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Poetic T May 2019
We yearn to be whole yet,
       some are empty
      only though others actions.

Let us fill every vessel
           so everyone is of equal self.

Never leave another behind.
Julian Delia May 2019
I demand to make my choices.
We are here to raise our voices.
These irreversible changes are locking us in cages;
These are real, life-or-death issues.
This is no show, and these lives are no Broadway stages.

Let's talk about decisions;
Let's put aside biased visions.
Let’s talk about who makes these decisions;
I’m looking at you, old white dudes in boardrooms.
Last time you took a class in ***-ed,
Gatsby and Daisy were just about this close to being bride and groom.

Let's talk about consent;
Let's use this space to vent.
Let’s talk about who has the right to judge;
I’m looking at you, anti-abortion crusaders.
Feeling threatened by strong women and their placards and posters,
Like they’ve got pistols in their uterine holsters,
Like they’re all daughters of the dark forces of Darth Vader.

Why do we insist on going to war with each other?
More importantly,
Why does our ****** education,
The root of this problem,
The rotten core of this issue -
Why does our ****** education **** so much?

Why do we talk about choice for a woman instead of the choice of men to respect a woman in the first place?

Why are we still debating?
Grown men telling women to listen,
It's absolutely infuriating!
Let's fight for rights and quit the hating.

Women are resorting to desperate measures,
Whilst men walk away with fulfilled pleasures.
I adopt this tone gravely;
Women are jeopardising their safety, daily.

Is a living woman worth less than an unborn baby?
A poem I wrote with a comrade and a good friend, for an open mic event titled 'Verses for Choice'. The event was hosted and organised by the Pro-Choice Coalition in Malta.
Zywa May 2019
Gently writing circles and signs
on each other's backs
until we are rosy and satisfied:
peace together can be that simple

.....Father ahead of us in the afternoon
.....with his trumpet in the woods
.....finding him next to a bag of candy
.....with jokes and small animals everywhere

..........Lying together, being read
..........moths around the flashlight
..........the smells from outside
..........with a low moo

...............On free days without time
...............chatting for hours with a friend
...............and organizing a party
...............for ourselves and the neighbourhood

...............Yellow and green, a cloth
...............set with fish and fresh bread
...............we, around the large table:
...............peace together can be that simple
Collection “Mosaicvirus”
Maria Etre May 2019
"Come to think about it"

That saying that's an invitation
A M Ryder May 2019
When you are together
Be together completely
Let them know
That they are loved
Until they begin to understand
What that actually feels like
And then keep on with it
Loyal by nature
Be rest assured
That they'll stick around
So let me scale your walls and
Be close enough to love you
And carefully search for
Signs of the surest routes
To your golden heart
Always behind you as
an umbrage in daylight
and dream in twilight.
Uuntrix May 2019
At dawn, barefoot.
Breeze was playing our favorite song
The moon lay above us
Hmm.. the stars,
Splendid and bottomless.

She gazed deeply into his eyes
His eyes … so mesmerizing,
For those she could die.

--- She breathed deeply to remember this time ---

Have you ever imagined us together?
Another life or another universe?
She asked him, looking at the calm sea shore.
He kissed her eyes.

White sand, yum food, cold beers,
Lively conversation, salty air and him.
A single word need not be said
All is in, these little moments with him.

July, 2017
Urantseren B.
lorphe May 2019
i felt like slicing you open, razor thin
and while you are asleep, to crawl inside of you
to take residence in the warmth of your flesh,
never to leave, never to separate
to merge with you as the wounds grow shut.
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