sep 5
HP is more than a higher power.
I love this site!
I can be sarcastic!
I can be IREVVE-----RANT
I can’t spell
And it’s the best thing since melted ice cream
9424 - NOTE to future ………The new car smell will wear off. I’m sure.
55 · Sep 8
Power Play Now!
Drab Sep 8
"What gives you the right hey you
To stand there and tell me what to do
Tell me who gave you the power
To stop me from livin' like I do"

To: Everone.....NOW
NOTES - J. Kay and Steppenwolf - prophetic.......different time sorta. Should be a new moral prophylactic.
54 · Sep 5
The Vortex
Drab Sep 5
It ate all my poems,
Except the few,
That were in short term memory,
And I blame you.

The spinning sea, a vortex rhymed.
Every day, I want to see what's mine.

O + dot(s)
Notes = round and round we go, it never stops, nobody knows.
I tried to draw a vortex pointing down
54 · Sep 2
Marlborough Fair
Drab Sep 2
It’s not fair.
I guess it’s who the receiver is.
Or what they think.
It’s not fair.
09.02.24 - Say goodnight Dan
54 · Sep 8
Drab Sep 8
Pup was long.
Pup was thin.
Pup was everything,
But I liked him.

He pulled me down.
He pulled me straight.
Pup is gone.
He met his fate.
NOTE - 09/07/24 - Good doggie....

RIP - C. Hearn
NOTE #2 - no vegan's were hurt in this poem.
Drab 6d
I take the blame for all I have caused.
I take the blame for all I have thought.
I take the blame for everything.
Almost, except for what others have done.

NOTE – just sayin ....Friday, September 13th a day that will live in infamy.....

#blame #responsibility #difference

RIP NYC Council?
NOTE – WARNING: consider the source, always. Checked for bias,
53 · Aug 24
Comfort or Numbers
Drab Aug 24
The symbol for infinity is just another way of looking at the numbers six and nine depending on one's perspective....

Say goodnight Dan
Friday, August 23rd, - another one slipped in.....
53 · Aug 29
Out of G.A.S.
Drab Aug 29
My give a **** factor is on the fritz.
I’m afraid it’s permanent, I won’t get it fixed.
It’s never a better life than now in this state,
Especially since my marbles were lost, on my way to this fate…
Say Goodnight Dan – 8-29-24
Drab Sep 9
It’s not really empathy if you have to do it.
It’s not really humble if you have to think about it.
It’s not really wise to not do these things.
Keep thinking about it
NOTES – 9924 - I knew Philosophy 102 would eventually come to the rescue...
53 · Sep 8
And Finnallllly.....
Drab Sep 8
My life is like a poem.
It starts with smiles and paint
I wish it would never end.
For I am in need of a very, very, very, very
Different fate.
Notifications - Amen
I must....get....some....sleep......sooon or will meet my fate.
Drab Aug 19
Rule 62 RULES!!!!
52 · Aug 13
Happy New Day
Drab Aug 13
An old year withers, a new one sprouts
The people celebrate with spirits and shouts
But is this something so special to learn
Perhaps just a page of a calendar turned

I don’t remember just what I did
One week ago, let alone last April mid
This time, it’s funny it goes all so fast
And never, never seems to ever quite last

The old they yearn of the days back then
The young cry for only the days just how and when
It seems so sad, to wish for much more
Or less is much of the same old kind of bore

If I can be grateful for the breath I just took
The rose I am smelling or the comfort of a good book
Or the taste and the feeling of my lover’s lips a kiss took
I need not try think that my day is mistook

The world is full of turmoil, war and decay
How can I be happy if I look too far away
If I am burdened with unhappy thoughts
I need just to start a brand new day now brought

A second, a minute an hour or two
And my life will change if I just try to do
Something for someone other than me
My soul and my heart are in sweet harmony

If I can live in the moment or day
The blessings that come I can’t even say
Too many lost weeks or months on the vine
Are taken away one day at a time
Thursday, May 8, 2008
52 · 6d
The News
Drab 6d
Potential headlines
The things they say
Give me a shudder,
To them I do pray.
Notes "Runaway penguin’s survival story, possible *** breakthrough, best of film and TV. Here’s what you might have missed”
52 · 6d
The Paw
Drab 6d
A tiger’s view.
From a bedroom window.
Draws me towards it.
Or is it just the dog next door barking.

Doh! Dang alarm clock.
52 · Sep 3
The Price
Drab Sep 3
A man who had a very sick insides
Went in for some physical surgery
He came out as scared as before this wild ride
Not knowing whatever could and would be

I saw him just the other day
Not happy, not sad, looks another way
Perhaps he is waiting for the unlucky news
Or may be he's just suffering from the post ride it out blues

I know how he feels, I've been there before
The knife of life cuts deep and loses its allure.
If only they could remove, the tissue of time
And keep us here for another another type of this rhyme.

I suspect it's fear that puts me and him on this path
But sometimes I wonder if its not just so bad
When given the choice of pain or relief
I choose the latter and be free from the agony and grief

Of worry and sorrow and temptations that slide
Through my mind of complications a river, a tide
The peace that we seek isn't hard to be seen
A time when our bodies can never again scream

The agony of life, whether felt or a thought
Is something that comes with the territory we bought
When we decided to endure to the end of our days
I wonder if we knew what price we would pay
NOTES - Then there's this.............bit of a downer I guess. Specially in 2008. Would like to coach someone who could speak to tell this to me, only me. That way I could coach her. Yeah, that's the ticket....
52 · Sep 9
Headed to Texas
Drab Sep 9
I came upon a crash.
It lay upon the hot asphalt.
Spread out over a number of vehicles.
I thought about his family
I'm glad I was the first one to see Him that day and not them

51 · Sep 7
Drab Sep 7
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, some slime.
You go USPS!
Note = the note, the number......(it's Jenny's).....pardon me, exorcising some demons.....
50 · Sep 2
Sympathy for a Devil
Drab Sep 2
Gimme a break I'm a newbie.
Gimme a break I'm a lie.
I just want to get some attention.
And then go away and get high.

The only smart person is not here.
The only one who isn't, is nigh
You can choose which ever YOU prefer.
But the result will be the same if I die.
03/02/24 - Hmmmmmmm....good idea(s)
50 · Sep 7
POV number….next
Drab Sep 7
Confusions said...

View from history.
Gathers no knowledge.
090624 – NO-NE – I don’t understand…..K.I.S.S…...words to die by....
50 · 7d
Drab 7d
My poems mean something to just me.
What others think about them …….
Their thoughts are free.

Turn about, is fair play.
As long as I apply it to what I say.
It’s not too late to change my mind.
It’s the other side that I can’t find.
Drab Sep 9
No talk
                                                                                           Single talk
                                        Double talk
Triple talk

See, I can count.
NOTES - "What the world needs now......"you told them Jackie!.....

J.  DeShannon- sing it again shan....
Drab Sep 7
I was sent a gift,
By US Mail.
It contained a coin.
A precious tale.

A cut appeared.
On the envelope smooth.
You couldn't tell.
I trusted the view.

But when I opened.
The gift for me.
It wasn't there.
To set me free...
09-06-24 - A gift that was sent to me posthumously, by a very close friend. Many years ago.
49 · Aug 31
Goal Oriented
Drab Aug 31
She told me she needs someone….
Who was more “goal oriented”.
So did a number of others over the years.
But the joke’s on them.
I reached my goals a long time ago.
08.31.24 – That will teach her….;-)
49 · Sep 1
The Gutter
Drab Sep 1
I was always told it was nice to look up to others...

POV - *******!
49 · Aug 30
Drab Aug 30
Even a blind squirrel...
Gathers no knowledge.
Aug / 2024 - my son said this sounds like a poem. What the heck, it was a text to him, giving him some fatherly advice...;-)
49 · Sep 2
Progressive Thinking
Drab Sep 2
The roaring car.
Put on some sound cancelling headphones
The searing heat.
Turn on the a/c
The rich get poorer
They've got a meter on your bed.
The lonely cry
What do I do now mr. know it all....
09/01/24 - POV
49 · Aug 30
Feelings vs. People
Drab Aug 30
Keep every person at emotional arm’s distance.
Legs, brain and those “rascals” feelings.
Or as my ex used to say, feelers.
Anyway, then they won’t bother you as much.
People that is…….
08/30/24 - a breakthrough!!!!!!      I can eat solid food tonight!!!  The Lord moves in mysterious ways....
49 · Sep 3
The Good News!
Drab Sep 3
They check the pulse.
Make sure it's dead.
And speak their minds.
That are filled with dread.

I hope I have.
An escape plan soon.
The creeping influencers.
Are coming for you!
Notes - Gee, I'm not sure what I meant...9.3.2-------4
Drab Aug 24
Enuf said.
Think about it.
It's depressing more often than not.....
Friday 10.37 pm, August 23rd, 2024 - Another **** thought came roaring through today.....
48 · Sep 5
POLEY sigh
Drab Sep 5
Even thought some things get lost in translation.
They don't through friends eventually.
Except For.......

See Kamala Harris and DT. Or the other way around. Either wins, they lose....................touch.
Notes 2024 @now
48 · Sep 9
Drab Sep 9
A puppy licks my face.
I'm good.

A lizard licks my face.

It's clean.

An ant licks my face.
Ant's don't have tongues.
And they feel good on my skin.

IT's good to be alive?
NOTES - C Stevens - whatever happened to that goofball?
Somebody needs to do research on these episodes of sporadic incidental mental seizures.and I've had a few of the physical ones too.
Drab Sep 9
Poor me.
Pour me.
Into the goblet of time.

Add some ice and I’ll rhyme.
Add some other stuff and I’m fine.
Put it all together, I’ll probably snort a line.
NOTE – Memories….or lack thereof

Quote of the day...."Words to Die By"
Drab 4d
Past or present
It’s not my past, or all of it.
It’s not my future, or any of it.
It’s not my now, I exist at this moment.
Which is it?

NOTE – What would happen if………
NOTE – What would happen if………
47 · Sep 5
Just an /a/Illusion
Drab Sep 5
Liquid alcohol.
Solid alcohol.
It all goes down the drain.
If you have a garbage disposal.
But who wants to go to the trouble?
Notation - at bottom of page....just blowin smoke.
47 · Sep 7
Game of Tones
Drab Sep 7
I’d like to thank all the little people,
They know who they are.
Not to offend,
They shine like a star.

As you grab the statue.
Of moments and grace.
You may not be on the throne.
But this poem’s in your face!
NOTE – Congrats Pete!
RIP - Author unborn...

Rule 62 - Never take yourself so **** seriously, folks.
47 · Sep 10
Proudest day
Drab Sep 10
One September day.
I spied a poem
Written by me
I wasn’t alone.

Finally, recognition.
After all these years
It’s been a long time coming.
Something’s taken away the tears.

Ninety Eight people.
Have read about me
Something, I, wrote.
For fun and for free…….
None – yes

HINT - DOn't read my Ocean's Eleven poem. BTW, this IS an AD

Three stanzas too.....impressive don't you think?
Drab 1d
The doctor said I have “floating bodies” in my knee.
They were going to do surgery, but felt some of them might still be alive.
They didn’t want to take a chance.
Neither did I.
NOTE – f flat
46 · Sep 4
SMOKE screen
Drab Sep 4
It’s like a smoke screen
Where the two sides cannot see each other
And they don’t care who it is
They just keep lobbing Birthday presence through the air.
NOTES – 09-04-24 – ohhh, I like this one. It feels sooooo gooooood. I was going to go for a Christian slam but I thought I might get offended.
46 · Sep 5
Is old good?
Drab Sep 5
My mother wouldn't recognize me in a mug shot.

She would rather just recognize me.

Life is not fair.

I'm not young.

Was I ever?

My brain says always.

My body says NEVER.
Notes - Are they all people care about? Other than Tags. But then I'm "IT" which means I will probably lose the game. 9524
46 · Sep 2
Chicken or Choking?
Drab Sep 2
Playing Chicken Feet with the little lords,
My niece and my nephews were getting quite bored.
Till I kept losing every game and asked mercy from thee,
They just kept on saying, it ***** to be me.
09/02/23+1 - Actually they would say, "it ***** to be Uncle Dan". little adult rats now.....
Drab 6d
The absurd,
Is the most contemplative.
The obvious,
Is an evil path.

Good thing someone has an open mind…
Notes don't  taste good when you use your mouth to extract their juice.
46 · Aug 23
The Pawn
Drab Aug 23
Not a mind reader.
Not a heart reader.
"Mongo just a pawn in the game of life"
Friday, August 23, 2024 - All due respect to Alex Karras RIP
46 · Sep 4
Stepped on by Feet
Drab Sep 4
What are those footsteps following all of us anyway?
46 · Sep 1
Memorial to Memories
Drab Sep 1
Memories of yesterday are all forgotten.
Memories of tomorrow may not be.
Memories of today are too late.
But the moment, per chance to dream…..

08/31/24 - if you know what I mean.....
For my oldest brother.....wherever you are....
Thankful for the second one also....:---)
46 · 6d
To the Moon
Drab 6d
A Soldier died.
In The Rain
Donald the Dog,
Was his name.

RIP J. Gleason
       S. whatshisname
45 · Sep 5
The Wind Cried Help
Drab Sep 5
READING poetry is a breeze.
You get to skip the bad parts.
NOTIFY - The nearest bird's nest.
Drab Sep 6
It started back in sixty one,
Before I could ever drive.
The voice, the wit, the time goes past.
Slower then twenty five.

As I grew up, wisdom grew,
The voice would come alive.
Jim Healy was this character's name.
He saw the world from different eyes.

RIP - J. Healy
NOTATION - I hate change. I'm not too cool with reality either.

"Who Goofed? I've got to know!"
                   Thanks Howard....
Drab Sep 3
It's a chip (of gelatin)
It's a block (of sugar)
It's a piece (of paper).

Where's Waldo?
NOTES - 09/03/24
45 · 7d
Wasteful Taste
Drab 7d
I hate it when you eat just over half the pie,
And the rest goes to waste.
NOTES - I'm hungry
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