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Shofi Ahmed Apr 2017
A tree grown off the seed,
everyone can see
and sees the seed
when none see the tree.

The seed, a dead end,
no pattern to see.
Punting in a zero pool,
what then comes to be.
The one is now the honey
spring for every bee!
The night doesn't make sense.
Nothing's fixed
The world's still spinning, broken

How come you're still here?
Am I Imagining you?
But you feel real.
What should I do?

I don't want to believe it
This night doesn't end it all
Divide it be zero!!
**** it all!

***** the numbers
Let's forget the ******* theories
I didn't stay up to see you leave
I don't care if it's insanity.

Don't give the feeling a name
Don't give the night a chance to end
I want it to stay like this
Even if nature's laws have to bend.

So what if it's wrong?
It's all I have right now
And all I lose if that sun comes up
So please, I beg.

Don't let it end, keep time stuck
Let's keep it here and never let go
Take the night
And let's divide it by zero.
Lily May 2018
Dividing zero
By any number will still
Leave you with zero.

If you have no love
To begin with, nothing can
Force it to appear.

Dividing zero
By any number will still
Leave you with zero.
Mortecai Null Apr 2018
My flesh crawls, and my blood flows
As I attempt to turn to marble
True stasis
Oh to maintain beauty to be gawked by muses
And to never have been alive, merely beings of retired faith
But unsurprisingly, just as pointless
I sigh…
I may parish in mind and finally body
But marble will diminish slowly
All while watched and attemptedly preserved
I breathe.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The equation of the hopes and dreams of a thing that does not exist.

In a galaxy of stars, I am less than nothing.
In a land of billions I am an infinite fraction.
Sat in a bar, I am not even worth mentioning.
No passing glance, no chance of romance,
Never even a pleasant distraction.

Surrounded by people, I am nobodies equal,
Less is more than I can be; I am divisible by zero.
In a strong man contest, I am worse than feeble.
Neither good enough, or evil.

I am a mirage waiting for the sun to shine.
I am buried beneath a zillion grains of sand.
Never to be discovered,
Never looked for.
Never needed;
Not a man.

I do not even register on the scales of time;
Nobody has realised.
I do not really exist…
Empty, worthless, empty, worthless, empty, worthless…

Just air without ingredients;
No oxygen, no chemical reaction.
I never made a dent in the system.
No crater left, nothing remains;
I never affected anybody’s brain.
Zero, zero, zero

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Arionna Mar 2018
girl like: can recite digits of pi up to number 25. got a mouth full of razors but will find a way to speak around them so she can spit out the answers to last night’s math problems. girl like: walking around with one million useless facts that will never save her life and one million useless feel-good quotes about yoga which won’t save her life neither, girl like: need her on our classroom jeopardy team but don't need her for much else unless we need somebody to stand in the middle of the room and just scream
girl like: you kissed her on a night where she got drunk for the first time and you were the whole bottle of fireball but nobody pulled her away from you because when girl like this parties, people think it’s funny that she has no sense of danger
girl like: walking on glass, girl like balancing act, girl like “it’s easy if you understand weight distribution,” girl handling a crime scene easy because the one in her left temple is sort of sloshing around and spreading past the edges and one of these days she’s gonna have to deal with it in some other way rather than “the angle of the bloodspatter shows the angle of the assault” rather than “i’m fine i’m just tired” rather than “sure i’ll help you study for the final” rather than being in the backseat of her mother’s minivan and silently weeping without anyone seeing and for reasons she can’t quite put a finger on 
girl like: she apologizes because this area her body is a building in renovation so the appearance is unsightly and truth be told she has no idea if she’s going to tear it down or build it up but the mystery is sort of exciting isn’t it - and you’re trying to scrape her off the ground with your eyebrows in that little knot people get when they’re upset but don’t know really how to fix it and she keeps running and she says: listen, the specific heat of wood is pretty high, you know. her feet are burning, nevermind her soul
girl like: science is amazing isn’t it don’t you know objects in motion tend to keep speeding towards a brick wall and i’ve shot myself out of the barrel of a gun wanna see the angle of the bloodspatter wanna walk across the coals wanna stick your fingers in the glass of my brain wanna turn up the music so nobody hears the stitches coming undone darling i’m sorry i’m not savable we’ve tried everything darling i’m sorry i come off like i’ve got everything in between my fingers but darling being up-to-date on my homework doesn’t make me strong being good at hiding it doesn’t make me the voice of success being able to laugh when my brain is a mess just makes me sad it doesn’t make me a hero
girl like: my favorite digit of pi happens to be zero.
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2018
Painted characters  
Adding life to it  
Scarlet imaginations  
White, Black, Blue  
Missing the object,  
While grasping it’s shadow  
Illusion of hope,  
Nothing of what seems, everything  
Complicated questions,  
Answers within  
Seeking the peace,
With loaded weapon  
A placebo effect,  
Of reason and faith  
Thinking, obstacle is the path  
Effort to undress, a naked man  
Remedies worsen than the illness  

Doubting everything,  
In the zero hour  
Doubting everything,  
Way to find a truth
Emptiness is a new fullness.
Genre: Abstract
Shared from my Anthology, Canvas: Echoes and Reflections, 2018.
Samuel Feb 2018
How did it even start,

This fight?

The Sage of Holy Wind

Can’t really say,

she never can.

As always she is drawn

By the Wind’s beckoning call.

Drawn by whispered words

Of the Flashing Light’s fight

And her devilish foe.

That’s all she needs.

On those same gusts

She rushes

As she can

To the Light’s side.

A sudden guest

In the grueling conflict

She alarms them both,

The foe and the knight.

With a curse from both

And a grin from her

The combat continues

With desperation.

The foe has six arms

And three faces

All on one head,

A dreadful asura.

He swings six swords

With fiendish speed

And sings a song

Of hate that cuts deep

into the earth

Tearing it from her feet,

The King’s Blade.

She leaps up

Taking to the air

And calls down lights

That crash

With all the fury of thunder

Sped on by her own song

And Hope’s dire will.

Hope to protect.

Hope to save.

Hope to destroy.

His shout shakes the light

From the skies

And he lunges forth,

A dance of blades

Seeking gore and more.

His speed is great

But greater still

Is the Wind’s.

A gusting wave pushes him

Back and down.

He is thrown from the air,

The Fate Spinning Winds’ domain.

Grinning the Blade dives

Down and down

With righteous fury

And the blue glow

Of purest Light’s intent.

The ****** is sure, strong

And cracks like thunder.

The raging storm

Of Grimm’s good servant,

The Light’s own sage.

There is more to him

Than shouts and swords

And six arms though.

There’s a lack of care

And a burning hatred

For all the King’s men.

Many would run

Or raise up a shield

Guarding themselves from death.

But he welcomes it

Letting the blade run deep,

Piercing him through

and mortally so.

Then he catches the arm

That wielded the blade

And pulls down the Blade.

The fight seems over and done

From the Holy Wind’s high place

Her home, the air,

But a screech rings out.

Four devious daggers

Made of Darkness

Claim the King’s Blade,

Rending her flesh

And digging in deadly.

She is tossed aside

Like a toy

Bleeding and cursing

And ******.

The asura ****** too

Rises up

Rage incarnate

Blind and dumb

And unrelenting

To finish his job.

He raises up

An arm and then another

Before the shocked sage

Buffets him with a wind.

Tossed he turns

Terrific rage building more

And directs it at her,

The sage unbelieving.

Like a shock of silver

Cold and quick

To the gut and the heart

Is the fear mounting.

Fear for her,

Fear of loss

Of a friend, a lover dear,

Known for a thousands years

And hopefully a thousand more.

The Wind’s sing of necessity

And Fate.

Of life and death,

An air of change,

Unyielding in its march.

The tune is so welcome


Though it seems so cruel.

Now it is dreaded,


Now it makes her pause,

Turning to look

Searching for life

In her partner dear.

Finding that hesitation

The asura jumps up high

Blades ready

And burning with demon fire,

But his arms are pulled back

And he is pulled down

By deep red chains

Of crimson fluidity,

Of blood.

They coil and cut

Like blades

Slicing an arm free

Then two, then three,

But he breaks free

Shrugging off bonds

With a scream.

From the floor she rises

The Flashing Light

Eyes aflame

With red fury

Brilliant and ominous

As the Red Moon.

From the Flashing Light spills

Blood like a torrent

Shaped into swords

As would the Light be.

The sound of his chant

Is cut short

By a wave of dark

Butterflies fluttering from her.

The sound of her chant

Rings out

Sending forth a wave

Of blood made blades.

Skewering, rending

Utterly ending the foe.

She rises a victor

Dripping blood,

And her wounds close

Fed blood.

She rises a vampire revealed

And fear falls

In the Holy Wind’s Heart.
Prompt was "fear".
No one saluting ,you Zero , Me one
The useless , futile, and Worthy of none.

Me one  an idle,my Value Just dead,
It was your consort which made me hundred.

You came my side and made me your one,
My credit went higher and always we won.

So what you  barren,and So what  Zero,
If I am the winner,then You my Hero.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
All Rights Reserved
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