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The Vault Jul 2019
It's 2 in the morning
And I can't sleep
I just want to feel you in my sheets
Skin on skin
And heat on heat

I want to touch you
To feel that I have someone to hold on too
You make everything crisp
Like fresh clean air
I wish I could breath you in
Give me another taste
I am addicted to you

Yours truly

Until we meet again.
Mitch Prax Jun 2019
And then you held me
like you'd never let me go-
I wish you hadn't

7:09 PM
I feel as if I am trapped in this box,
Where everyone else has put me
But I know I don’t belong.

Suffocated - they make me feel it,
I can’t stand existing inside this bubble:
The walls are thick, there’s no way out,
It’s the home of the unfound,
Where they put people like me who they can’t make sense of,
Patients they can’t diagnose unless it’s with the term “functional.”
I know there are others,
But I feel so alone,
Isolated from being understood
By the only people who are able to help me.

They won’t help me,
I try to fight back, I try to scream
Either no one hears me, or they take it as a mark of insanity.

It’s hard to speak up,
When you know the process all too well,
You walk in, they repeat things that hurt you (psychosomatic), and then you walk out,
Though you don’t know how,
Because inside you’re torn down again,
Answers aren’t found and each time is worse,
You’re still struggling but they insist
That you’re as healthy as you’ve ever been,
So once again you’ve been missed,
By professionals trained to catch out illness.

Every time your reality trips you down again,
You repeat the words they told you:
“You’re fine,”
You tell yourself you can do it
-But not out of encouragement,
Instead of disdain, because when no one acknowledges you
Why should you not question yourself?
We are taught from a young age these are the people you should depend on and treat with respect,
So even when they toss you aside:
Remember to say “thank you” and walk out with a smile,
Seeing as they believe that you really are wasting their time.

This is what nightmares are made of,
Except when you’re both asleep and awake
It’s always still there.
It’s hard enough passing each day this way,
But without an ounce of recognition,
I wonder why I should even stay.

I don’t want to do this anymore,
But still I have to knock on doors,
Basically asking people to reject what I live,
Constantly trying to prove that I’m sick,
To countless people who don’t give a ****.
It’s already too much effort existing like this,
Yet I have to get out of my bed to prove it,
Even though each time they write an essay about me being fine,
Or maybe a few words because I’m such a waste of time.
I face what I fear everyday because my health’s at fault,
Yet they say it’s not really at all.
It’s been a year and they still have the audacity to tell me,
It’s because I’m not coping mentally.

Maybe I am a mess psychologically,
But I want you to know, it’s only because of them.
I would be stable, I’d be perfectly fine,
If they didn’t keep coming around telling me my efforts are wasted,
That I just can’t deal with my mind no matter how much I already put in,
So clearly I will just never be fixed.
It’s what they’ve told me though, it’s all of their responses and words,
That made me question my sanity,
That dredge up all of my anger for them,
Because not one bit of acknowledgement did they spread.

So here I lay,
Stuck in this box where no one can see me,
I can’t fix myself because - it wasn’t my state of mind that was broken.
I’ve been here for four-hundred-and-seventeen days,
Where I try to imagine a future where I’ll be safe,
But the trauma of looking for a diagnosis I know will stay,
Because they told me it was only caused my trauma in the first place,
But the only kind I’ve experienced
Is the kind they inflicted whilst I was already suffering.
The grey hair on your head are moonflowers
The wrinkle on your forehead is wine
You need to stop worrying about your body
Cos when I look at you, you’re doing just fine

Stop weighing the things that aren’t important
Cos the valuable things cannot be weighed
Like the air that we breathe or our feelings
Or all the beautiful memories that we’ve made

And what about the magnificent souls inside us
The spirit that tragedies couldn’t break
You cannot weigh the experiences that made you
Like those moments we spent sitting by the lake

The scar on your cheek is a white butterfly
The fat on your tummy is snow
You need to stop worrying about your weight
Embrace yourself and let self doubt go
Eric Apr 2019
Earthly matter
In the sense
Of feel and touch

Self retaining
Strife with every wave
Of emotion

Cause and effect
A decaying
Adrift truly Alone

Past imprint
On a once

New mask new face
Isaac Mar 2019
Taken in God's arms forever.
The physical realm has lost its power.
The spirit world is where I am born.
The physical world mere Lego to form.
Written 29 March 2019
Karijinbba Mar 2019
Nothing hurts me more deeply,
then your
physical silence
so dead calm
not knowing
if you're living
or colder
in your grave

Speak to me
I love you so.
By: Karijinbba
All rights reserved
Indifference as cold
as forgetting
an absent loved one
a painful un necessary tactic of "less is more"
in the solitary life
of a precious lover
left behind. Hate me
I beg you,your rancor hurts me less then being forgotten!( Revised comment 03-22-19)
Alaina Mar 2019
I find myself in this bright, dangerous light. It engulfs me and tears me apart.

It is not all black and white,
it’s more like a color chart.

Blues, reds, yellows, and greens
What have I ever done?
You say you’re sorry by all means
For each and every one.

It is time that I left
It is time that I go.
Now go rest-
No... no... NO.

you’re always right.
How can I be so blind?
Let us


Now a week later,
and the lights are back.
You’re a liar, a traitor.
Slap, hit, whack!

I hide myself away
I know what’s going on
You say that “I’ll pay”,
all you are is brawn.

10 years down the line,
I hope to be happy and calm.
I hope to be drinking a nice glass of wine,
and no longer seeing your palm.
i found this poem i wrote on a piece of paper shoved underneath my bed. It scares me to think I was ever in such a place.
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