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Brendan Sansome May 2015
After the dust settled,
the mess tidied;
they ate peacefully.
Pain etched in the lines around my eyes
Hot tears washed my face weary
The whites of your eyes still scare me
Every crease of your brow stung
As if you've already swung
Open palm and whistling through the air

I let you do this to me
That was my mistake
I won't make it again

Every fist that bangs on a wall
Slams a door
Punches a hole
Jolts my body
Your face floods behind closed shut eyes
As fear racks my insides
I should have fought back
Now I'm fighting everyone else

I can't tell the difference
Between hands outstretched to help
Between hands reaching to hurt
Good touch, bad touch
Soft or harsh

The lines you've blurred
The edges of my hips
My inner thighs
They burn when I think of you

There's not enough locks to keep you out
You break down all my walls
Punch holes through all my closed doors
You demolished my safe space
Did I let you?
Criticism is welcomed, I'm looking to improve my poetry.
He runs,
but cannot hide.
Squeezes his eyes shut
but cannot unsee
What he
has seen.
The image of his mother's face
Behind his scrunched eyelids.
Blood trickling...
From the corner
of her mouth
where he

Fear builds in his heart
It claws
His throat.

The pressure behind his eyes threaten
To burn down his cheeks.

His heart
Against his rib cage
He curls his knees
Up to his chest
To contain his heart
From breaking free.

So small
He ***** up,
To disappear.
That it will end,
That it will end
Criticism is welcomed, I'm looking to improve my poetry.
KM Ramsey May 2015
The grounds are in ruins
and the castle in decay
the hall of mirrors
has been reduced to liquid shards
running downhill
combining into a sharp ****** tidal wave.

Vines hold down the dilapidated stones
and moss creates a damp carpeting
to pad my footfalls
and cradle my arch with gentle porous support.

The living dust of inaction
hiding the biting words of steel
and buried land mines
that rain crimson accusations
when heavens become mirror
and the only image I can see
is myself in destruction.

An army marching indiscriminately
each soldier's face
morphs effortlessly into my own reflection
until I can feel the trigger
cold steel
pressed against my readied finger
revolver steel cooling my temple.

And with wanton abandon
execute this slash and burn campaign
so that where once was
great halls and feasts
there now stands only rubble
a dissolving memory.
Mateen Manek May 2015
Matches and fires, sticks with barbed wires;
Chaos and fear run happily and free.
Great big men in suits, and other liars,
Will be the first amongst you who will flee.

But amongst the chaos you see a group of hands;
You see they are locked; strong and unbreakable.
Barbarians smash their legs where they stand;
But peace can never be broken so long as to it you are faithful.

Those without fear and hatred, only love,
Will stand together and watch as their group grows.
Through all the hatred, rises a dove
And as she flies, you will see that evil hath froze.

But this can never happen so long as we hate;
Imagine the power and the difference we could make.
The Tinkerer May 2015
The seconds, hours
The world in a shroud.
There's no where to run
All one does is cower.

The days go by
Dead men deny
An elaborate lie,
Till the day that they die.

Hope trickles away
Just as blood,
From each corpse that lay
Red runs wild
Wild like the fires at night.

There is no solitude here,
Once, free men, now fear
When their world is run
Under The Barrel of The **Gun.
A military coup. A world in turmoil, the gun is the most vicious ruler to ever come to rise in the history of the human race.
Nikita May 2015
Her breath forms beautiful icicles on the blood-stained window, her pale body lays in horrifying grace

Sunk in cheeks
Charcoal eyes
Her soul empty
Nothings left.

She feels only a slight tug as his fist curves into her fragile skull once again, smashing her petite figure into the window.

the beautiful icicle is exploded into a millon pieces and so the glass.

As her tired face hits the window sil
You can almost feel the break of her jaw as it crushes beneath the weight of his tremendous blow.

Her eyes are still open

But she is now completely gone

The last of her life shattered away with the icicle formed by her last breath.

Domestic violence
Its not okay.
Graff1980 May 2015
They got us doped up
Put the military scopes up
And shot our foreign brothers down

They got a war on crime
And Drugs
A war for riches
But poverty
Is just another casualty
The price to pay
To maintain our society

They got golden parachutes
Good pension plans
For the corporate man
But want to eliminate
What it takes
To help a single woman
Get a fair chance

They got disinformation
For the regular population
So they don’t see
The criminal activity
Of our leaders
And dissenters
The hall of infamy
The activist
Is an enemy

We become so thick
With our sick self-absorption
So quick to judge
Not empathize
Based on all those lies
At some point you got to believe
Cut the crap and face this social disease
Please tell me cause I can’t see
Where the hell
Is your humanity
Samuel Butcher May 2015
If war, you're telling me, is what makes a
man a man
and that you can dig out my insides and
replace the good with automatic unfeeling-
reprogrammed to see no shadows and no
gray just the blinding light of some lairs
justice winding my spring and setting me
marching to the rat-a-tat-tat of bugles bleating
and you can then see fit to wonder why I
might one day come apart as splintered wood
and scream banshee curses and beat on some innocent
flesh with nothing in my empty head but the
nightmare visions and devil's rewind and all the
pox of all the horror you have made me do and
see, the ****** beast you have made of me:
then mister I have to tell you I want no part of that

If war, you're telling me, is what makes a
man a man
and that staring into the flesh torn face
of the stranger you told me is my brother
as my hands claw frantically to wipe away
the blood that spurts greedily from his neck
ripped open by stray debris scattered uncaring
into the wind and that I am meant to hear as well,
hear his foul frothing lips as the weary white
of terror drifts across his eyes and he flops
terribly trying to offer just one more **** word into
this ugly world with the sky turning red above
the both of us and the smoke as thick as carnivals
then mister I have to tell you I want no part of that

If war, you're telling me, is what makes a
man a man
and that I should with echoing voice rejoice
seeing in flashing images of that ephemeral
gaudy green the distant explosions from oblivious
machines and with each shredding salvo should
whoop and holler and not dare think what those streets
must be like, or the limbs in the debris or the searing
heat of the fire as it spreads hungrily from building to
building (office to office, home to home, who knows)
a feeding frenzy that should seem unreal, on a busy night
for Azreal, but since it is something far away I am meant
to be glad for it, and exalt the far off victim's torment
then mister I have to tell you I want no part of that

If war, you're telling me, is what makes a
man a man
and that a man I have never met who had the
misfortune of being born in his country rather
than the misfortune of being born in mine is
my enemy, is my demon defiled, is my foe and
that coming face to face I shouldn't think of his
mother/father/sister/brother/lovers crying just
like mine must be, but should instead see only
the ignorant rage flush his face and feel the cold
knotting of insensible hatred inside my chest should throw
myself on him a dervish of murderous limbs and
mercilessly pound the very breath from him and
smile all the while for having done it with the blood
still splattered on my face like a criminal's Rorschach
then mister I have to tell you I want no part of that

If war is what makes a man a man then god be ****** if it
isn't what breaks a man too, and filling our heads with
tripe and flags and marching bands doesn't change
the fact that I would be made a monster and the stink
of gore and sorrow untold would never wash from
my hands but would follow me to the end of my days
and it would be the last thing my mind would see before the black,
the stench then buried with me in my grave would rise
above the close cut grass, me just one in an ever reaching
row of crosses all done up in white-
not red or black or blue or green or any ****
color you told us mattered, that you sent us to
our deaths under with those colors flapping ahead
of us in the wind and pounding their venom in
our ears no **** color at all just:
Which is all the colors mister,
all of them at all at once in fact.

Mister, I'll have no part in that.
Dylan Lane May 2015
Are not a man.
You are not worth
My mercy
Or my words how dare you
Touch him
With your hands filthy
Threaten to beat the **** out of
My lover?
If he doesn’t give you his cell phone you
Or else he could give you
A ten minute *******
And escape with his life
And his bones intact
But not with his dignity
Not without ***** rising in his mouth and pain shooting through his body and reaching deep into the cracks that I have slowly been helping him heal
You are
Not worth my mercy
Or my words and
If I had my way you
Would be
Sitting pretty under my knife
If I had my way I would have my
Sadistic revenge.
Your bones
Are going to look so good
As earrings.
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