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anotherdream Jun 2018
Come along with me,
And hold my hand,
I'll fly you away,
Past the undiscovered lands.

I'll bring you along,
And talk on the phone.
But you're not the same,
You're not who I know.

Your scars can leave,
Along with your regrets,
I'm still here with you,
And I'm not leaving yet.

Not until the end,
When you've heard of your legacy,
I'll be right here beside you,
Until your last breath.

And even after your buried,
I'll stay by your side,
After the moon's final stage,
And every tear is cried.
All you have to do is leave with me...
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
How do you write a love song?

How am I meant to write a love song,
When I cannot find love?  
Surely this situation is wrong.
I need a bird to give me a buzz.

Can you help me to find the love that I am always looking for?
How can I begin to woo you,
When you leave me speechless, so I can’t even talk?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
In your opinion

If I was your opinion, I would change on a daily basis
And sit myself next to anybody with the latest look.
If I was your opinion I would count for nothing at all;
You’re so alternatively a part of the in-crowd that I think you ****!

In your humble opinion, you are everything and more,
But in my humble opinion you are worth nothing at all.
The thoughts you think are right;
They are the thoughts you have been told.
The thoughts you think, are not your own.

They tell you what choice to make; be a fake.
Be what they want you to be; it is you I hate.
They are the norm, the ones you must follow,
But it is you I detest because you are so hollow.

You want to be them, because they have popularity;
This is why you must be hated, by all of society.
Cast out from the in-crowd for wanting to be in.
You are pitiful, you are a waste of a life and you are sin.

You have no opinion of your own and you care about your phone,
So I feel nothing for you at all, because you are a no-one.
You want a nice car and a beautiful home,
But you live behind a curtain that covers your soul.

You cannot let them see the real you,
Because it is black inside that heart of yours, so go be used.
Leave me here to have opinions of my own…
By the way you don’t have a good phone.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
The Remains

I am the son of Sam,
I am, I am.

Daddy has gone a-hunting,
With his double barreled shotgun.

People can’t live on guns alone;
Gun’s at home.
Put a bullet in your mobile phone.

They take their lives, but they leave their bodies;
They keep on living in their world of pain.
All that we are left with is…
All that remains are the remains.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Amanda Kay Burke May 2018
I wish we lived closer
Talked more than we do
It is hard to find time
To call and speak with you

I am always pleased to hear your voice
It's not the words but the sound I enjoy
A symphony of unconditional love
Echoing comfort and joy

Our calls might be infrequent
Special for that reason
If you need a friend
I will answer any season

Whether you are angry or sad
I will listen with my open heart
I am only a phone call away
If we are near or far apart
For my big brother Michael.
Ellenah Apr 2018
The ringtone
Loud and brash.
He picks up the phone.
He laughs at the screen.
I ask but he doesn't reply.
The sound of his fingers
Tapping on the glowing screen
Makes my ears bleed.

The ringtone.
Loud. Brash.
He picks up the phone.
He laughs.
Again. Again. Again.
The sound of his fingers
On the glowing screen
Torments me.
Tony Lee Ross Jr Apr 2018
Surrounded by people yet alone
people try to talk to me I look at my phone
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