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Tiana Marie Mar 2018
She had eyes like coals
dark and hard
large but charred

She had a smile like pearls
nice and white
small but bright

She had a heart of gold
strong like oak
huge but broke
Hannah Zedaker Jan 2018
Infatuation is transparent red.
It sounds like the quickened pace of a fox in the forest
It tastes like metallic blood pumping in the back of your throat
It smells like three week old lilacs
Infatuation feels like burrs stuck in the sleeves of your tattered wool sweater.
Danny Dec 2017
I ache to think of when the sun rises
Because once the light hits the surface of your window
Scattering rays in abstract patterns
And beautiful, glittering gold
The toll bells for me to leave
Though I don't wish to go
I'd much rather stay and watch the way
The morning light pools over your shoulders
And lean in and kiss the soft skin
Glowing amber
I'd much rather listen to your pulse
Slow and steady by sleep
Wondering if your dreams
Are any bit of sweet or wonderful as you
I wonder if they star me in them
Though I can't be all that interesting
No, perhaps what you dream about
Is something I can never comprehend
After all, what a beautiful mind you have
And I've taken refuge in it
Somehow I managed to snag a small space
And occupy a bit of your time
And every moment I'm with you makes me curse the ticking of every clock
As each second that dawns closer to morning
Signals my departure
But until then I'll watch the golden threads
Weaving through your hair
Touching your locks and making you appear
As breathtaking as any otherworldly being
As I chuckle to think that perhaps you are, in fact, from another world
How else would you be the miracle you are
Managing to like someone like me
Who really isn't worth the time of day
With your spools of gold that make up your mind
Glittering with every thought that acts as a match to light your passions
And I love to watch you come alight with excitement
At whatever topic you speak about
For the words you say tumble out like soft music notes
Almost visible through the air as they hit my ears
And ever so pleasant to listen to
And the determination that makes up your skin
Sculpted from marble
Smooth and slick
Yet still hardened from life
Is something my fingers desire to run across
And polish with affection
As you shine in contentment
And defend in opposition
And the delicate way your hands move
As you cup my cheek
Never have I been deserving of such careful treatment
And the way your eyes are made from a drop of every ocean imaginable
Culminating into a blend of blues and greens
Drowning me in awe
As your gaze lands on me
And the way the red of your cheeks
Is similar to roses
Coveted and admired
And the heart of yours I've somehow stolen
Even if it's only for a moment
And I doubt I have all of it
But even the tiny shards I've managed to caress
I'm grateful for
Is made from the light of stars and quietude of the night
Cosmic fibers weaving it together
With drops of the sun to make it glow
And dipped in the moon to make it shine
Even in the darkness
So I'll still kiss you when the morning comes
Reminiscing of all the extraordinary things about you
That I've somehow gotten to see
And the feeling of longing will leave me
The moment you kiss me back
Because mornings only last so long
But nights can be infinite.
It's not in the traditional style of poetry I write in, but..I hope any readers enjoy it (even if it's only a little). I tried to describe the subject of the poem using various similes that would elicit mental images relative to the description (such as the heart or mind parts of the poem). Hopefully someone got something out of it.
Francis Rowell Jul 2017
Your mouth is full of endless butterflies
Your lungs are full of roses
Your eyes hide the city of Atlantis in their depths
Your hair is loosely woven silk
Your skin is unblemished porcelain

Or so I thought

Your mouth spews hornets, wasps, and bees
You cough up thorns and brambles
Your pupils are slits, irises bleeding red
Your hair is rope, tangled into nooses
Your broken porcelain cuts open my chest

You were so beautiful
You were so kind
Your whispers were magical chants into my ears
But then you tried to **** me with your words
Beauty is pain for the eye of the beholder
riwa Jan 2017
I am melting into a dream of tangerines;
Falling, passing the branches of citrus blossoms that once were.

I land on a rigid peel,
the brightest orange in the colored pencil set.
There are indents in the skin,
depressions, each belonging to a different story,
this tangerine has been through a lot.
From a young bud,
to a ripe fruit,
it has grown.

Do not make the mistake of calling it an orange, or a clementine,
it is not.
It is a tangerine.
Peeling it almost sounds like a symphony.
Inch by inch, the orchestral rhythm plays off,
until you are slicing it, accidentally rupturing its walls,
in that moment, it sounds like a little boy, who doesn’t quite understand why it’s encouraged to chew with your mouth closed.

A tangerine,
each segment of it looks like half a pair of healthy lungs,
pure, and fresh.
It is a surprise when you bite into it.
Realize, the prettiest things are not always the sweetest,
they can be a little tangy, a little sour.
The taste bouncing off the inside of your mouth like it is a trampoline.
Realize, it is a tangerine;
**from a young bud,
to a ripe fruit,
it has grown.
This was actually a school assignment ****
riwa Dec 2016
Don’t fall for me,
simply because
I will turn your kisses into similes
kissing you is like watching a sunset; slow, and beautiful.

Don’t tell me you love me,
simply because
your words will form metaphors in my mouth
you are a thunderstorm my heart is not ready for.

Don’t fall for me,
simply because
I am selfish,
every breath you take, every word you speak
I will find a way to turn that into a composition of letters and sounds
for my own purpose.

Don’t try to be with me,
simply because
I will try to trap you with my words
every space in my broken sentences will be filled with thoughts of you.

Stay with me,
I’ll turn your existence into a poem
stay with me,
I’ll engrave your name into my verses
stay with me,
stay with me,
stay with me,

so I don’t have to turn my heartache into a poem of sorrow once again.

I have not felt at ease with the world in a while,
but that has changed,
simply because
you are my world now
everything I do,
I do for you.

So this is a warning;
don’t fall for me,
simply because
I am a thief who is good with words,
*I will steal your love
and turn it into stories of malignancy and almosts.
Bailey Mar 2016
Life is like a lollipop. It’s sweet and sour. But not many know, that they have the power. You choose whether you bite before the center, you choose what flavor. But the truth is, your life's gonna **** if you don't plan to savor. So unwrap life slowly, and enjoy its taste. Before you know it you've swallowed and it’s already too late.
Bright as a warm summer day
Radiant like the moon
As beautiful as the stars
This is my love for you
As strong as the mountains
Constant like trees
Forever I will be
Loyal like a dog
As wide as the sea
This is what you get from me
As sacrificing as a soldier
Protective as an army
Sometimes green with envy
Don't want to share like a child
Spoiled worse than rotten food
I give you these things too
Even if they aren't the best
All of me belongs to you
The last one for today
As vast as the universe
My love for you will never grow old
Like Peter Pan
In you I've found my Neverland.
Anthony Carrasco Feb 2016
We held each other
like breaths under water,
day old infants in their mommies arms,
and dreams we never meant to wake from.

You touched me
like I was your instrument,
a texture you were testing to buy,
and a newly used pan after cooking breakfast.

I loved you
like my favorite tv show,
warm blankets on a subzero night,
and the tattoos I designed with you in mind.

There are no amount of
I could say to express
how much I miss you,
yet here I am again
writing like an author
striving for a movie deal.
Cody Haag Dec 2015
Your kisses fall upon my lips like
Wind fluctuating against grass blades,
Changing in intensity as a response to the
Affected's desire to fade.

Firm when I want to cease life
And gentle like water when joy inhabits me,
Because you understand what exactly
It is that I need.
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