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stillhuman Sep 2021
I lay
as the colours of the world
spin around
This state of mind is poison that you ingest on your own
Anna Maria Sep 2021
We throw ******* in our rivers.
We crack open the road the earth has given us, to replace it with one that we consider more necessary.
We pump out chemicals, and the try re-plant the trees that we have destroyed.
Others maim and some starve.
Some like I live a life of what can be called 'Luxury'
So why do i complain that the world is not fair?
Not fair because of my failed grade in Mathematics?
Not fair because the gossip that surrounds ones life?
We are not fair to the world that is giving to us,
Why should it give more that it receives.
Delicacy8100 Sep 2021
His intentions were unclear.
Boundaries broken.
I pushed He pulled.
Gently, quietly he studied me.
Gradually winning a friendship.
Pulling my barricades down.

Days fell, nights pass
through a decade, he always promised, give me your love
we won't clash.

Impromptu to the fact, he sees right through me.
(Looking Glass)

Time has taken.
Time has given.
Amorous love, he has proven.

He stole my heart, A thief? A bully?
No Monster indeed, our love is rooted.
Day and night we stay entwined.
We are meant to be our *** does prove it.
Kelsey Sep 2021
Oh, world! Let me write!
Let me sling my pen across the page
Let me smash my fingers to the keys
Make them shake and break and bleed
"Its not easy being me"
I will write on top of a mountain
Write in the middle of a thundering wave
Speak unspoken words to thin-bladed air
Make my voice heard because
"Theres no one like me"
Let me essay the truth
Let me stanza the lies
Whatever you do
Just help me now
And let me write
I ask you
To stop.
Big Virge Aug 2021
Now When It Comes To Weapons...
... That TRULY Threaten... !!!

Many Are DRAWN...
But What Can Be Called...

To Be The...

... GREATEST of Them All... !!!

But To Apply The Word... “ GREAT “...

ISN’T Quite What Relates...
To Weapons Displayed...
That Cause HURT And Give PAIN... !!!

So This Piece of Wordplay...
Will Look Into Weapons...
That Employ The BRAIN... !!!
And Others That STRENGTHEN...

How POWERFUL Folks...
Now Keep People CONTROLLED... !!!

So That Weapons Like These...
RESTRICT Our Human Breed... !!!

Just Like Technology...
Is Doing... CURRENTLY... !!!

And How People Who Lead...
Use These Weapons To KEEP...

The Masses In Zones...
Where Their Weapons Take Hold...
Like A... Viral Disease...
That Locks Down The Streets... !!!

WITHOUT Using Armies...
UNTIL It Is Deemed...
That We All NEED VACCINES... !!!

Do You See What I Mean... ???

Some Weapons Are CLEVER...
And Hit Like BAD Weather... !!!!

Or Dodge Like Mayweather...
When Facing Vendettas...
Brought By Boxing Fellas... !!!

And Then There’s Agendas...
That SPIN Just Like Blenders...
With Weapons CONTENTIOUS...
Like... VICIOUS Contenders... !!!

And What About Gender... ?

When It’s USED Like A Weapon...
That Nowadays THREATENS...
... Freedom of Expression... ?!?

A Weapon That’s Spreading...

You SEE There Are Themes...
That Infuse Poetry...
With Thinking That’s DEEP... !!!

To Speak On Issues... !!!

But Now See That Views...
That Deal In The TRUTH...

THREATENS And Lessens...
Your Chance To Get Through...
To Feed Masses Who...
Are Constantly Fuelled...
By Media Tools And Industry Crews...

Whose Weapons Are FOOLS...
Who’ll... Distribute Tunes...

That... AREN’T All That Good... !?!

But Are Given A PUSH...
So The Masses Get HOOKED...
And Concerts Are Booked...

Because of The Way...
That Their Songs Get REPLAYED...
Day After DAY...
On Mainstream Airwaves... !!!

You See NOTHING'S As Straight...
As People... Like To CLAIM... !!!

When It Comes To The Names...
Who Are Constantly Seen...
Because They... ENTERTAIN... !!!

Through The Art That They Make...

CONTROL Is The Weapon...

What It Is People Say...
In... Various Frames...

It’s A POWERFUL Tool...
That A Gun CAN Reduce... !!!

But CANNOT Take Down...
When CONTROL Is What’s Used...
To Give People CROWNS...
Or To RULE In Courtrooms... !!!

Which Now Leads Me To Courts...
A Weapon That Breeds...
... Many CONTROVERSIES... !!!

When People Walk FREE...

Because of Whose Given...
Supreme Court Positions... !!!
A Weapon That Meddles...
On... MULTIPLE Levels... !!!

When POWER Is Used...
To Distort And ABUSE... !!!

The Truth To Confuse...
Or To Change A Decision...
Like... WHO Gets To RULE... ?!?

And WHO Gets Positioned...
To SET The Conditions...
of How This World Runs... !!!

A Weapon That’s HUNGRY...
And Feeds OFF of MONEY... !!!

Than... ANY BIG GUN... !!!!!!

Or Bomb That Is Dropped...
To CORRUPT Governments... !!!

That FUELS THIS Question...
When It Comes To Weapons... !?!

Because MANY Are Drawn...
And Leave People Forlorn...
But The Power of Thought...
And Sway In The Courts...
Like... MASS Distribution...
Breeds POWERFUL Movements... !!!


Now Corona Has Called...
For Freedoms’ DOWNFALL...

Be What People Declare... ???

To Be The WEAPON...


“ The GREATEST of Them All ? “
Now that humanity has, SO MANY, it's an interesting question, that asks, which one is the most powerful, or dangerous !?!
Maja Aug 2021
it’s okay
no, i’ll pay
even though you bought it
even though you said it
what I did was clearly wrong
no *******
but i’ll play along
Jay M Aug 2021
It's strange
How the myths
Tell of reality in such parallel
Speaking, preaching of a greater force
When in fact that force is found within
When we truly realize the simple
Yet utterly complex truths

Nothing is set in stone, but in mind
We are in control of our own actions
Our choices domino, and affect others
Even in ways we could not possibly imagine

Life is the ultimate gift;
The fact of not knowing what comes
After we have passed on and our soul departs
Makes our lives all the more meaningful

The meaning of life
Is as simple and complex as that;
To breathe, to move, to learn,
To listen, to grow, and to know

Face the hardships,
Endure the pain,
Learn from failure
Learn from the pain
To become stronger
To become better
Than those before you

To create a better world
Or perhaps see what lies before you
Heal the damage that has been done
Heal the broken bones of the world
To regrow, to be stronger than before
For life to once again thrive
Just the way it should

- Jay M
August 27th, 2021
That is the truth of life that I have realized over time. Though I am young, I have learned much more about life than I realized.
Dinesh Padisetti Aug 2021
Days turn into nights
An endless labyrinth of
Empty weeks and months
With no semblance of life

Years go by, memories not made
Everything STOPS...
People, Planes & Countries too
To bear the wrath of Animalcules
Woke up feeling this
William Anderson Aug 2021
she gave me a box of matches
small enough to rattle between
two of my fingers

in the dark, we sat alone
striking them
and like a magic trick
the light would burst forth
and scatter like laughter
fill the empty breeze
with something warm

we watched the flames
alive and changing
let them grow and crawl
right until they nipped
the tips of our fingers

we’d shake them out
just before we got
watched the smoke
rise and sway, smelled
so sweet, powerful
as the last light
slowly faded
like falling asleep
or turning to stone

over and over
this was transformation
and it was in our hands
over and over
until the box no longer rattled
and before us lay
a pile of ash
a mountain
a change we had caused
thanks for reading
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