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Wednesday Aug 2015
I am sitting at a coffee shop but I am too nervous to go in.
It is the same coffee shop you were in a week ago,
before you skipped town with your new girlfriend
who has a brand new nose as part of her graduation gift.

The very same coffee shop in which you told everyone
you wanted to take a crowbar to my knees
and knock out my teeth.

You wanted to **** me
and cut me up
and throw me in a landfill.

Oh honey, you never were very articulate or imaginative.

It's strange, human interaction, you know?
While you were wishing ill on me,
I was with another man by the river who is over twice my age
and he was touching me in a way that he shouldn't have been.

That's life for me now,
there are no other ways to it anymore.

We all know I have a desire for what is taboo,
you made certain everyone knew about my little indiscretions,
and that's no secret.

In truth,
I still think about the sun dappled curtains
that hung over our bed in early spring.
Still too cold out to enjoy ourselves,
but warm enough when we wore heavy jackets
and kissed in the community rose gardens.
Just cold enough that lattes and card games in coffee shops
such as the one where you swore you would **** me at
were still something we could enjoy.
I find myself to be the worst type of romantic.
I have a hard time letting go.

And there's this woman outside the coffee shop
talking on her phone in eloquent Spanish
and chain smoking cigarettes in a way that makes them seem beautiful.
Her hair is obviously very deeply chocolate colored,
it is coming through on her blonde roots.

And there's this old man who limped up
and felt the need to stand behind me
and stare either at my computer screen,
or the seedy men day drinking on the job,
laying asphalt in the early summer heat.
It is hot, loud, sticky work to do,
but I guess this is their life and someone has to live it.

There is a big green heart spray painted
onto the white brick wall downtown
and it has large initials sprawled across it in vibrant colors.
I do not remember a time when this heart was not there.
I want that.
I want a love so interesting even the city will not paint over it.
A love so daring I will have my initials plastered,
glaring over the city with a finalized permanence that says..

"I win."

Because that's what we all really want.. to win.

All the world is a stage of course.

I feel that I push people away without trying to.
But, what is it about me that makes middle aged men look at me
and say "**** girl"?
What is it about me that takes their compliments
without a batted eye and makes me smile,
reveling in the fact for at least just a few moments..
I was deemed attractive enough to make a comment,
no matter how simple or degrading?

I find myself in a mans car who takes me to an abandoned house
and talks to me about hallucinating
and how women OBVIOUSLY do not enjoy *** as much as men,
and I sat in quiet, smug, disbelief
and watched him talk about what he does not know about.
All while fantasizing about him bending me over.

They forget all the world is a stage.

I am a very good actress.
I am very drunk and this is ****. Have at it.
I think it's time to do an update
Of The Seven Deadly Sins
Most people do not know them all
Sit down and let's begin
I'm not really religious
But, I think they're a bit stale
So, I think I'll spruce them up a bit
In this my sinly tale
Gluttony, a sin of course
I think it should be changed
With an asterick, obesity
There, that's one sin rearranged
With dinner plates much larger now
And fast food all around
I don't think God prepared the world
For the obese people we've found
Hyper-obese children
Fed from chemically laden food
I think that gluttony can be renamed
To Obesity....don't you?
Greed...there's not much to say
Unless you're not in the one per cent
You know, the ones who have the cash
While we're still making rent
Unless things are all equal
This will never go away
Someone always wants all that you've got
There's not much more for me to say
Envy....not a really bad one
To me, it should not be on the list
Although some might seem envious
Of that bracelet on your wrist
I mean, really, how is envy
Something that should condemn your soul to hell
I mean I like my friends TV
But, I know he likes mine as well
Condemning both our mortal souls
For being envious of our tellies
That just does not hold water
Exactly like my wellies
Lust...I know, a good one
It gets confused a lot with love
To me the only difference is
With lust, you wear a glove
Lust and envy...make them one
A piggyback sin, if you will
It's like combining two commandments
Thinking evil thoughts before you ****
I lust for things I can not have
And for some, that would do me in
But, I can't see how lusting for a big tv
Can be a mortal sin
I think that  additions should be made
now, while I'm here writing
I think that reality tv is one
To be a sin it is inviting
Hoarding, that should make the list
I mean, most of them are lazy
I think how one defines celebrity
Has gotten rather hazy
Now, sloth...can be removed I think,
Or at the least, re-defined
Today, they're abusers of the system
It's the avoidance of work they say
So, here's what's in my mind
One who's known as sloth like
Avoids spiritual work as well
I say, cut them off of welfare
It's not worth sending them to hell
They'd be getting a free trip there
Again, avoiding doing stuff
Just cut their payments off and then
They'll work and quit their guff
Anger, keep it on the list
Because, it's a good one, I admit
Of all the ones upon the list
I think Anger's a good fit
Finally, we get to Pride
And I'm confused
I think the sin is blurry
And the word is overused
Pride of Man, it is a sin
but, aren't you proud of your young child?
when they go and score a winning goal
This as a sin, I think is wild
I am proud of my home country
And I hope that you are too
But, pride itself, it's not a sin
Aren't you proud of what you do?
Gay people have their pride parade
They are proud of who they are
But, pride itself....come on now...let's
Draw the line, not go so far
Combine the list of deadly sins
With commandments, make an app
Change punishments around a bit
Instead of limbo, give a slap
I think that things are sinful
And I know you won't agree
But, this is how I look at things
It's just me being me
Eccedentesiast Jun 2015
is never wrong

it's just
an ugly love
Arcassin B May 2015
By Arcassin Burnham

Could be,
The one,
To show you life,
Breathe on your own,
Would like to,
What drives you,
May I take you home,
Cause if the hour of love is real,
I can't go on,

So take your short breaths,
Why we should live this way,
Take just one more step,
On my face,
A kiss,
Would be okay,
Cause if the hour of love is real,
I can't go on,

Could be,
The one,
To show you life,
Breathe on your own,
And when,
The time comes,
We will see,
Each other,
Again someday,
Cause if the hour of love is real,
I'm here to stay.
emily posa is a character taken from the movie seven pounds starring will smith , i love this movie til the day i die because it hits hard at your emotions .... :(
Olga Valerevna May 2015
It's possible to be aware of nothing anymore
and let yourself walk freely through the human you adorn

the sky provides for everything to grow and weather all
but people who uproot themselves can never take the fall

I see them lying everywhere, in piles and in droves
collecting like a breath of air inside a cloud of smoke

and every day they breathe their last, as least that's what they say
because of your anatomy you cannot walk away

So here you are a seventh time forgetting who you be
and every single chance you've had to faithfully believe
every single cell in our skeleton is replaced every 7 years
Mayuri Kende Apr 2015
From white to many,

From one to seven,

We live in that heaven,

Which is people driven.

We should rainbow our-self,

And then the battle is won.

Bending from white to many colors, as rainbow itself,

What could we have done, if we had only been one.

Rainbowing is an art, which we have to attend,

Coz every time we have a different self to present.

Our battle with life is mellowed, when we rainbow,

As winning seem as close as, those seven colors through my window.

The artist told me about it once,

The Almighty hinted when the creation of it was done.

Yet the juvenile me, always pondered,

That there is some magic happening, when it thundered.
PS: Rainbowing is an art to blend as per our environment. It means like rainbow we are one but we diversify as per the people around us and we hold the potential to adjust anywhere.
Madeleine Apr 2015
Wrath is something to fear for all parties involved
Really, wrath is a separate entity that is unaffiliated
With the situation entirely
It drops by when clever words drip and splatter
And whimsically decides that there is far too much violence
For the air to be so blue
And whispers encouragement lightheartedly
That red is a much better color for this aesthetic anyway
Jack Gladstone Apr 2015
You're one in a billion and i know all seven of you.
One of them is me,
one of them is you,
the rest are scattered amongst these other kindred spirits that have found a home in each other.
In basements.
On the beach.
In each other's hearts.
In each other's arms.

Some of the yous work by feeling too much.
Some of us work by thinking too much.
We all come to the same misguided conclusions

So now until the end of whatever amount of time we have together
we sit, us seven, in our circle and do whatever it is we do.
Circling the drain, circling the letters on the multiple choices of life.
I hear guessing c's turns out alright
Olga Valerevna Mar 2015
I've taken to the sound of waves
a sea that carries me away
And maybe I'll return one day
I'll come to you without delay
but something else is pushing me
Toward edges I could never see
Been moving so unsteadily
For what seems an eternity
My blood is cold, my lips are blue
I need the sun to make it through
And if I don't, be seeing you
I do not know what else to do
It's either here or there for us
It all depends on who I trust
I will not choose until I must
The enemy - to be unjust
And whether I admit it now
or far along the line somehow
The waters rise, they break me down
to let me fight or let me drown
to swim, to rest, to live is best
Swathi eruvaram Mar 2015
To my rainbow born on the seventh
Happy birthday
Yestarday was my son's second birthday. Make a wish, give a hug, leave a kiss. Thank you.
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