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Brendon S Sawyer Sep 2019
Dedicated to Derrick;
A Great Man, Brother, Son, and Friend
(9/29/1993 - 8/28/2018)

Fly, dear friend,
For you have earned the wings on your back,
Every ounce of the love you had, was the love you gave,

Fly, dear friend,
So beautiful, as you dance gracefully with the clouds,
For your shadow protects me from the fire of the sun,

Fly, dear friend,
Can you see? All of these people came for you,
The warm touch from your heart has sheltered us in this cold world,

Fly, dear friend,
I love you — I miss you; I’m happy you’re free,
Your voice and your laughter, I shan’t ever forget,

Fly, dear friend,
For you have earned those large wings,
Still, sometimes I wish that you never left me.

- Brendon S. Sawyer
I love you, Derrick. And I miss you every day. I’ll see you soon.
Paul Butters Sep 2019
The sun shines into my lounge:
Golden reflection
Making me feel good.
I glimpse blue skies
Through front and back

There is something beyond all this.
Something going on.
I sense an atmosphere,
Smell the aroma of
A universal force:
An energy

An all pervading mist
That permeates my life:
A haunting sense
Of spirit.
Something beyond.

We are but tiny chicks,
Covered and warmed
By mother’s wings
Soothed by ethereal music
And songs from heavenly choirs.
Whispers winnowed through those windows
While a hazy sun shines through.

For now I bask
Under the glow
Of that warming orb.
High thin swirling clouds
Tempering the heat.
All is peaceful
And serene today
As life’s long mystery
Drifts on.

Paul Butters

© PB 16\9\2019.
Mitch Prax Sep 2019
How much good must I
do in order to redeem
myself of my sins?

9:29 PM
Mark Sep 2019
Some say we are created from the big boss in heaven

Others say we just exploded from one big piece of rock

Did it only take him one day or nearly seven

Maybe it took monkeys first to open the human lock

Whatever happened, we all have to survive in this harsh place

Mankind will pray and animals **** prey

Animals can be cute and mankind can't refute

Holy men can preach and scientist can teach

Scientist want real proof and holy men, kneel under one roof

Whatever happens, we all have to respect this harsh place

Young kids are bopping, with no respect for others

Others are always mopping, cleaning up for the young

Society is lost in space, while men in black infiltrate

Black men are being gunned down, as Ferguson starts to gain pace

***** still happening, do we have to die on this harsh place?

We either yearn for a faraway place of paradise with our God

Or we just dissolve in dirt because we didn't earn his nod

Is this the paradise we should all be waiting for and so much more?

Some believe in reincarnation, coming back to this harsh nation

So many times, before they find Nirvana and are released from karma

Is this the paradise we should all be waiting for and so much more?

Others think they will have 72 new girlfriends waiting to see them

Does that mean there wives will also have 72 new gentlemen to please?

Is this the paradise we should all be waiting for and so much more?

No! Just live this life, right here, right now, on this harsh place I call paradise.
james nordlund Sep 2019
Interwoven throughout life's fabric,

Waves of love from souls eternal,

Mending the whole of the weave,

Heartlessness would tear asunder,

Yet, could never, as we're here,

Evolve life, create light.
Spirituality seems even more important now; as does love.  If one's interested in the evolution and love in politics, see Marianne2020 dot com   :)   reality
Aaron LaLux Sep 2019
Don’t tell me any more of these trivial distractions,
don’t bore me with any more stories you saw on TV,
don’t want to hear the latest gossip it’s all nonsense stop it,
who cares who’s dating who, personal lives’ are not news,
who cares who won whatever award, or won the Superbowl,
I don’t know at all & I don’t care anymore, never really did,
most things are just distractions from anything that’s relative,
what I’m interested in is the soul you hold in that body of yours,
so tell me, what really matters to you, what do you care about
I’ll tell you what, if you’re shy I’ll say what I care about first,
I care, about the greater good, about improvement of self,
I care, about how we’re going to heal this broken world,
I care, about how we’re going to heal these broken hearts,
I care, about what we’re going to do to fix this mess,
want to give my best, want to look back & say we did our best,
there I told you what I care about, now it’s your turn,
tell me something that truly matters, or leave me alone,
I’d rather be alone & at peace, then together & in war.

So let me be, at peace, with myself & all of my demons,
because I wan’t to release them but don’t know how,
so just leave me alone unless you can help me figure it out,
& don’t tell me any more of these trivial distractions,
because I’m trying to stay focused & not be distracted..

∆ LaLux ∆

from THHT3: Hollywood Hearts
available worldwide 9/9/19
Another Future Classic piece of Pop Poetry for our Collective Contemporary Society...
MisfitOfSociety Sep 2019
I cut a peep hole in space,
Enough to squeeze my fingers through.
I pull it open and wrap its fabric around me,
To gain a better view.

Feeling the stars rotate around my center point,
A cosmic spider’s web stretching out infinitely.
Scaling the web like morning dew.
The stars beat in rhythmic poetry.
I sing to them and they sing to me,
We are all singing in harmony.

It is all balanced and perfect,
Sway to the music.

Sorting to find it in the storm.
Be an instrument in its hands,
Sing its melody through your chords,
Let the sound fill your center,
Let it bounce around and out of you,
To touch the hearts and minds around you.

Is this separate or is this my reflection?
In everything I see myself,
Echoing through the gaps between particles of inner space,
Staring right at God’s face.

The universe is singing to me.
That old sweet melody.
Sway to the rhythm of the music,
Let it pass through body, mind and spirit!

Accept this holy gift and sway to the music!

I can hear the hum of Saturn,
Resonating within me.
The stars they sing out,
Verses of a remedy.

I am,
An instrument,
In its hands.
Sway to,
The music,
In its hands.

Sway to the music,
Witness every in-between scenes behind the moment!
MisfitOfSociety Sep 2019
As consistent as a snowflake,
Counting up from one to infinity.
Free falling through this endless shape,
Contained within a finite space.
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