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Swords and Roses Nov 2015
he opens the door and I flash him a smile how are you doing
I say he just shrugs and goes upstairs he always goes upstairs what
does he do up there is he wanking god I hope
he's wanking something normal please no my son is normal he
is he just has issues connecting yes connecting that's the
problem nothing else just that really
she smiles at me but I don't smile I can't smile I'm so
stupid why can't I show emotion even false emotion I just
need some time yes some time then I can be normal again but
what even is normal for you shut up shut up you haven't been
normal for so long have you no stop I can't deal with it not
today not now I have to be happy for her

I got a call today it's the bills again I might have to sell
something but what can I do without him noticing he
always notices but doesn't say he very loudly doesn't
say sometimes I wish I had a less bright son but no that's
horrible of course I want him to do well I just wish he could be a
child I mean he has to grow up but really this fast?
I got another burn this time on my neck it'll be really difficult
to hide this time I'm so worried I have to be so careful around
her why am I so stupid I can't let her know I'm smoking again and especially not who  with I need to be perfect for her I know she
worries I just have to avoid her until it goes away I can make
an excuse yes it'll be fine everything will be fine

I called him down to watch TV but I'm not sure he wants to
watch this he's not laughing am I laughing too loud? I'm
worried I can't remember his laugh come on laugh please I
know something's wrong but he won't tell me or maybe
I'm just too scared to ask I'm an awful mother I'll just
ask him if he wants to watch this then he can leave
did I sound angry? I always sound angry why she
only asked me a question she sounded so nervous I'm so
horrible this show is funny but I'm not laughing why am
I not laughing oh god she must think I'm dysfunctional well
maybe I am shut up watch the show I can't even enjoy
a stupid show come on **** what's wrong with me

he's watching this stupid show because of me isn't
he just to make me happy why does he do that he's so
selfless like he thinks he needs to take care of me but isn't that
supposed to be my job? I'm so stupid and he's so smart he
probably looks down on me I'm so emotional he's so in
control he probably knows everything oh god
I can tell she's not concentrating on the show now it's
me isn't it I'm always such a burden I wish she didn't have
to take care of me I know she struggles a lot and she
tries so hard but I don't really make it easy for her do I no
I just **** myself up and make her sad but I can't help it but
that's no excuse I'm so pathetic I'm sorry

Harold wants to come over again he's so creepy with his grabby
hands but I can't lose this job not now there's too much I have to
pay for I have to make sure my son has what he needs I
can't think about myself he's all I have he's more important than
me so I have to let Harold be here **** why am I so stupid if I had any
brains at all I could get a decent job and be a good mother for him
I'm going out with Mark mum except I'm not I haven't talked
to him in six months but she worries I don't have a good
social life so sometimes I go out and sit in a cafe and watch people as
they go by with their lives and then I get sad and then I go home and she's there and I lie again and I hate it but she's all I have she's more
important than me so I have to not be a burden to her

I protect him, to keep him innocent
*I protect her, to keep her happy
a mixture of personal experience and stuff from my head
Ambika Jois Nov 2015
While the world slept,
My father stayed awake.
With all his might left,
He stayed just for my sake.

He sang to me,
Patted me to sleep.
I could feel his eyes on me
Watching me breathe.

I remember being in his arms,
On his lap as a baby
Holding him tight with my charms,
He’d say I was his little lady.

I grew up, I grew tall and I grew
Stronger, weaker, colder, warmer
There my father stood as he knew
I’m a handful, but I’ll always remain his loving daughter.
Dhaye Margaux Oct 2015
It's not easy to accept that some things really wouldn't last
Even the people you want to keep are just like those butterflies
Once they get out of their cocoon, they would seek for their own lives
But what is painful when you realized that they have found another heart

I am not greedy, not that selfish but it really really hurts
Knowing that someone you love the most won't be with you until the last
Why this world has to make you feel that you are alone from the start
There'll be borrowed moments, borrowed joys, but you can never borrow a heart

"If they will come to get you here, will you really go with them?"
"I won't," he said. "You know that I love you, you know me well.
But maybe when I grow old, I can go and live with them"
That made my tears roll down my face, my broken heart, I cannot tell

I thought I have him here with me and will be mine until the peak
I thought someone will care about me as my own blood when I am sick
I thought he's not temporary, that he is mine, though I don't speak
Oh, why I have to over-think about these things that make me weak?

In such little time our universe was completely reordered
We never knew what really mattered until our love found a soul
Crossing the divides, the edges and borders
To meet in the middle to make our family's consciousness whole

Finding your soulmate is a beauty of it's own
Then when you create with that love, everything gets brighter, better
A new light inside, brought out to mark how we've grown
The purity of destiny and choice finding a center

It's impossible to understand what a gift a child can be
Until you're blessed with one who's smile could melt the coldest ice
Harmony, when we see your eyes you truly set us free
You pierce the heart with innocence so precise

Remember as the years go by and you read these words
That one is felt above all but love, and that's unconditional
You are a blessing to your parents and the earth
The fact that we get to journey with you is additional

We will always praise you for your ups and light the fire of inspiration
We will always raise you from your falls and teach you the right invocations
We will always show you that we are human too and are always learning just like you
And we will always teach you that the most powerful words in the world are....I ...Love...You!!!

Happy Birthday Harmony Jade!
*Time to Harmonize*
MC Oct 2015
a child
So small and fragile
So innocent and strong
So delicate and alive
So wanting to belong

So cold and unforgiving
So weak and towering
So uninhibited and fumbling
So dead and crumbling

You turned the child into you
You made **** sure of that
You turned the child against the world
You made its foundation crack

The child wanted to breathe
The child wanted to laugh
The child needed love
The child got none back
MC Oct 2015
M*  *is for the way you made me miss out on my childhood
O  is for how ostracized you made me feel in my own skin
T  is for the the times you thought I was an adult when I was still a child
H  is for the hours I stood up waiting for you to come home
E  is for the empty feeling you left in my heart
R  *is for the mutual resentment we carry
Cori MacNaughton Oct 2015
From the very first
she gently lifts him
pushes him to breathe
and so the learning starts

He is so clumsy
as she teaches him to swim
she laughs a gentle mother’s laugh
if inwardly

No arms to discipline or hug
yet what a heart to give
to her one small and only son
just twelve feet long at birth

One distant day he’ll near her length
at forty-five or so
and shall remain
the most important thing
to her
upon this Earth
. . . and, finally, one that ends on a up note.

Originally written on 6Feb99, read numerous times in public, and appearing here in print for the first time.
MC Oct 2015
You were supposed to protect me
Your little girl
Your little angel
Your only child

You might've loved me
At one time
I think you ended up resenting me
But that's fine

Subjected to your selfish tirades
Put through your gruesome facades
Held up on a pedestal
Only to be pushed down
Your once endearing smile
Now causes me to frown

Everytime the bottle went up
My heart sank down
I begged you
I pleaded you
You weren't there
Not even when I needed you

Sure, you were physically there
But mentally, you were so unaware
Or maybe you were
And just didn't care

You got in your car
Went out for smokes
You were hazy
And at this point, I went crazy
Who were you to risk a life?
Not your own
But maybe somebody's wife?
Somebody's husband?
Somebody's kid?

You don't even care about your own
And I don't think you ever did
Cori MacNaughton Sep 2015
When I gaze into the mirror
my mother's eyes peer out
on the first day with a twinkle
on the next a wistful pout
Though our eyes are different colors
more alike we are then no
still her thoughts to me a mystery
she may never choose to show

The mirror on another day
my grandmother becomes
watching birds at breakfast
saving them the finest crumbs
Formidable and frightening
she could also often be
all too human and imperfect
still she helped to make me me

Great-grandmother another day
the mirror then became
though much lighter of complexion
now the eyes were much the same
Though a humorous and honest soul
emotions quite repressed
she affects me still more deeply
than I ever would have guessed

Today within the looking glass
the only face I see
is the youngest culmination
of these elder women three
And I see them all within me
in my talents and my quirks
still I wish that they had taught me
how to stay away from jerks.
Originally written 14 April 1999; posted today in response to a poem and subsequent conversation with Bill Hughes.

I have read this poem in public, but this is the first time it appears in print.
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