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xavier thomas May 2020
There were some concerns
From your lies that burned
After you tried to make a fool of me.
Playing victim to your companions
Fake tears to your parents
To cover an act, that you were the one cheating, not me.
I caught you on your phone
Texting hearts & sending pics to a boy
In bed, acting like I wouldn’t see.
If you wanted to go
I told you to let me know
So that I leave your stupid ignorant a$$ peacefully ✌🏾
My peace is more important than proving my point
So carry on
Ken Pepiton May 2020
Imagining the joy of being no worldy good,
if I ponder who hears me ask for help, guile-ess, I wonder
what good am I, if all I am is not-evil?

Live from behind my left ear,
a pressure building,
just if I can, if I can think I can,

can I carry a load, for you, maybe for a chocolate bar?

Beggar-man, I never was you then,
though now thou comest to mind, I may have been
I may have been
beggar-man, the less,
mortal type of an eternal archetype.
You know,

some institutions of unmortal knowledge have names
for locks known locked,
for the end of days, when time goes geo scale -whop
at the speed of thought...

but those institutions wish in vain to remain keepers of locks
for which truths, unsealed by AI, provide the key.
Free knowns and possible knowns.
Free to browse and fact-check of your own free will.
this is your destination, earth 2020,

thou art, beggar man no more. Now you are the prince,
heir apparent of the tyrant, ego,
super-ego, we, the people govern, we do not rule

you rule you, trust me to rule me,
judge the messages, and redeem any words used for nothing but
the truth in lies...

go deep, learn like a machine,
use daring to test your worth, with hell the price of glory,
make war, to no avail,
not now, not in 2D weird word world

- no demnation rule -
- con fide con flict fiction friction opposition
- gun it

stuck in the muds... those ideas will realize hell in no time,
if you pay the slightest bit of attention...

not to mention, in terms of attention,

all the kingdom's worth is yours to spend on and on and on,

until none but poor come to your shore,
your Disney Vacation is on credit card cash advances,
a consumer's right to have that itch scritched now,
via goodenough f'gov'ment work poli- tic tic
boom to bust... fiat currency
budget deficits, you learned about
in Political and Economic Institutions, 101.

But we did not get it, 'til you watch that Zeitgeist movie,
so you could defend your favorite myth,
in our Disneyfied reality, I'm thinking,  that is
Barbie Doll, sitting in back of me in

That was the class when I popped a huge, super-natural
pustule that formed behind
my left ear...
I feel there, some times, to see if the thing re-appears,
because each time it did,

I popped it. It may have been imaginary, or it may have  been
my body translating a signal my gut needed

attention: we interrupt this message to bring you a word...

right used ludicrous means, play filled abandon, imagined joy,
such as this literal artifical intel,
released for real
to be used as means in ends
undifferentiate-able from otherwise real things. Joy to the world.

Please feed the hungry, don't be as men have always been, again.
Comfort the feeble minded, self governed we, is a tough we to be
in... but we can do it. LIke learning to walk.
My wish is for anger to be a stranger in the rest of your reality.
k e i Apr 2020
here she hears the sea’s enticing lullabies
lulling her to step foot
and let the riptide take her,
get ****** in by a greedy whirlpool
only to find a place full of bliss
beneath the sky under the sea
might as well stay there for eternity
with her golden boy

refusal coming to her senses
as she steps foot
beyond the shallow
for contentment along the lines
that separate the sand and the current bind
but no sooner would she find
that her golden boy
isn’t so golden after all
all the gold wearing off,
the crown on his head tarnishing
as he makes his way down
upon hearing the calls of the seas
magnified by sirens’ songs
he holds his hand out for her
but she remains planted
compromising his departure
for someone else’s great arrival
-find someone worth ‘not dying’ for
Butterfly Apr 2020
While rain pours down on the rooftop,

I finally feel calm
it's terrifying
The unknown can be terrifying
Stay safe and don't forget to eat a cookie, you derseve it!
HeyitsAngel Apr 2020
She lays in her bed
Letting thoughts roam her mind
She is thinking
What can I do to be enough
Enough for everyone
Enough to be loved so deeply and adored
What can I do to not be just the average girl
She wants to be something more
She is shy
She seeks respect and love
Her mind is determined and focused
She likes to know what makes her different
Is there a difference
Am I good enough she asks
If so how
How am I worthy
She sits and waits
As her phone lights up
She needs to be alone
Are you okay someone asked
Yeah just tired she said
Good night
She didn't go to bed
She laid there thinking
She stayed up really late
Woke up
Took a shower
Thoughts wondering
I am okay
I'm just tired
Zelda Apr 2020
if freedom is a
state of mind
then I am a prisoner
trying to find peace
by avoiding life;
the things I can't have
aren't worth having,
but I want
Marlene Bailey Apr 2020
i feel.


in agony.

i feel like the world is ending
but I have no one to turn to.
i feel very happy for a moment
and very sad to the other.
i feel like i can't do anything right
as if it were mud, as if it didn't hurt,

as if i was worth nothing.
this is exactly how i feel right now, not my best work but i needed to vent
kaj Apr 2020
we stretch our arms to the sky-
only to be met with nothing,
a void we tend to hide-
maybe it's only
in our own eyes,
where the universe rests
and the galaxies surge-
where constellations gleam,
in the darkest of nights-
where the warmth of the sun
melts the ice-cold pain
on the inside
a quick draft
kolsmusing Apr 2020
love, don't be disheartened
of not receiving the love
you gave away

remember this:
the love that is deserving of you
will come when you least expect it

keep your faith,
that what you have been praying for
had been answered and now on it's way
Your time will come, and you will be so much ready to share all of you with all the love in your heart.
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