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Mihir Kulkarni Oct 2016
"More squirrels"
She exclaims
And I wonder what
In the world
Could it be
This particular time!?*

It usually starts like this...

Every once in a while
I find her
In her own thoughts
At nothing in particular
But everything
At once.

At times
Like these
She is a genius
Gone crazy.

I catch a glimpse
Of those star-bound eyes
And try
To guess
The stride
Of her imagination
Much luck.

Could she be thinking about…
A universe made entirely out of glass?
Why humans don’t have a tail
Reasons behind love at first sight?
Or what to name the 3rd butterfly
She saw today?

In her picture perfect
I can viscerally sense
A divine flow
Of thoughts
And it evokes in me
The wonder
That one experiences
While watching
A calm river flow
Turbulent currents
Are ever present
Just hidden
Deep inside.

If I
Shake her vigorously
I know for sure
At least 23 ideas
And 47 musings
Will fall around
And we will
laugh hilariously.

But I dare not
For the fear
Of my life.
She is an artist
With her imagination
And you
Don't disturb artists
Do you?

Once she’s back
To the material realm
She comments
About how we need
More squirrels
In the world.

I almost always
Immediately concur.
Then slowly ask

She gives me
One of those looks.
Like the ones
You give your dog
When it’s looking
At you eating food
And you’re deciding
If you should
Give it a small bit
Or not.

If I am
persistent enough
She gathers
All her thoughts
And illustrates
With one of the most
Amazing stories
The important role
Of squirrels
To save our
Doomed world.

After listening
To her
Seemingly logical
Completely weird
I nod obediently
Then carefully
If her coffee
Has something mixed in it.

The gesture
Makes her
Burst out in laughter
Every single time.

And we repeat this
Day after day
Night after night.

I'm so used to it
That now
Even if I hear
"Cement flowers"
"popcorn candies"
"balloon bullets"
I am mentally prepared
To understand
The story
Behind all of it.

That’s how it is.
She keeps daydreaming
About stuff
And I keep dreaming
about her.
I can easily spend my lifetime dreaming with her.
Ravanna Dee Oct 2016
You're a million separate puzzle pieces.
Each a little different.
Some are a little plain.
Some are exceedingly detailed.
Some have sharp edges.
And some are softly curved.
But all together,
I know,
it's an extraordinary,
and priceless
Worth an entire life time,
Actually...possibly even longer.
We're all so complicated and unique in our creation. We all deserve someone who wants to piece together our whole picture.
Jim Marchel Sep 2016
Every day I spend with you is a puzzle.
Dozens of pieces scattered around in a jumbled mess, but with you it all comes together and makes sense. The pictures we create together are unforgettable and will stay with me forever.
Wrote a piece a while back and thought it'd be better in parts than a standalone.
E C Vadnais Sep 2016
He said to me he had a wife and child
and one day he just grew tired,
left them he did, but couldn't say why.
On the road he met others like me and
around campfires we looked at the stars
and laughed at the towns we had seen.

And you know we always knew our freedom would end:
age would catch us, animals eat us, the cold ****** us.
George, that was his name, said he had a plan for it
but of course it wasn't sane, though we listened to it good.

Then one day on a high bridge I saw him go,
arms and legs spread wide as if in flight,
the splash so small I thought him right,
he had suffered enough to get the end right.

© 2016
The hobo (*****) still exists in American society, though we hear very little of them.
E C Vadnais Sep 2016
In the summer we fished the lake
in the high country where the sky touches the land
and the water of the lake is black because of its depth
and cold because of the mountains
and the fish in it are big and fight hard
and taste wonderful when cooked over a campfire.
We slept under the stars then
and fell asleep naming the constellations,
and during the night the wolves came down to look at us.
We were not afraid of them because we were invincible
back then and the world bent to our strength.
In the morning we bathed in the lake and then fished again
and all day you could see the line zipping through the soft pure air
and the plug going through the water and the fish coming in to it
and the sound of them fighting us.
We didn’t talk then, just fought the fish
and listened to that world vanishing around us.

© 2016
It was the realization the world he so loved was vanishing that prompted Adams to become a hobo for a few years.
Kelsey Lauren Aug 2016
So, I see you posted a picture on twitter.
When I see it I become quite bitter.
You see, because I was in that picture.
You cropped me out.
This is the last straw, no doubt.
"My best friends!" You titled it.
But who am I to throw a fit?
I get thrown to the curb a lot.
To everyone, I am just an afterthought.
You were my top priority.
But having friends for me,
has never been a reality.
Stephanie Grace Aug 2016
As we grew

We grew apart

a perfect picture

abstract art

where we once were intertwined

our lives now were uncombined
With all my heart:                                
                          ­          x      x            x       x
                                 x                 x                  x
                                   x          I      Love       x
                                      x          You           x
                                          x        <3       x  
                                               x          x  
                                                  ­   x
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