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MetaVerse Sep 2024

The crow in the tree
    is actually
a black trash bag.

flowing as smooth skin, pimple pebbles in between;
the break out of my skin – still I flow freely as I am,
while my tears weigh heavy on the bank’s sand…

still, I’m glad to know how much you enjoy me tickling
in between your toes – wash off the struggles of your heart,
but please don’t use it as an excuse to leave your *******
inside of me

          you found me as a clear river,
   and I've always known where I'm going
                                    let me live a clear life.

toxicity is just a human thing; cause of all the fumes we
all love to breathe – do our young men have much chose,
we can all live like men, but need to be trained like boys
if the roof over our troubled fires fell down, would the
smoke clear, or would we be forced to breath it all in?

but that’s how we live because we’re troubled, have dreams
inspired by the ideas of others, treat women less, as men
with no father’s, live in our own shadows because we all
hate our true colours –
                                  we just all want to breath.
Àŧùl Jan 3
I talk a lot.
In 2012, I created a blog.
There, I talked about the next ice age.
The Milankovitch cycles, you know.
It's still 50,000 years away,
But our actions, yes, the human actions,
They can disrupt the cycle.
My HP Poem #2035
©Atul Kaushal
Mounir Laroussi Dec 2024

who are we?

What are we?

Habitats for microscopic life-forms?

Fertilizer for spring blooms?

Animals, incessantly foraging for sustenance?

Polluters of the Earth and its atmosphere?

Killing machines with insatiable appetite for war?

Yes…Yes, we are all that and more.

We are poets and dreamers,

truth seekers and love makers,

scientists and prophets,

heroes and villains.  

We are the ****** and the blessed  

inhabitants of a lonely planet.
Gerry Sykes Dec 2024
A mendacious murmuration
  of black pixels dance a fractal fandango
  against the pale pink sky
telling you that all is well with the world.
A susurration of complacency–
  above the exhaust-scented streets
  of Birmingham’s melting asphalt–
whispers, “Don’t worry,
ignore the heatstroke starlings
dropping from the sky
onto viscous pitch dark bitumen”.
The original idea for this poem was the phrase "mendacious murmuration"
Mendacious - lying and
murmuration the word that describes a flock of starlings swirling randomly at sunset.
I chose the word susurration because of the consonance with complacency - I think the meaning of susuration - a hissing whispering sound is not only onomatopeic  but also suggests something sinister.

The underlying narrative ids not that nature lies - but er choose to be misled into thinking all is well.
Vesper Nov 2024
this is a world that is not ours
mother earth
she gave us life
but even in our early stages
greed overtook us
she ate the apple
she gained the knowledge
but the damage was done

if eve never ate the apple
we wouldn't be where we are today
i eve never ate the apple
we wouldn't be where we are today
in this world that is not ours

all we do is take
we never give back
just remember
this is a world that is not ours

in the couple years we have left
before we crumble
to the ground
we need to give
we can still undo
of the damage that has been done
in this world that is not ours
please dont litter
Gerry Sykes Nov 2024
I was called to walk on the water,
but I ****** in the lake instead,
polluted the whole of creation,
until all its creatures were dead.

I was called to heal all the people
with hands that are gentle and kind
but I couldn’t turn round a profit
so I shat on the lame and the blind.

I was called to bring peace to creation
but found it better to sell,
weapons of mass destruction,
and condemn all the nations to hell.

And if I complain that the world,
is *******, unfair and unkind,
it’s because I ****** in the water
and left all my refuse behind.
I has the first 2 lines in my mind but they needed more so the rest is just to support them. I hope it makes you laugh and think
neth jones Nov 2024
the rush hour traffic
  draws  on udders of cloud
i watch  for rain
haiku style
EdgarAllenPoetry Oct 2024
in the trough.
Poison cough.
Shattered femur.
No dreamer.
In a world of crime
It is
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