Stretch your hands forward and gaze beyond it's reach,
And then ask yourself what do you see?
Those many eyes surrounded by your presence speak,
but they are leaves followed by the winds that past by your will,
and their blockade will only seep through like cloth against water.
Does a lion faint or fear by the sound of any creatures it stumbles upon,
Let alone does a squeaky mouse not follow it's instinct to hide?
Not even Goliath can take your deeds,
nor can anyone stand by the front of your palm to dictate your will.
For your action is a will of your own, and your's alone,
For you have only the person in the mirror to resolve!
So long as you know yourself, does life need to be anything but a mirror you stare upon? This was written while back in hello poetry draft, but never could I have finished it, nor do I feel satisfied by it! I am hoping revise maybe?