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Colm Nov 2017
Descriptive that is you
Intensive that is me
Smithing you could be my steel
And I the bellowing breath beneath
To coax the coal until it bursts
And explodes into this
The burning flame
Because all words of fire are in some way...the same.
It may be news to some
That I am not that dumb
You say im not the brightest
But you havent even the slightest
The words from your mouth can deceive
But most find them hard to believe
Your words are always sour
You often abuse your power
But at least I can say
That I am not old and gray
Emma S Nov 2017
With the glass of champagne
Still in your hand
You tell me that you're not afraid
Of death
Of dying
You ask me if I'm afraid
I sip the champagne
Death is something
I don't allow myself to think about
Finally I answer
No I'm not afraid of death
It's weird I haven't thought about it
Not before you
You look at me
Still holding the glass of champagne
You look good
You have some sort of magical eyes
Eyes that I'm not afraid to look into
You say
Most of us who have been feeling
Like we have been feeling
Are not afraid of death
Because somehow
We have already
Experienced it

Never have I heard someone
With a glass of champagne in their hand
Say something that intelligent
Something that life changing
I sip the champagne
And I smile
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
a gentle pillow of warmth

they see all

i smell you


licking is fun

supports all. when you are alone, remember the neck
also your breath goes through it

supports all too

houses your heart. thump thump

movement is essential to life

gurgle gurgle i keep you alive



battering rams

easily hurt. vulnerable. i try to keep myself guarded but deep down i know i will open up to the next one, and the next, and the next......

they twist and turn, without fear of being judged

given a bad rap
please comment and feedback below! thanks :)
Kriti Gupta Oct 2017
Words are what own me
You string together those letters in a way that controls me

Waiting for phrases laced with clause
Falling victim to a precondition that I never saw

You speak in tangled tongue
Twisted vines of a past coming undone
Linguistically speaking
The damage is done
Middy Oct 2017
ThisĀ child
A school boy
Who can't stop
Moving and won't
Stop talking or saying
Stuff that's out of the topic
He will be a kind man who
Won't give up on his hopes
Or dreams he always has
He will often laugh and
Dance and moonwalk
Putting a smile on
Others' faces
But some will
Taunt him and
Cackle at his antics
Some will think he is
Mad, crazy or energetic
He will struggle through life
But he will climb mountains and
He will scream for millions to hear

......................He is smart....................
I'm writing in a few form today! Anyone like?
This was inspired after i met two people at a party a few days ago. One with ADHD and autism and the other with Aspergers. We both talked and it turns the man with ADHD was diagnosed only recently as an adult. They are both very kind people and the man with Aspergers is very clever and nice. Adding them here is a little way of saying a thanks for meeting them.
Duzy Sep 2017
"This one ain't about you"
He says trying to rescue his pride

"This one ain't about who?"
She says, smiling on the inside

"It's just me creating art! My tools to distract, to endear, to have fun."

"It's OK to think you are smart my love, but it's a fool who thinks all others are dumb"

Inspired by a small exchange this very morning
Luna Aug 2017
Maybe some credit
Is far due
In saying
For I've ticked and tocked
And had people walk all over me

I'm still living proof
That I'm not just a goof
I probably can't do maths
My hands shake in class

I talk pretty big
my size is a twig

But understand this

If I go

You'll have zilch.
Written becuz games are only fun blinded. Sometimes I like to look at the eyes of the devil and remind him that lying is frowned upon and mocking is not how you keep friends.
K Balachandran Aug 2017
he finds her hang out
alone, with a phone indoors.
seduced by smart phone.
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