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I promise to save YOU
I promise
To quiet your pointless suffering
To wash your pain away
To hear about your deafening loneliness
And Here I am waiting to hear a quiet footstep
Leading to my borderless isolation
Whispering a sweet song of liberty
Of a carefree life
A life inherently meaningless
I won't give you a broken promise
And a false hope  
Of sanity
For a life lived on a borrowed time
But yeah till I breath I promise to stay by your side As your friend,soulmate , may be more someday...
Mina Feb 15
I wanted to write a poem about you.
but what can my words describe.
such a beauty in blue.
i wanted to start with the beauty, the eyes, the love that grew.
i wanted to continue with your laugh blending with your gaze in hue.
but what can words describe.
such a beauty in blue.
when all i can see is a miracle, when all i can see is you.
My weak stanzas struggle, and my pen faints.
when i try and imagine your powerful haze.
when i try to look into your playful gaze.
when i try to imagine you.
such a beauty in blue.
My friend forced me to write this, Help me
It's Val, I talk of Value
Minds off! Well I turned it on
Who won't hide the idle?
Not tough, If Love is just enough

It's Val, or picnic in the valley
Love's gone! Places and gifts are gods
Demands high - higher than processed barley
Want more, less love, money got the odds

It's Val, still don't make it valid
The show off, to make the single feel worse
It's hard! Last year love addicts wish they still had it
But break ups! Las Las! We all need Jesus

It's Val, okay agreed! Valentine
Not wrong, if love is just as strong
As the vibe, the time when hearts melt fine
When this poetic voice is as suiting as a love song
Should Love or Val lead?
Or both when we make Val valid?!
Kalen Doleman Feb 14
My heart is charmed
My mind is caught.
You have something rare, a certain type of beauty,
What I call
A beauty that never grows old.

You shine like the sun,
The brightest star in the solar system—
My system.
With my great independence, I was still caught in your orbit.

Your smile touches me.
It embraces me like the warmth of the sun on the first day of spring.

And I can never forget the comfort of your gentle voice,
Parting the clouds on an overcast.
You’re that bright ray that shines through.

After a storm, a rainbow.
Your mind and your personality show—
Colorful, beautiful, and radiant.

Neither land nor portrait,
Neither spring nor summer,
Can capture your essence, your aura,
Your eternal beauty,
A beauty that never grows old.
Chocolates, hearts and flowers are ubiquitous in the markets or stores
It is like a frenzy storm, like heavy raindrops rushing through the gutters
I am told at the big mall, it’s like Christmas Eve, where procrastinators
Are buying boxes of chocolate, flowers, candies of all kinds and colors
Candles, jewelries, intimate pajamas, and **** accessories for loved ones
Wow! Love must really be in the air or something different is quaffing
The oxygen, which is necessary and essential for our survivals. Something
Is in the fresh air, where the moon is full and craziness makes no sense
In this fascinating world, where babies are slaughtered and innocent victims
Are cursed, beaten, jailed and killed: I ponder and wonder. They don’t care
It’s is a show of tradition, not a show of unconditional love. I cannot bare
Not to say anything about what I’m witnessing and living. Bad dreams
Endure; they don’t last. Nightmares see the devil in the dark in your bedroom
I guess, hope and pray that Saint Valentine can improve the current events
Yet, I am afraid of the hypocrisy, which behaves like evil rats and pesky ants
Yes, I am confused, shocked and bewildered by so much extravagance for only one day
I write and pray that true love rains and reigns, and tolerance shines on Valentine’s day.

Copyright © February 13, 2025, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.
Elaina Feb 14
The treasure of you
in the depth of my being
nestled and entwined
resting at home in my soul
your loving presence within
My first Tanka style poem
Japanese 5•7•5•7•7
Valentine to my husband
February 14, 2025
kokoro Feb 14
When he tells me he can't get me a valentine till later,
its so bittersweet.
I love him for telling me so i'm not put down,
and I love how he thinks for me.
But it reminds me of every time i've gotten my birthday forgotten,
any holiday surrounding me,
and those words,
"i'll get you something later, i promise."
coming out of a desperate mans mouth.
It's not that i crave a gift
i really don't, i really don't care.
but how am i supposed to have trust in something that has been broken so many times?
how am i supposed to have trust when i've been pushed aside as a later thought?
I love, I love
Yes, I love to love
Like a genius in deep love
Like a fool in sick love
I love like no one ever loves
Like I love watching the doves
Drifting up and down in the sky
Below and above the clouds
Whether the weather is wet or dry
Below and far from the shrouds.

It is not a mistake to love
I don’t love just for Valentine
I love every single day and that’s fine
It is an incredible experience
Coming straight from above
Yet, there’s no obvious difference
Like a genius in sick love
Like a fool in deep love
I love, I love
Yes, I love to love.

Copyright © May 2024, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.
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