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May 2019 · 411
where is the heart
mt May 2019
you are blood and bone but you are love
i feel it when you touch me,
if i touch myself i'll feel ur heart
the heart is in ur fingertips,
the way they make me feel
the heart is in ur eyes,
all the thoughts that they reveal
Jun 2018 · 12.8k
self reflection (night)
mt Jun 2018
i have a mole on my right shoulder and an always swollen heart,
i often feel lonely, i have eyes that see art.
at night i'll think i'm pretty, like when my hair falls in rings
i say the word love often so i guess i love many things
i like myself better at night so this is about that
mt Jun 2018
u don't believe in God but u tell me i'm an angel.
i hear the devil when u speak to me,
when i see the curve of a hip or soft skin between thighs.
your nails painted the colour of your core, your lashes long and wispy.
i think it's too much, you tell me i think too much
and i think you think of kissing me too much.
two girls but only one of them is in love
Apr 2018 · 7.6k
the sky and the clouds
mt Apr 2018
i don't really know what it feels like to be in love but i think the clouds look nice about an hour before sunset when it seems like everything is submerged underneath a blanket of cotton
or maybe in the morning, when the sky is so blue but the clouds are so sad and so soft like the froth that sits on top of my soda in the summertime when its hot
or right before a sunset when the clouds are dripping gold and the sky seems to soak up all of their honey, honey like the bottles tucked away in the pantry, honey like the eyes of the spiral-haired boy living across the street
and i sit and watch how beautiful the sky is from the sweet-smelling sheets of my bed or the lonely window in my classroom or the passenger seat of my father's car and think of how beautiful it must be to be in love
Apr 2018 · 13.8k
text me
mt Apr 2018
u used to like the way i listen u liked it more when i'd speak
i'd fall asleep to ur voice and find heaven in ur heartbeats
missing u hurts my core, makes me think feel and cry
tell me if my hands didn't still shake when i see u would u allow urs in mine
Mar 2018 · 1.8k
mt Mar 2018
your name on my lips tastes like the stars must taste
the sound of your voice is even sweeter
Feb 2018 · 264
boys and money
mt Feb 2018
boys with money, they rarely have hearts
Feb 2018 · 10.9k
mt Feb 2018
i want to be able to see my heart in word-form, all of its callouses and scars spelled out in strings of the alphabet
i want words to flow off of my fingertips like the drippings of water droplets into a sink from a faucet closed only half way
yet i've found that the four-letter word i've been feeling
can only be expressed as it is
i want to be able to express myself but i feel as though i have nothing to express anymore
Dec 2017 · 7.2k
after u
mt Dec 2017
you liked the arch of my brow and the spirals of hair i'd brush off of my face
yet after you all i would've liked was to be anyone else,
to have the summer shade of my skin fade
the curl of my hair to reach around my neck, choking me until i wasn't me anymore.
until i looked like anyone else.
with u, i was pretty.
you made me believe that the way i would think was unlike any other yet after you, all i could think was why and why and why
and how i missed the sandpaper sound of your voice and why and Why why why.
with u, i had a maze of a mind
and a heart worth more than gold
this one is kinda old but it means a lot 2 me lol
Dec 2017 · 728
mt Dec 2017
it was the volcanos inside of u that i loved the most,
the flames of passion that would erupt out of your core.
i'd feel the heat of your presence,
letting the power of your words nearly sear me.
i knew i'd start hurting eventually
but why did those same flames have to be the ones to burn me
you were the strongest person i knew
Dec 2017 · 1.7k
mt Dec 2017
i think about the girls of your past, ones with prettier thighs and voices like honey
i think of how lucky they must have been
i think you look good when you smoke
i think about how that cigarette is the only thing out of the list of things that have touched your lips to not want u like the others did
i like it when you smoke
Dec 2017 · 388
mt Dec 2017
i’d been telling myself that i don’t care for you anymore
and i’d been believing it with every atom of my being.
i thought i’d done a good job of forcing you into the back of my mind,
training even the crimson in my core to turn cold at the sound of your name.
the site of your face, though
you had the most beautiful smile
you still do
only it used to make my heart swell with joy and love and everything sweet in this world that could make me wonder what i did to deserve your name lighting up my phone screen every night whereas now it only makes it feel heavy.
heavy because of the realisation that i do, in fact, miss u.
a lot

— The End —