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E Townsend Nov 2015
I am last season's remains
a cracked, dry petal
fallen off a prinses irene tulip.
I beg for attention,
for human affection
much like a plant demands
water to live. Please tell me the lonely
winter is over.
Arcassin B Nov 2015
by Arcassin Burnham

Through the trees , I will follow,
you into the waterfalls of bliss,
but hope ignorance lingers,
I feel the blood on my finger,
must have been a real love stinger,
if the bees are out today,
need to wear some extra yellow
to avoid decay,
I go where the road will take me,
if I float today,
cherry blossoms on the morrow,
everything is happy today,
taking on 7 years of poverty for a
better heaven,
but the devil has a hold on me
with cloud out side
and an unsure expression,
valley road is all I need.


Putting pieces together to find
My way,
I wasn't even sure enough
That you would stay,
The love in shall prosper,
I keep replacing jigsaws cause I
Can't find the right piece,
I wanna find peace,
In you,
Beautiful chocolate covered rose,
Is it edible,
To get the kisses that I want is
It eligible,
But I keep putting more together,
Maybe this will go on forever.
Diamond Valley
Rachael Judd Sep 2015
I don't want diamonds on my finger, wrap a flower around my pinky and tell me you love me,
Don't buy me jewls and golden things
Take me to a field of roses and tell me how they make you think of me.
I don't need money or clothes to be happy,
We can run naked in a field of daisies and laugh as the flowers tickle our bare feet.
Don't take me to the movies and buy me popcorn,  take me to the mountains so we can watch the moon rise.
I don't need material things I need laughter and love as the sun kisses our pale skin
Don't give me teddy bears and chocolate, give me your body and make me feel worthy
I don't need a diamond crown on my head telling me I'm a princess, put flowers in my hair and tell me I'm the queen of the forest.
Don't take me to a restaurant with fancy foods and expensive wine, take me to the to the valley and have a picnic with cheap beer and Chinese food.
I don't need a mansion, with a pool in the backyard, we can live in a shack on the harbor sipping wine from plastic cups.
All I need is nature and you
Akira Aug 2015
I am in the valley right now
I cannot see the light
This trial is a painful one
But I won't go down without a fight

God has brought me too far
To just take camp in the dark
So I'm looking all around me
All I need is one spark

I've gotten so used to closing my eyes
So the Lord has shaken me awake
I was a child never meant for the darkness
He wants this cycle to break

He promised me I wouldn't stay here
That I'm just passing through
So that in the future when I struggle
I'll know exactly what to do

So as I walk through this valley
I'll hold my head up high
God is my inspiration
So I'll look up to the sky
Pain isn't permanent
In only minutes, surging wind brought rain, then pounding hail into this verdant canyon. The mountain disappeared into the mist, and in its place the full arc of a brightening rainbow. Almost as quickly, the mountain's face reappeared, while more rain poured down, now through brilliant sunlight. The rainbow remains, plunging its feet into the very roots of the valley.
©Elisa Maria Argiro, July 17th, 2014
Chelsea Spears Aug 2015
The valley sweat of love's song
left me staring into the distance.
I felt I needed to show the shadows of harps
that grow around my secret
And I found fire that didn't burn me. 
How can you feel the chemicals reacting behind a word and thought 
And then say that they are just dreams? 
How does one read but feel nothing at all?
emma jane Jul 2015
I want to say that I'm getting better,
that  these scars are starting to feel
like the marks of a warrior who has won battles,
but even if the bleeding has stopped, the war is not over.

There are so many days when the sun will come out,
and I can feel its warmth wash over me, and it is
when I am covered by its happy grace,
that the shadow of sadness is cast across the
sidewalks.. those sidewalks where every crack
was a canyon to wide to cross.
My blood stained on every square.

And as I stand on top of that mountain and look down
upon the valley that I had conquered,
i realize,
that my footprints spell your name...

Then there I go again,



falling, right back into
the devils claw.
love.......ehh not for me :P
Here the veins of the earth trickle  between moss and rock,
Their passage held by soil and stone.
Who sees it? who is there to witness?
Who even cares?
The earth knows and turns.

Listen... what will you hear but the birds,
The sounds of running water
And your breath?
What will you feel but the earth beneath your feet?
How dare you think
When nature takes you into her womb.

Why do you sit here friend
And worry about this and that?
Go to the forest and walk.
Watch the trees and the birds.
They will take your cares away
And ease your troubles.
Writen in Scottland April 2014. This was one of the first poems I ever wrote. I was in Scottland in the middle of nowhere and there was the most beautiful stream I ever saw. Probably very few people will ever see it but it's just there!
SøułSurvivør Jun 2015
// --------''_//
               //  ''''//
(you are here)

we are on a switchback trail
going nowhere? hear this tale
this is a tragic tearful vale
there will be great storms and hail
you may stumble upon shale
but in the end you can prevail

i don't pretend to be a seer
but i won't give you a *** steer
ask any seasoned mountaineer
climbing K2 it's a bear
you need to know
the way that's clear
or you'll be cryin' in your beer

the switchback trail may be slow
you'll be turning to and fro
but to get high you must start low
don't resist! go with the flow!

you have a backpack. yes, it's true
with things that we will all acrue
if you have weights you may be blue
shuffling off the burdened hew
you can find a way that's new!

some will try to climb straight up
they may find a bitter cup
the fall is greater from the top
too fast, the fall will never stop
'til you hit bottom with a plop!

so let us find the narrow way
listen to what i have to say
you will find it if you pray
you'll have valleys come what may
the winds will make you
bend and sway
you may not find the peak today

but when you do... hip hip hooray!

(C) 6/22/2015
We all have to find our own way. I found mine in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Please read my post "Salvation Story"
You can go to the search bar on the site and type in "Salvation Story by Soulsurvivor". It will take you right to it. Look, nobody wants to die. Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the LIFE. BELIEVE it.

Read the end of
Matthew 11th chapter

Thanks for reading!

My lips whisper
upon your bare skin
Across the valleys
they howl with delight
Come embrace me and hold
onto eternity for seconds sake
Moonlight shades your mountains
as I am awed by the sight
Feel the spirit of our breath entwine
with clashing tongues of enrapturement
Oh , heavenly your ******* touch
my tingling skin
I sing with fevered ecstacy
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