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Elioinai Jan 2021
Something good is coming
Something good is coming
Hope whispers to me
Though my strength lies down to sleep
It has not been plundered
My bright future Love keeps
Safe for me
Though my strength lays down to sleep
It will rise up in Joy
my eyes upon the East
as the sun braves the sky
Elorai Jan 2021
I am feeling sad, done and tired,
where is my peace I always desired?
Sometimes I feel like I should just call it a day,
let my despair wash me away.
All expectations are like chains,
holding me down,
when it rains,
waiting for me to drown.
Through the clouds, I couldn’t even see the sun,
and I thought I was done,
but suddenly I saw a ray of light,
it was small but really bright,
and then it began.
Every colour known to a man,
glowed above my head,
telling me to move ahead.
That’s when I understood,
that even when nothing’s feeling good,
without the painful rain,
the rainbow would never shine again.
remember that there cannot be a rainbow without any rain!
Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2021
I think I tire of my brain
Thoughts keep racing around
From wondering I cannot refrain
I try to chain them to the ground

Will love you no matter what
It makes no sense
Each time you expertly cut
A hole through my thickest defense

The way you played me
A fiddle
Was too dumb to figure it out
I'll never understand your riddle
Only hypothesize what you think about

Looked at me
Those enigmatic eyes
The rest of the world faded away
Too bad 'hero' was a disguise
Off at the end of the day

The way lips smiled as wide as the moon
I would approach your side
Opened up my walls for you
In return emotions continued to hide

Stare sautered into my memory
A nostalgic chill I can't shake
Begged and cried a tragic plea
I still drown in endless blue ache

So far from my sight
I give up finding my way back
Cannot navigate without light
I spin circles around a track

In soul lie pieces of my trust
Promises we tread upon
They'll rest forever
Collecting dust
To you I'm already gone
I am tuckered out from being lost in the huge wilderness of my mind
Raven Blue Jan 2021
I'm about to go insane,
Because of this pain.
I keep thinking of things,
That would become my sin.
It's hard, I'm getting tired.
riri Jan 2021
why do i give so much of my heart
to those who just choose to rip it apart
it's exhausting
and i'm tired of it
sick and tired
Eli Jan 2021
i have everything i could have ever wanted..

so why won’t this aching feeling go away?
why do i still drag my feet along?

when the bridge i am walking on is made of solid gold?
Eli Jan 2021
did i push myself too far?
the shaking post workout?
the moons rise after the suns char,
is this what they call burnout?
stay safe
Henry Jan 2021
‘I ain’t tired!’ yells the homeless, old man begging for change
On the green line station me and my friends get off at to buy coffee
He turns and looks at us
‘I ain’t tired!’ yells the toothless, old man on that cold winter night
As we preemptively pull out our phones and look down at the ground
A defense mechanism
‘I ain’t tired!’ yells the hobbling, old man as we pass him by
Without making eye contact or even a sympathetic nod
If only I had cash on me
‘I ain’t tired!’ repeats the mentally ill, old man while we descend
The stairs down onto the pavement and into Chinatown
The snow continues falling
‘I ain’t tired!’ echoes the starving, old man
His voice ringing in my ears long since we’d left ear shot
The only time I had the courage to glance at him
He was a mess of wires and bone and cloth and paint and white hair
Older than the city I had just begun to explore and call home
Permanently on that train station yelling
‘I ain’t tired!’
‘I ain’t tired!’
‘I ain’t tired!’
Sydney Jan 2021
I am exhausted
to the point that my short term memory is fading
and I can't remember what i've done yesterday
I'll lose my train of thought as I am speaking
and have no recollection of  the topic of conversation.

I am physically exhausted
to the point of blurred vision
hoping no one has noticed my tremor is back

I am mentally exhausted
to the point that my anxiety will not subside
and no matter how hard my body is pleading with my brain
i cannot fall asleep

exhaustion is overwhelming
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