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Marcus Belcher Dec 2015
I want to love my voice y'all
Learn to be me
I can see everything
Except how to be free

In my own skin
Around my own kin
This **** is crazy
One the factors why I don't have a baby

I wanna show them
Real love from the heart
The thing that stays together
When you fall apart

Hold on to it
But learn to let it go
When both can feel right
Then you'll know
One of my best in the moment writing ever to date
Julia Aubrey Dec 2015
maybe, if it's ok to say now, I still dance alone to the melody you put inside of my mind.

scratches on the splits of a turning black vinyl, a little out of tune perhaps, and skipping to the chorus at times unexpected.

my bare feet jump around this effervescent tune, afraid of taking the wrong step, not following your lead.

and as the song slows, as it comes to an end, I delicately observe the ringing remnants left dangling around our heads...

forever gone, but a hazy redolent all the rest.

-Julia Aubrey Rhodes-
There's no way out
It's too late, now that I've found you
Caught beneath a falling cloud
I'm drenched in love when I'm around you

Don't make a sound
Or let the noisiness compound you
Wading through the drawing crowd
Dressed for those who might surround you

Bring me back to somber days
When you were there to light my way
Like a mid noon cabaret
You give my world a needed change
Now that all the dues are paid
I'm not afraid
To sing your serenade

Icy breath snatches my tongue
Holding on to thoughts about you
Await the rays of morning sun
That melt away the nights without you

Take me back to yesterday
When you were there to light my way
Tomorrow's only years away
With time to blend the shades of gray
And still I see
The way you look at me
When I sing your serenade
Lyrics in song form to a tune for guitar & voice.
Laura Withers Nov 2015
Their melodies
sing soft and sweet
bringing forth their light.

They never rest,
or fade away,
working all the night.

They sing and sing,
without a stop,
and give their wings some flight.

And if their tune,
did ever die,
I would not be all right.

For their lovely song,
I sing with them,
and I keep my light.
The soft chill winds
a cloudy day
ah! what a feeling!
drifting with the streams
how the life instills!

Waves of song coming from the distant
white Storks flying as the fall guy  
how the dreams come and go
between you and me
between the land and sea

In the sky rafts of white clouds
crafts the arrival of autumn
assuming the flame of Love
what a beautiful play!
what a fairs of tune!
An Autumn Song
Poetic T Oct 2015
winds breath does vibrate
meadows green blades picked lightly
harmonies breath sings
Have you ever picked a blade of grass and put it between your fingers to make music
Christian Bixler Sep 2015
The man strides to the marching
drums, blood hot for the boiling
fray, beside him marches kin and
friends, comrades all for the ******
fray. On roll the marching drums, pipes
skirl and trumpets bray, all to the sound
of stomping boots, all to the waiting

Now, hark to the trumpets sound,
loud and clear in the morning air,
foemen sighted, foemen there! Out
from the town exceeding fair. Now
comes the faster beat, and comes the
sound of running feet, as men roar with
joy and fear as they rush headlong in
the morning clear, as they run to the
speeding fray.

The man lies on the trampled ground,
and listens to the wrenching sound of
the groans and screams of tortured men,
dying there, on the ****** ground.

Away above, beyond the clouds, and over
the buzzards circling, there through a shining
rent, the man near death a vision sees; an eagle
high, balancing, above the fates of Lords and
men. As his dying breath escapes his lips, and
darkness comes to take him home, the man
hears a distant sound; the eagle calling down
farewell, down to the twisted, ****** fell,
above the loud, tumultuous roar of men
survived from the ****** fray, crying all in
joyous voices, "Victory! Victory!"

Bittersweet the memory.
An early work. Judge it how you will.
Sha Aug 2015
Let me hear you strum my hearstrings
and let me sing the tune of your soul.
Let's create a melody,
A harmony that is you and me.
Jade Jul 2015
I can hear the echoes of the tunes
You sang on the first of nights
I hummed along
And before long
The tune made a home
In my head
You sang those tunes
As the strings were strummed
The crowd swooned
Please, sing me a tune.
Amitav Radiance Jun 2015
Nature’s fine composition
Music that is so closer to the heart
Humming along with nonchalance
Swaying branches join the harmony
Winds dance to the timeless rhythm
Silent echoes from the mountains
Calling out to solitary souls
Solitude is an eternal bliss
When one is in tune with nature
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