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David Cunha May 25
To have this ability
                to use these words
Brain's thoughts glued to paper like chords

I can only imagine
                deep in the past
Ancient men glued to their own heads

I am free to articulate
                Say it, even scream
Better do it silently others can understand me

To hear you speak
                to hear your soul
Delights my heart with a ravenous howl

Some may say law
                 Medicine, even football
Though I say language's the best invention of all.
- David Cunha
may 25, 2024
10:08 p.m.
Doing the night shift
Vivek Raj May 25
To my weary eyes,
And, my shattered heart,
Your arrival,
Remains a big welcome.
badtaste May 25
Riddles twist and turn
Words dance in perplexing ways
A maze of meaning
Vivek Raj May 25
If I'm at war with time,
If I'm enraged with fate,
I blame it on one reason,
Along the lines of treason,
To have not met you before we first met.
PABRO May 24
In the shadows of darkness, I am lost.
Echoes of whispers cries,keeps getting closer.
Faith as little as mustard seed keeps burning.
Yet in darkness, I tremble and thirsty for light.

My soul seems to hung on tree,
Yet my hope seems to sink into the underneath abyssal
Where slavery is over the victory.
And life at the edges.

No escape room for the Weakers mind.
Unless the whispers of the wise is audible.
Am fighting while drowning,
For my head's up at miniscus.

In this shadow of darkness,
I am thirsty to reborn.
In this shadow of darkness,
There is lust to fight.
Vivek Raj May 24
I had never imagined,
How you could do this to me ever,
Something small in nature,
Yet enduring in calibre,
The power of your cute smile,
Blooming into my senses like never,
To heal my heart forever.
My Dear Poet May 24
I write
not because I want to be heard
I write because I exist
I don’t know what else to say
Vivek Raj May 23
You're the sunshine in my mind,
And, the storm in my heart.
Paul Butters May 22
Poetry is word-music
Word, word music.
Is soul, spirit, magical mystery
Quintessential essence
Of love and beauty.

Iambic and other rhythms and rhymes
Are optional
For, again, poetry is soul.
The Word is King.
Any word.

A singular word of double meaning:
Lickle bird and ******
No waxing lyrical here
Just a bit of lit that’s bound to fit
Brief word
Amongst sesquipedalian articulations
And rapturous birdsong that echoes through the forests.

So leave that doggerel alone.
Let your heart sing
Your spirit and soul
Shining like a supernova
Resonating through our minds.
A concerto of verbal sounds
Played with our inner voices.
Literary art
Expressed in musical notes.

Paul Butters

© PB 22\5\2024.

Do me a small favour, look up at the nightime sky,

Your beauty is on par with the lovely stars on high.
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