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pragya santani Apr 2020
The morning dew kisses
Yearning leaves,
As the first rays of the sun
Bring me relief.
Flowers bloom
In the month of March,
Chirping birds hum
rhythms that recharge.
And with the first sight
of your arching face,
I fall back into
teen ways.
Merlie T Apr 2020
An infinite sky exits within my teacup.
Rose, mint world..
in a porcelin bowl.
Blue backdrops the newly budding tree,
its green sprouts compliment the sun with
their shine.
I do not wish to drink this world away.

My tongue is dry.
My lips wrinkled from the thirst.
I kiss the bowl one time.
And swallow this world.
Asominate Mar 2020
Woman at the well
Sitting on its borders
Looking down within
She fell, she fell

Buckets come, buckets go
Water is taken
She sinks down some more
In the well, for she fell

Meet her there
Halfway, all the way
N Mar 2020
I thirst with
an ache for
something I
cannot name

So in death I shall
quench my thirst
Thomas W Case Feb 2020
I want to swim to heaven,
because this city has an infection.
No injection will **** this disease,
this treachery, this brutality;
So I'm going to swim to heaven,
back float--take my time, my rhyme,
will be the deep blue trip
to heaven.
some places seem to have curses.
Michael Marro Dec 2019
I stand here, in a barren land with a mouth, useless, as if full of sand. A soul-weary beggar seeking to quench this thirst.

     Each night I speak to the heavens; a faint whisper of a prayer
     cast from parched lips that long for the tonic that is you.
     Their humble plea is for a grand celestial alignment, a
     quantum tunnel, an unbranched chain reaction, that leads me
     straight back to you.
     Every breath that passes through them infuses each cell of my
     being with air saturated by a craving for you.
     You are the only elixir that will satiate this emptiness.
What can I say? I am a thirsty chemist! Inspired (VERY loosely) by Ben Johnson's "Song: To Celia".
Janna Dec 2019
Dripping sweat
My soul thirsts
For more and more
Of the One that
Gives and gives
Yet my flesh fights
It's a tug o war
Dripping sweat
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