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May 2015 · 339
Thomas Maltuin May 2015
In love with       Apathy,      

  Improvised       Indifference,

     Passion       Powerless,

        Readied,      To capitulate

                 turn to me
be gracious                    
              my heart             distressed

fists screaming
against a wall

The Cage

Loathe       Love  
      defend       surrender
demand       forgive  
pain       pain


Have you any idea why?
a woman is like cortisol.

set me free                        
                        set yourself free
i wish i could                            
                                 who put you in there

you are my captor                                    
and conservator
yes i know this is chaotic, at least I abandoned prose for this.
May 2015 · 2.5k
Forgotten Thereafter
Thomas Maltuin May 2015
Sensation al
be it warm,
turn s lightly
frigid as

The moon,
in visible
spectrum by

a s un
doing kindled
friend ships
lost to

Fall a sea
May 2015 · 1.4k
Thomas Maltuin May 2015
Chain grasped in hand
my own hand

I can go nowhere

do nothing

bounded by a chain

Chain clutched in head
my own head

I can never live

not until

gained upon release
Fear,  the one thing that only has the power we give it.
May 2015 · 776
Thomas Maltuin May 2015
Yugen pick your friends
Yugen try to please the world
Yugen never fail
Yugen be who you wanna be
Yugen contradict
Yugen be happy
Yugen steal my words

Yugen, you are
   On your own
Yugen read this poem
May 2015 · 755
Thomas Maltuin May 2015
Alone  for a time
Aforetime isolated
A reflective dot
May 2015 · 300
Thomas Maltuin May 2015
Filled with rusty gold
groggy restlessness burns hot
wake to fevered thirst
Thomas Maltuin May 2015
I thought I'd post a poem today
though i know not what about

but then i heard the little bird say
tweet tweet gibberish harmony pout

I look around at all the bad poetry
and sigh with such relief

I'm glad that my words of maple tree
are eloquent beyond belief
collaboration poetry with ******-Delic
May 2015 · 589
Mentis Strepitus
Thomas Maltuin May 2015
No given thought
from one so young
of double speak
or triple tongue

I cradle thee
within my boughs
ignorant of
thy whats and hows

Jednom slomljena
ce jour, repare!
mia mente, la vuoto,
verloren geht, und wie!

'Twas scattered 'bout
now gathered glued
so yugen read
this thought subdued

if now a mess
no more to rhyme
you should have seen
some nonsense poetry
if you make sense of it i'm proud of you
just for translating
Thomas Maltuin Apr 2015
The laggard

the sloth is so slow
his brain
fighting itself
digging through

The paradox

fickle thing
and rightly so
we learn
not from

The answer

we learn
facts within

The logical abyss

do they become
or does the truth
lose itself
in the eye of

The beholder

in whose eyes
is desire
torn from

The real prize
The paradox

The answer
The logical abyss

The beholder
The Laggard
A wedding from long ago examined in third person. An enigma. The truth yet simultaneously, nonsense.
Mar 2015 · 330
List of Lies
Thomas Maltuin Mar 2015
You can pick your friends

Your friends
will love you

as long as

you love them
you are nice to them
dress like them
and do what they say.

Your friend will be your friend,
granted you are a friend to them.

Love is a feeling

Love will
never hurt

love is nice

love will be
love when it is earned
or deserved
and desired.

Love will never tell lies,
unless you would rather hear them.
Mar 2015 · 769
Thomas Maltuin Mar 2015
there it is
that reminder
something is missing
though i never had it

what is it
it was a plan
i thought anyway
a task i need to do
maybe it's not important

is it real
did it exist
maybe i'm broken
is this a metaphor
is this moment my whole life
a string of useless empty thoughts

another day
another underscore
why an underscore?
your thoughts...
Mar 2015 · 581
Once in a While
Thomas Maltuin Mar 2015
go to sleep

wake up
check the time


blink again

day begins

coffee in
feel the same
wish I had some Nicotine...
though I could
getting up

Not important

i'm angry
no I'm not
that's not me
yes it is

Who am I

read some lit
maybe later
to feel (Blank)
where's the wife
did she cook

What's it mean

this must be
what I wished for
pray for Peace.
of definition

I don't have 1

eat some tuna
feel the same
don't know how to Smile?
class starts soon
get it done

Maybe I'll just sit here

why am I angry
im not
mad Thoughts
without emotion
steady heart

Where was i

wish i could be myself
what's that anyway
nothings Right
nothing's wrong

Didn't help either

did the world stop
while i slept
did i miss It.
am i black
or white

What's the difference

Maybe i'll play guitar

i didn't
is the real me
once in a while
Mar 2015 · 767
Thomas Maltuin Mar 2015
Movement One
story    without    plot
  rhyme        no        reason
  they are beautiful               I embrace them     
though frivolous
               you believe                they have meaning  
without existence      of     contrasting            
Movement Two
would you part Gemini     or                                 
    hands     from 
                             their work
without water
land they till
becomes dull
mass of dirt
End of Statement
Not of song
     what lyric                  without voice
    has freewill                  without choice
must I
                list the meaningless               
Movem­ent Three
what is
harmony without
paint without
medium without
What a thought!
true freedom
without direction
majestic for a moment
only a moment
the pitfall of
my unfinished labor
makeshift vanity
dissipated into
forgotten dreams
make no mistake
such creations
bear certain
yet unseen
essence draws

the void
as memories
in pieces
without one
final sliver
spare        change
on the table
though of value
upon assembly
Movement Four
what is a character                                          
                  without a tale?                                    
what is a novel                                                
           ­   without a soul                                 
                      to speak of    which was first    
                                        chicken or egg
                                             to those who say
                                         egg I say "nay"
                                                  a chicken will thrive
                                        without young
                                            the simple ellipse
                                             without a mother-
                              in a salad
together they are whole
the one gains life
the other lives
The Grand Scheme!                           A Master Theme!     
can there be             
                    a creator without
Movement Five**
Is a book worth writing without characters to fill it? or would it
be filled, with lands and backgrounds of ambiguity?
Is a person annulled without life to retell, or become a mannequin with
a simple, painted, face
p e r h a p s
                joy         within        the stories    
hardship and     experience    manifest          
    history and all           live           in footprints         
    |                         |    
        silhouettes dreamed  | the Identities |  in the wake                       
  |                         |  
The Protagonist
Don't read this on mobile.  The spacing will be wrong and words will be out of place.

— The End —