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Burst Jul 2017
Smart and sly
In a suit and tie
Passing by
just to say hi

Luring me in
with all happiness money can buy
Deceptively friendly
Sly sly sly

Slithering snake
Moving smoothly
Slow it down
I see you, truly
Through the grass
Behind the scenes
Slow it down
You've been seen!
Brian Hoffman Jul 2017
I look into your eyes and feel myself drowning
Being lured in with every secret that is revealed
With every promise that is made
I feel as if I will never reach the bottom of your untamed soul.
Your mind is darker than the deepest abyss and as beautiful as the most precious diamond.
I find myself lost gazing into your beautiful eyes. Through the late night talks keeping us alive.
Phantom Poet Jul 2017
A little unique thought in your mind,
Can change the world,
The hidden potential you are trying to find,
Can change how clouds twirl,
Rich or poor,
It can change lives,
It is the future,
The greatest,
To solve any dilemma,
All you need,
Is an idea.
My observstio
Janae Jun 2017
I know I’m just another window
An open and shut case
I could never be the hero
I suppose all I can do is embrace
How can you? When your an absolute zero...
You must think I’m a complete ******

I think I’m funny and smart.
Still miserable
No one else can see that

When you're invisible
KRRW Jun 2017
3.14 is the value of pi
Semicircle is the shape of a smile
8 is the symbol for infinity
Welcome to quantumly formed poetry.

Expressing my thoughts through cryptic theory
End of reversed evolutionary
It might not be self-explanatory
JUST Keeping It Short and Simple, M, E.

C, L, O, U, D, plus the square of three
is all that I feel when you are with Mi
Fa, So, La, Ti, Do, Re... or I mean me
Like M, A, G, I see... my world on thee.

You are my earth that is a twisted heart
I dream to be the he beside that art
Giving his best to be a romantic
Intimating through the fields of physics.

My love for you is three-dimensional
Taller and longer than diagonals
As deep as abyss, like cosmos so wide
but unbound by space and unchanged by time.

A fire started by a Maxwell's demon
Burning and shining from here to the moon
A flame so lunar and so lunatic
breaking the laws of thermodynamics.

Faring the distance at the speed of light
Lining the night skies like a meteorite
Traversing the widths of the hyperspace
Or cross a black hole just to see your face.

Escape with luck from a magnetic flux
Be right thrice a day with a broken clock
Above all that, there's just one thing I want:
To spend my last breath by holding your hand.
14 February 2016

Free Verse

© Khayri R.R. Woulfe. All rights reserved.
Words by T May 2017
Study. Study hard. Study again.
You cannot achieve without some pain.
The pressure to preform
Has become our norm
Our grades are so important
We need some reinforcement.
Pushed to the brink
Forced to sink
Underneath all these books
That we don't even have time to look
At what we've become
Our bodies are so numb.

It's time to see
That you and me
In our minds
We need to find
A way to tell them
To end this mayhem.
We're in too deep
We need our sleep
I cannot go on any longer
It's time to conquer
The fact that our mental state
Needs to rehydrate.

Our bodies are tired
We're no longer inspired
To play this game
Of academic fame.
I was inspired to write this due to the fact that my mental health is no longer sustained due to grade 11
bradley martin May 2017
I return to that ocean cliff every day,
looking on
trying to
a hint of those raging sunflower rapids
hidden in
it was supposed to be Blue at first
        but yellow sunflowers devoured

                day on to find
                         rapids in time
Crystal Peterson May 2017
You claim to want someone that
Betters you
But I know that isn't
Really true

You break my heart because you
See me
As incredibly important, but

I helped you when you
Were alone
Taught you things that would've
Stayed unknown
When I speak the whole room falls
Silent and listens
A star that more than shines
I glisten

Cunning, daring, brave, and true
Yet I am not enough for you?

You don't want companionship
You crave beauty and magnificence
That only goes skin-deep; if not
Then pure perfection is your love's cost

Don't leave me with this pristine sting
Of loving you without you loving me
I could give you everything
But you won't even look at me

Close your eyes and just love me
Or end my prolonged suffering
Some will claim that personality matters most. In my experience, they're lying.
Ravanna Dee Feb 2017
What saddens me horribly,
is that we spend too much time tangling ourselves up in our own insecurities.
Looping it around our throats and strangling our souls.
Maybe we need to start carrying around a mental knife...
Start cutting ourselves free before it’s too late.
The slow and painful process of watching a beautiful persons heart deflate from the negative needles that they turn on themselves, is becoming too common and too difficult to see.
Please, know that you're loved,
that you're unique,
that you're beautiful and smart.
Know that you're worthy of kindness.
Especially from yourself.

-Sincerely, A Stranger
Please, love yourself and treat people kindly. You never know if the person you're speaking to is silently breaking before you. An encouraging smile, a soft word, a gentle hand, a listening ear... We can all give something. And often, more times out of not, it's the small time that you've set aside for someone that can change a heart, even for just a moment. If you can make someone feel like they're worth something, do it. Love others, love yourself.
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