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Graff1980 Feb 2017
We sad strangers have stood idly by
Watching people suffering
Brown skin Muslims rounded up
While waterboard artists play cover up
Unmanned missile launching drone
Blow up innocent bystanders homes
Justice is just a joke’s simple guise
To promote social inequality
Worthless warfare idiot warriors
Public figures probably figure
Were just sheep cow toe to heroes
Noble sacrifices will quiet riots
Justifying all of those lies
Can’t call a soldier on his crimes
Well then string up the general
Written 2011
I am getting real tired of this cycle that rotates back to the same hate.
kailasha Feb 2017
the regions that mother nature spares,
the places saved from raging oceans, and trembling grounds,
from erupting fires and disease and drought,

those are for you to go and ****,
with knives and words,
guns, bombs and
those are the regions for humanity to destroy.
is violence human nature?
Joshua Dougan Feb 2017
People should be a little bit brighter
A little bit happier, don't be a miser.

Why is everyone so quick to anger,
So scared of danger and sick on paper.
Get a life, learn to smile you fakers.
Nothing in this world is gonna make it safer.

Misery loves company trust me it's ugly.
They came to be lovely til their feelings need cuddling.
Coddling is more like it, insulating even.
They don't realize they're insinuating treason.

Inciting some violence by some violet snowflakes.
Protesting the silence with science and show dates.

Our heroes reborn, a new purpose and will.
All zeroes now scorned by the true service of skill.
Graff1980 Feb 2017
It is over. I turn my head in shame.
Shoulders fall and I feel the defeat;
Found this corner to call my place,
and these calluses are for my feet.
Body weary from work I despise.
My mind worn down from these
political, social, and religious lies.
I turn and walk away from this day,
because I cannot stop the killing.
I cannot stop the bombs that drop,
or all the bullets that keep on flying.
I cannot stop a man from joining the clan,
Or bombing my brown brothers;
****** my sisters, destroying our mother.
I trip and stumble start to mumble
“What the hell is wrong with me?
Why can’t I make them see what I see?
Why can’t they see and believe in the beauty
In the human spark raised in dignity,
The blade of understanding sharpened by diversity?
Why can’t they listen with my ears,
hearing the music of people that I hear,
the pleasant sound of a foreign accent,
the learning of something new even if it is by accident?”
I turn my head not only in shame but ashamed of
those who I love but for whom love is not enough.
Those who cough and sputter spitting vile barbs of hate,
Who rage and waste these precious days,
Not really hearing what it is I am trying to say.
Crossed flags and burnt crosses,
Lines only few dare to cross and the tragedy is,
we are all in this together.
I turn my head to rest it on my pillow,
because today I am tired and heartbroken,
but tomorrow I will be better.
I can only fall so far till I rise again.
You may be my enemy now,
but an enemy is just tomorrow’s potential friend.
Written in 2011
Joshua Haines Feb 2017
Dragging a baseball bat through the alley,
old-fashioned stain, auto-signed by some
body that used to inspire, you know how it goes

And, of course, it's raining a type of
slippery sludge that gets on and under
regenerating skin, born today, dead today
forever and ever a boulder pushing life

It all stings, oh god, it will accurately burn
the way that a forgotten face trips into smoke
before the mind's wandering, hazardous dare
Then, before it was ever known, you break
into the breeze, a tryst of truth, floating

Where he stands is so close to where the
bat meets the flesh, bursting under babble
Swinging with the explosion of repressed
rage, stolen memories summoned into a
frenzy of freedom and self-imprisonment

Violent before the new world,
breathing into a rumored hollow carcass
Zyanneh Frazier Feb 2017
She was so beautiful until he decided to replace her face with ugliness now she calls herself a demon all because he wanted to put his hands on someone who couldn't even defend themselves now she's just hoping and praying that these scars would soon disappear but every single time, he comes around they reappear as she cries and tries to fight back but yet there's no one around to help.., he even calls her names and even make her undress herself just so he can get a piece of cake she knows living this type of lifestyle isn't right but yet he's always making sure there's no escape so she's stuck with bruises and a mindset filled with hate all because of him, he will soon suffer from this and his day will come as she remains calm and reports everything that as happened to someone who was only trying to protect her from the virus he's spreading all over her face.. places such as her eyes, nose, and lips all started to turn black he caused this girl a heartbreaking life who may never consider herself as "beautiful" ever again...
Mane Omsy Jan 2017
I came here first, so stay back
The words of a tyrant
I can't let you sleep on my pillow
I don't care you made it
This land is mine, I don't share
I don't help no Muslims nor no Mexicans
How could you say we're the same race?
I'm white and you is black
I've set my streams to greatness
They'll flow with blood, I know
Even though,
My strength will shake the world
I'll wreck the ships they sailed
And anchor mine safely, with no fear
He has become the worst nightmare to the good hearted humanity. The rest of the world will witness his mass cruelty.
Mikayla Smith Jan 2017
I’d like to know what a hero is;
Pretty simple, I believe.
Explain to me how a hero is
Supposed to act
And when the fool’s
Heinous crimes will be
Given a reprieve.

What is a hero?
Is a hero supposed to mock
What causes the danger
Or laugh in the faces of
Those who wish for change?
Where’s his cape?
Where’s his dimming lights And crowded stage?

What is a hero when he
Starts the problems he was
Deemed to end?
What is he but a hero when
The foe becomes his friend?
Is he still the powerful
And mighty
When the journey towards
Greatness has become too flighty?

Is a hero supposed to cower
Behind the power?
Is a hero meant to
Lead with hate instead of love?
Is this “hero” your definition
Of the “great” America we’re still
Yet to become?
What is a hero doing with
How are we going to get this
Message through?
It’s not he who is the hero
But we the people
Who went within a second From a million to zero

It’s not them who are the
Heros, but the villains
Overruled by corporations
And common greed.
What is a villain wearing a
Hero’s mask
Doing imprisoning a country
That struggled so long
To be freed?
As you may have guessed, this poem is about the one and only Donald J. Trump.
On the wall where shadows grew;
Light lightly refracted though windows.
With cups of long cold tea;
where appropriate storms swim.
By a wall where shadows put on a show.

Let slip words aglow,
in skins subsurface shimmer.
Skip, flip, fall and tumble.
To Cracked laminate floors.
Spilling those storms out into the world.
The Sun boils, flowers  and then bows out
to a Gray sickle of the night.

In this world where shadows know;
A little light is all that's needed to nurture
the shadow's show.
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