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Rsebd Mar 2018
I have a hole in my life where my love should be.
Every time I meet someone they take from me when they leave.

I’m beginning to become fragile.

Had I known love would be this violent,
I never would’ve allowed my vessel to enter this war.
Too much has been lost building memories with the enemy and there is no way to return from the heartbreak of defeat.

I’m not weak, just broken.
My sails are tattered and weary,
the cannon in my chest was once able to fire at will but now its battered condition has rendered it almost useless because it’s so heavily guarded.

The darkness that surrounds my heart is a protector of sorts,
it’s a heavy blanket of fog that keeps me hidden from the sadness in the world. It’s a reminder of the blood that was shed when I went to battle with her;
it’s the cover I need to rebuild the hull and set sail to reclaim the depths of the oceans that belong to me.

I Captain this ship and I will not be overthrown by the hands of women and I will not be defeated by those who betrayed me!
I refuse to drown in sorrow,
searching for treasures and trinkets that can only be found on a map that no man can read.

I’ve taken heavy fire but I will not surrender.
My ears will not burn by the cry of a siren’s song.

I was sentenced to a life of moving through galaxies of resentment,
cursed to bear the punishment for crimes committed by those who came before me.

I will not be punished for another man’s sin.
I will no longer give in to temptations set in the figure of a dishonorable woman.
Evils will no longer forsake me.
I shall never falter.
XPY Mar 2018
I️ do not wish you to Heaven
Nor do I️ wish
The fires of Hell
upon your soul,
I️ only ask the abyss
To grant you the eternal
That you had given me.
Because I'm a bit of a classic ****** and I was immediately inspired by the story of Jane Eyre.
© KMH 2018
mjad Mar 2018
i gave you almost everything i could
but for you almost was not enough
i hope you loved what you had while it was good
because no one will ever be me and i hope that truth is tough

no one will give you the goosebumps i did when i brushed my fingertips up your spine
no one will give you every ounce of their undivided attention and time
no one will trust you with everything and never lie
no one will hold your head on their chest while you cry

no one will give you everything you didn't deserve
you will always remain the way you were
never changing and always waiting for things that aren't yours
i hope you like being hers

because you will never again be mine
our paths will never cross and our stars will never align

and you will never be treated like the king that you are not
but i will always remain his queen while I remain in your train of thought
I have risen above the worst
not to spite you,
but despite you.
okay, maybe to spite you too
mjad Mar 2018
My lips may be soft,
but the words they have for you are not.
"I won't hesitate, *****"
Cam Feb 2018
Once someone abandoned me
I thought that revenge is what I wanted
I never thought I would actually go through with it
I thought it would feel good
To hurt the person
That hurt me
I guess I was wrong
Nasira Feb 2018
Cupid comes a'knocking
Who is it what do you want
I come bearing gifts girl
Don’t be afraid open up
No Cupid not again
Haven't you done enough
When you lit my heart aflame
Plunged me into the deepest depths of pain
No cupid not again
No more joy turning to rust in my veins
And my heart beating beaten and bruised
And my eyes falling like summer rain
No cupid not again
I can't do this anymore
Aim that broken bow away from my heart
Find some other fool's door
Its different this time girl
This time I brought you the one
With brown locks and a crooked smile
And eyes that shine like the sun
Open up girl
Love can be rewritten and redone
It’s a process of years and centuries and eons
A persevering stroll not a manic run
Don’t lie to me Cupid
When your hands still hold the smoking gun
Rome wasn’t built in a day
But it sure was destroyed in one
There is nothing left to give of me can't you see
There is nothing left to be won
You failed me before Cupid
When you shot at him and missed
And he didn’t care a **** for me
While I dreamt of him in colours that don’t exist
How many more victims will you find
How many more hearts will you break like mine
How many more souls will your bow plunder and defile
Not anymore Cupid. Not this time.
I sharpen my claws and smile a wicked smile
Hone the fires burning in my eyes all the while
Prepare to rip the white wings off his body
Prepare to sear his halo to char
Come in Cupid, I whisper
The door is left ajar
jayant om Feb 2018
In the eerie silence of this dark night,
my pen is bleeding again,
the agony of my soul
is now unbearable.
The past is now haunting me,
Death is now the only option for me.
But, this ain't going to happen for sure,
my callous heart is now numb and cold.
I will not die for You anymore,
instead, you have to pay the price.
Love was when you loved me,
my loved died when you turned your back.
For the scars, you gifted.
I will pay you back with the interest
I'll make you BLEED,
rest assure I will not **** you at once
I'll slay you each moment,
Wait for me, baby!
Captain Lucas Feb 2018
"For your heart's sake, avoid to drink of the love poison,
you can not control the damage and its proportion"
There was an angel's voice singing it loud in my ears
and telling me a revenge way to scare all my fears

I walked through a journey profoundly made of scars
while above my sky there were plenty of shining stars...
Lights there reignited so bright, it even risks to get me blind
As a fact, I never stepped on dopamine's trail
since believing in true love, gave me a badly fail

While my consciousness told me "to be careful" as a reply
I was falling in desire for every stranger with a clouded eye
You were my windy rain, pouring of happiness with every gain
But if I survived during all of my dreary life
why wouldn't I cicatricize my coming lonely night?
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