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Alexis Rose May 2015
How am I going to save you?

See it's number one on my to-do list,
And that little box is begging to be checked.
And i'm crying and worrying and losing sleep just wondering,

How am I supposed to do this?

But every single effort I make is falling through
And I see those scratches and cuts and...
I know that I would die if I lost you.
He's such a sweetheart and such a sweet person but refuses to see that he's worth something :'(
Violet Blue May 2015
You think your friend
Is in danger
One of the happiest
Cutest people ever
This person we know is on their Facebook
Dragging all this ******* out
Making it seem like something was wrong
When in the end it was just our mate
And said she was asleep
Why'd you drag that out so long
Making us worry
To find it's really nothing
**** sakes
Sadolecent May 2015
Close your eyes, slam the door
Lay yourself down on the floor .
You Put your hands, right over your face,
Hoping, you'll get out of this place
Love to be sought, words to be spoken,
But it's kinda hard when your heart is broken.
and now I just sit in silence
Audrey Maday Mar 2015
I had long forgotten,
This nervous bumping,
Within my stomach of,
Butterfly wings brushing against,
Hearts, lungs, stomachs.
But he has brought it back,
With the fury of a hurricane,
Sudden, only slightly expected,
But never truly prepared.
Each message is now carefully typed,
Carefully prepared, time decided upon,
Each phone call spent nervously,
Picking at my cuticles until the bleed,
My heart is beating out of my chest,
Every time my phone buzzes.
I forgot for so long,
This giddy revelation,
Of fresh emotions and nervous,
Banter across states.
But, God, oh God,
Am I glad he's brought it back.
Ironatmosphere Mar 2015
Her skin was pale
as if she had never seen the sun or bathed in its rays.
She was starting to resemble a monster,
bones protruding like barbed wire
trapped under her lifeless skin.

For her, time had slowed down,
making her move like an old lady
at the age of fifteen

All color had been drained from her world.
Her dreams were vibrant as ever,
but at the rate she was going they would be forever just that.

She was wasting away,
Dangerously close to end up in a grave.
Her smile was forgotten by everyone.
by everyone but me
PrttyBrd Mar 2015
My shadows unite
As he remains out of sight
The night he walked home alone

My heart tosses and turns
For his safety I yearn
The night he walked home alone

For reasons unknown
His strength he has shown
The night he walked home alone

He is stronger than I
As I await his reply
The night he walked home alone

I wait for the phone
To signal he's arrived home
The night he walked home alone
Don't Exist Mar 2015
The One with the Timberland Boots
Those gigantic feet
Which I peek
Was close to mine
Though I had to sneak

The stench of my odor
Coming from my ***
Was making me
Insecure very fast

But luckily the stalls divide us
Our bowels and touch
And all things that blind us
Except for the smell
Of course that was true
But with our smells combine
There was nothing coming through

Between us…

The love that we made
That came from pain
Has thus began to fade away
Including me who had to go

But I will never forget
The Timberland Boots
Who sat near me in company
Throwing my insecurities off the roof
Crossed between choices, paths, decisions,
This isn't the life I thought out, not the one I envisioned.
Remember we were five? They asked what we wanted to be, I said an athlete or an astronaut when I should've said free.
The days that remain can be counted on a couple hands,
Time to change my stars, make my art, and discover my Rembrandt.
Is it me ? Am I the problem?
Do I even make you smile?
Do I even give you happiness ?
Am I the one that pops in your head when you sleep or wake up?
Am I the one your waiting for when your day goes by?
do you miss me when you don't hear from me?
Do you think it's me when your phone rings?
Do you love me like I think you do?

All these questions and always worried if I really am the one or just a stepping stone to reach higher places?
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