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The Vault Sep 2019
We are broken up
And it is all my fault
But somehow
I can't seem to change my phone
To a picture
Other then us.
kain Sep 2019
I love me
Because I'm weird
And I'm not worried
If they care
If I tease my hair
I'm not alone anymore
I've got my goths
I'm got my needs
And my occasional jocks
I have my emo girlfriend
I have my support
I have music
And I don't have God
And I'll live how I want
So **** them all
Classically edgy.
aih Sep 2019
Paint me a picture
Of long ago
When the moon stood still
And dreams came true.
Tiger Striped Sep 2019
pictures of you that i
stapled to my
pillow, so that
you're there when
i'm lonely or
so that you
sop up my sobs and
soak in my screams, you
are beneath my deepest dreams and my
nightmares, too
Steve Page Sep 2019
Before you take up your blade, Sharon
who do you see?
Will you be cutting to heal
or incising to free
some carefully hidden,
some up-til-now unbidden me?

When you take up your blade
and test the fresh edge
do you have an image of a me
fixed in your head?
Can you see in your mind
a kinda-me roughly out sketched?

When you make your first cut
do you have a clear vision
of what I'll reveal
have you made your decision
as you press down and carefully cleave
with loving conceiving precision?

When you lay your blade down
do you see I've appeared?
Do you know I'm complete
when the excess is cleared?
Or when you sleep do you wonder
whether there's a less of a me
maybe a more of a me
silently waiting here?
You need to see Sharon Walter's art to fully understand this.  She cuts away at images to reveal something new.  Quite remarkable.
Peasant The Poet Aug 2019
A picture captures a moment,
Entrapping it for view.
If I reach into the frame
Clutch and claim,
Can I have that moment anew?
Lyda M Sourne Aug 2019
And I tried to fit in
Cutting away the edges of me
Hoping to be part of the picture

I tried to fit in
Closing my eyes
Covering my ears
Sealing my lips

To the sins of yours
To the sins of mine
Trying to be part of the picture

But I could not fit in
In this puzzle edge
With a straight back and a crooked front

I wasn't meant to fit in the picture

I was meant to be a picture
In a gallery called life

I was not a puzzle piece
I was not in pieces

I was and am a picture
In this gallery called life
I've tried fitting in for the past three years. That didn't work out. I was never one for fitting in.
Risa Njoroge Aug 2019
Am sorry that’s not what I meant,
It’s just the auto-correct,
This new technology thinks it’s ahead,
Replacing the words that come from my head,
with words like "You are my best yet"
When what I meant to say was "meeting you I regret"

And that last text I sent, telling you how I felt,
That too was auto-correct,
See, there was a time when your words made my heart melt,
And the butterflies that rose from my belly up to my neck,
I sometimes needed  to tie them down with a belt,
All this words you say you never meant.

Every time you sent that I love you text,
Now I know it just auto-correct
This new tech is quick to make us forget,
And replaces words like I regret,
With stupid texts like “come hold me”
Leaving us with broken hearts we now hold up like trophies,

The rest of the world may never know just how much I hurt,
Because I found a filter that will auto-correct
This frown on my face and turn it right side up,
And every time I take a picture,
This auto correct will add color and remove the hurt,
Making sure no one will never know what really lives inside,
"this whirl we call home, spinning out of control.”
we have been living in an auto-correct world, never saying what is on our minds, and everything is spinning out of control.
JA Perkins Aug 2019
He left a letter on the dresser
addressed to whom it may concern.
It read "Never falter under pressure
before the tides can take their turn.
Everything is dying -
The likes of man and all his pleasure.
From paper planes we're flying
to the wooden chests of treasure.
But one Truth will always stand
long after the last word here is spoken:
There's always been a heavenly hand
to heal the heart that's broken."
Some people live long lives,
Some people die long deaths
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