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Zack Ripley Apr 2019
You say I'm beautiful.
Well, baby if that's true,
I'm only beautiful because of you.
I wish you could understand how special you make me feel.
And I am proud to make it my purpose
to make you believe that your beauty is real.
Every day you give me a reason to live.
And now it's my turn to give you all I have to give.
I can't wait to thank you for all you've given me so far.
Because of you, I am proud of who we are.
Hunter Mar 2020
I’m always missing something, but I never care to look
I always have a fish, but I never set the hook
I lay awake at night in a deep unease
From my life I greatly displease
I’m puzzled if my life is heading for cold cloudy winter
The weather of the past is something that would hinder
I know my life is not some easy task
I was born never knowing what to ask
You could cumulate that I’m my own rain
When all I want is not to be in pain
Arcassin B Mar 2020
BY Arcassin B.

Spoken words are beyond my calibur,
but I , can occur in different places,
placing my mind in others and thrusting my
anger forward tactically finding out that
emotions can be stored below my tough exterior,
as long you don't hit hard below the waste,
and further ******* anguish or demise,
its not you , your ignorance is what I despise,
I turn light into dark in my despair when I
fall apart,
entitled to my own failures looking back at my life like
who was I compared to if its not you?
I will make my mark in this pointless corrupted country,
running in and out of the spirit realm,
seeing my true purposes and letting myself grow.

I broke free from being empty so I can see the real me
I can't think properly now that I've seen my full potential
I've got so much to learn
So much to see on this journey
I can't believe the things that are to come
It makes me rethink my decision to hang myself for being apart of humanity
Good job guys, I guess this isn't goodbye!
Finally got my energy to continue into the future filled with glory

There's so much that I've gotta do in this world
The underworld seems so far in the distance
Glad I'm not going there
Glad I'm away from the silence
Just need to shine the light on millions of victims
Show everyone that they've got a mission on this planet
And become more successful than the men who invented religions
I might not make a difference
But I sure as hell will wake up millions

This is my story and this meat suit will expire eventually
But I'll come around time and time again
To help humanity fulfill their destiny
To hell with secret societies
They will wither away as if they never existed
Not today, nor tomorrow
But eventually
Humanity will live on exactly as planned
While the industry becomes nothing more than a fantasy
A long lost dream
A memory.
Created by me on February 10th, 2020
I think I lost myself
I've been searching but I have no sense of self
I'm lost, I'm somewhere else
Somewhere far, far away
I'm trying my best to go on
But it's hard to see when you're in Babylon
Is that where I'm at? I'm losing my mind
and I need to be exercised

I reach out to feel for anyone, anyone there?
I've been victimized and there's no hope for me here
I try to push through and speak with god
but I hear no reply, my prayers are being ignored
Why have you done this to me oh dear lord?
is it because of the things I've been, the things I've seen?
I've spoken in tongues and for that, I die young

My identity, my purpose, my demons
I close my eyes to listen, I hear it
it's beautiful and it's nothing
But silence.
Created by me on January 12th, 2020
I look outside and see my life passing by
tell me, what's my purpose in life?
please don't lie
is it to wake people up about the all-seeing eye
or to ask questions all the time?

writing poetry isn't bringing me anywhere
I'm aware that isn't its purpose
but where do I go from here?
do I try new things over and over
or go next and disappear?

I started writing poems about a month ago
its gotta bring me somewhere
but what do I know.
Created by me on November 21st, 2019
Even after all this time, I still haven't figured it out. I still have like 60 or so more years to figure it all out though, right? ... right? lol. I'm sure its right in my face, like most things in life.
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