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Your race,
Your pace!
This is the best way to sum up your life, at any given point. You're not competing with anyone, you're not doing what everyone else is doing...
You are running your own race and only you can determine how long it should take for you to reach the finish line...if there is even one.
Dougie Simps Feb 2016
Hmm so here's a message.
a message that starts off as something I can't finish
where half of my mixed race can't prosper nor replenish
I died too with "I CAN'T BREATH" I begged too on my knees
to not be a privileged monkey who needs to put on a show for you all to be pleased.  I cough out these words and ya think it's a disease...
But the truth is you motherf#$8*rs are just afraid of me.
I don't blame ya. Enough knowledge to mentally enslave ya
free all my people and throw you all in cages
get how we feel? oh wait i got another half. The kind to walk peacefully and enjoy society as I laugh..
sit in Christ's bath but we was all created equal? tell that to my mixed born as they have to endures life's sequel. TELL EM
Fine I guess I will as I press rewind and tell them of a time where people were unequally designed and the designer might've been blind but sacrificed himself only to cover a lie. OH MY OH MY.
Let me clear my throat so I can preach. What happened to practice what you teach? This all went gone when the man fell upon wanting his dream. But he had a dream and I have a thought... walking around the spotlights because every step I take is distort, and if I accidentally walk into the spotlight they'll probably put me in chains. I'd scream "I'm one of you!" but they'll tell me my other half is to blame as I reminisce of the chains that makes me feel like a slave as I curse out Jesus name BUT he can't quite understand and blocks out my call and watches as we all walk and BANG BANG BANG shoot each other, another home with a divorce, another woman getting destroyed by a weak man who can't control his hand a had to much at the bar and views still distort another politician sitting getting rich as he grabs hold of the assistant and tells her to touch his, dictation in this nation as we cry for discrimination of ideas that are corrupt AND A WORLD DIVIDED BY RACIST for blacks, whites and all, ignorance has no color. The law is taking shots as the people all **** each other. Don't listen to me for I'm just a civilian, who sits down and hopes for better days of our children and change minds of the millions. We'll never see eye to eye. I just wanted an A for effort and Absolutely knew I had to try as I watch more people die and see more mothers cry, blocks, glocks and shots and people standing asking out "why?"
when did the love die? 400 years we rewind. Where things weren't clear and not much was fair but this is life and life does to us what we can't bare. I see nothing but hate, I see love trying to recreate a time when we were young and didn't care about race. Kids playing in the sand that showed love and open hands to join close together and didn't really give a ****. Time is slowly ticking, seconds now turning into minutes...Please, we need to end this war before life itself is finally diminished.
This isn't about race, it isn't about hate. It's about love, power and unity before it's all over...and too late.
So as you look at life's finish line - I beg you...don't finish the race.

Praise to the highest for I can't speak for  you. I follow your road you present to us in hope to find the purity that life truly gives. For my enemies I forgive and for my words are only the truth. Win or lose I will only spread love and peace to try and finish what it is you wanted us to be. A civilized group of people for each others eyes we see. While we may not all agree I believe in the art of compromise and hope to spread the word so may look into another eyes. For I am just one single man whose trying to balance my mistakes and carry your message all in a single hand. All while hoping not to fail. Amen.
I can feel this one getting a feedback that I expected. This is a piece from someone who is of mixed race and tells both sides of the story only to say what he truly wants...Peace and love. Enjoy and have an open mind. It's writing not war.
Breanna Stockham Feb 2016
If it wasn't
Race or religion
It would be something else
It's one big competition

We're living in the Darwin days
Survival of the fittest
As if we don't all deserve
To have equal chances

We're breaking ladders
Instead of building them taller
Instead of working toward growth
We make others smaller

Can't get anywhere
If we're tripping each other
But how far we could go
If we worked together

Start building, not breaking
We'll get so much further
One mile alone
One hundred miles together
Paul Butters Feb 2016
So glad I wasn’t born a Daesh Child
Or Indian lower caste.
Or in some ghetto in Brazil
Or wherever.

The hands of Fate were kind to me,
Being born a Brit.
An easy life, compared to many men.

To think I could have been born anywhere:
A black, white or yellow,
Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu….
Even a Royal!

I’m glad indeed at what I am,
But should my birth determine all?
I must have Choices
Little though they be.

I choose Agnostic though I’m C of E,
And Humanist is my Way.
My Love of Nature is a solid choice:
Compassionate Kindness being my Creed.

My race and gender (and being Straight)
Are set in stone
Popular or not.
But otherwise I’m just very glad
To be Free.

Paul Butters
Just GLAD.....
julie patten Feb 2016
On your marks
TO run your best
StOrm ahead to keep abreast
ThrOugh the pain within your chest
AnxiOus now to pass the rest
LifelOng fame could be made
DeliciOus win of this decade
ScenariO will never fade
LimitatiOns not obeyed
A dynamic/experimental poem. Not only do the athletes race but the 'O' moves one space along on each line
(from my book, Hotchpotch)
go to my website@
Àŧùl Feb 2016
It's a jungle,
A real arms race.
Am a ******,
Addicted to its fast pace.
None can help,
With their own lives all are stuck.
Rot sitting on ****,
Coz no one else gives a duck.
Of my own I am a slave,
Misses me on road that truck.
My HP Poem #1017
©Atul Kaushal
Dez Cat Jan 2016
I always tend to hide who I am inside
I always tend to change my appearance outside
I always tend to forget who I really am sometimes.
Maybe she left
Maybe I left her behind
She couldn't keep up with this life
So I just left her aside
She was shy, she was scared, and she always cared
Someone that couldn't make it through the race of life
But me, I pushed myself towards the finish line.
Its based on what my Track team has done for me C:
Mark Lecuona Jan 2016
What the tears of a man say
Even though you saw it
You couldn't believe
He believes something different
But what he felt at that moment
Was alive inside the mother of a dead child

You don't like the answers
And you don't what to feel them either
Like a poor hungry child
Who is taught something different
Something that cannot be proven
Just like the things we believe

Maybe we should decide
In the moment we make love
Or when we have been pushed too far
Or have lost someone we love
Is that the moment to decide?
Or is it the moment we should ignore?

Would you say that it is fear
That makes you question their love
For their children or their race
What would you say that it is
That makes you fear for the freedom
That has already been taken from them?
Liis Belle Jan 2016
Do we choose the life we’re given?
Is it a deal made from before?
Perhaps made with the devil
His lures are hard to ignore

Yes, I made deals with the devil
Before I reached this foul Earth
But I’m not so good with making deals
So I’ve lacked lighter skin since birth

Some others have better fates than me
They are given such beauty and grace
But what right do we have to determine
Of which one is the fairest face?

And what would we puppet fools sacrifice
For a finite time of beauty?
Not the bloodshed of human race,
We wouldn’t be that selfish, oh surely!

Yet I watch millions die from something
As simple as the colour of their skin
Who is the real underlying winner here?
Who are they to escape from this sin?

I know the answer every day
Is it something you’re afraid to know?
That if you could, you’d do it again
For the devil who’s enjoying this show

Now if I could, I’d like to go back
To just before I cross the gates of life
To tell myself that it all shouldn’t matter
That how I look like shouldn’t bring me such strife

Did, or would you, make deals with the devil?
Don’t worry, all we humans are flawed
And ignorant enough to so much as believe
That such a devil could perhaps be a god.
Samuel Hesed Dec 2015
My heart is racing inside of my chest.
The life I use to know is far behind.
For I am looking at the finish line.
Just another life to go,
Until I am in your arms.
No valley or mountain will stand in my way.
I can see the finish line.
Copyright © 2015 Paul Forbes All Rights Reserved
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