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Heart sings a song of my feelings
hope you can hear deeply
ricocheting a rhythm of love
so you can feel it strongly
you're the colour of my tune
I'll create our own music
spreading splash melody
and let's dancing together
just you and I
Enola Cabrera Jun 2016
Our romance was a song
A melody that only we could sing
Lyrics came from our lives colliding
All the while the instruments were playing the beat of our passion
We were a lovely tune
Constantly on repeat
We were a song
Nelize Jun 2016
Ever notice the hope in everyday life?
how nature declares peace over bitters of life?
how little birds rejoice,
so unconcerned
even the kettle sings at the top of its voice
when the water left its body burnt!
despite the dark cloud, the silver line shines
rainbows run through rainy lines

wolves howl praise in silent darkness
crickets chime through echoed abyss
if stars could audibly wink at you
their message would be that they hear you...
Vani j Jun 2016
I am her summer and she is my June,
I am her Uranus and she is my Neptune,
I am her lyric and she is my tune.
Just random
brixton bell Apr 2016
my flowers are about to die
now the sun is falling later
& i’m getting
everybody high
everybody wants
to get high.

april comes fast, every single year.
there are always distractions.
i need a certain kind of fuel to start
the flame inside my being.

my words are a sort of music
which hold their own without
a melody or tune to hum:

exhale & your world is enveloped in color. our scars match up like we’re in unison together. my refrain is tired. chorus outstretched. she’s waiting for something worth waiting for ;

tie my bones together with piano wire.

© all rights reserved.
Lunar Mar 2016
"Shh," she hushes me.

I watch her close her mouth, then her eyes. But her very soul, she exposed to everyone, to me, in the auditorium. The music begins, and I literally see the intro of the song sink into her skin. I notice her shiver; not that i didn't want to put my arm around her to warm her up because it wasn't the temperature of the room. It was the music. She was feeling it. She is it. Her breathing to the piano's notes, her heart beat rhythmic to the dancing fingers on the keys: I can see it all. Her shoulders rising and falling--

"Oh," she softly speaks, pulling me out of my melodic reverie. "Did i just-- A tear, how silly of me to cry."

But before she could wipe her cheek, I took her hand in mine and kissed the tear away. She had this confused look, but it soon melted as I neared her.

She was not only music, she was a symphony. And every fiber of me was in tune with her, and there wasn't anything else in the room which I payed attention to.
This is like, what I imagine my first date to be. I pray that one day, wjh will see me this way.

Written from the boy's point of view.
Ryan Carney Mar 2016
From the distance upon a mountain top
A horn bellows its sharp tune
For all to hear and all to stop
On a simple Tuesday afternoon.

Once more the horn makes its sound
It is as though it wants all to hear
If this fine tuned noise should go ignored,
The price to pay is feared.
written 3-7-16
aesthenne Feb 2016
my heart goes boom,
    along with the,
    beat of the stereo,
    loud and alive.
the sound of my heart,
    boom, clap-- it goes.
    it makes me smile,
    for this time.
then it goes on--
    subconsciously humming
    to the tune,
    of your heartbeart.
You're the mixtape of the tune of my heartbeat.
honeybee Jan 2016
you keep tugging at my strings,
bending notes on my skin
whispering lullabies into my ears

my voice is out of tune,
i cannot harmonize with your
deep, kind voice for
mine is sharp and flat

i do not love as beautiful as you
i wish i could sing.
Then it became a blue afternoon
while came to evening
They were the realities of her farewell
Glowed in the dark blue,
what an abstract shadow cast!
Floating Autumn Clouds,
away the red hibiscus grew gray
heard a vague weird tune

Then one morning
Along with a purple flower
red hibiscus saw inset
and the dark chorus of a clay oven
covered her face
away in the loft several gourd hanging
walking down the way
at the end,
stood beneath a banyan tree

Doors opened in the silence
southern wind followed
to move in the room
randomized the bed cover,
poetry books,
morning news paper
while closed the door
opened the northern windows

The tireless long night
while I left the room,
wandering as the lonely clouds
went through the garden
where the sky came down
wanted to say life
walked on foot
A long sleepless night
saw the stars fairs
heard a vague weird tune

At that April's night,
Caught the sight of
dry dropping leaves
The smell of gardenia
to bring me the new ideas
of poetry
touched the sky
wandering on a raft of clouds
filled with
see you decided to

Then it all went down together
in the dark with blue
anyhow a golden sun bought
a yellow day
and all the red flamboyant trees
while standing beside
the two sides of the road
with the wind in breath,
my dying

And instead of go with them
mingled the ways of life is changed
when the ways rolled along a curve
One January morning's mist
coming off the sun on the dew
I liked to walk barefoot
in the soft sun
with a woolen blanket covering

At noon,
the river flowing
with streaming sound
took flock a small Sampan
toward upstream
uprising mind grew cool
with stream
Today is just going to get lost
beyond the horizon
Feel to see back,
Slowly known nature
grew small with time,
after some times
shadows mingled
with a dark space

While came the night
Footprints remain in the dust
of shadows
after millions of years
to become fossils
In the mind and
In the deep heart of
the Milky Way

Her fade face is still
to come and go
Over time,
in terms of conservation
of energy
Again when I opened the window
At a long sleepless night
Saw the stars fairs
Heard a vague weird tune
@Musfiq us shaleheen
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