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Kalyx Aug 2020
You made me color my world through sparkles.
Seeing your eyes makes me red
Like strawberry on a new harvest.
Eyes will deceive me to love again

An innocent face that I'm worried to not see again.
But will I ever try again with another memory that will scar me?
A scar that reminds me of how much a coward am I.
The scar that I left that will never heal again.
Shadiya Zubair Aug 2020
Holding on to something paltry
will drag you down even more
Once you embraced it as something worthy,
when you realized its not anymore
Wailing on that for some days,it's
But don't do that, not anymore!
🌼The short time pain accepting the truth is much better than the longtime pain of believing an illusion!
     If you spend too long holding on to the one who treats you like an option you will miss finding the one who treats you like a priority :D🌼

"If you are brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello!"
                            - Paulo Coelho
Bryn Kennell Jul 2020
Monkey bars
Hold on
Do not let go

I climb high
To hold you close
But it takes all my strength
So I let go
Sheela Jul 2020
Rumbling thunders but wounded voices were more distinctly heard… Pouring wonders for my eyes flutter more than that beautiful bird….

Innocence blinded me to see hidden malice…Building Avenues for hope is the only solace… Well, this hope also doesn’t hold any promise!!

All that’s Lurking my mind uninformed about the time… Life isn’t a meritocracy of counting days it has got meaning even if there is no joy with the loved ones all uncertain in its own ways !…..
Like a cusped dandelion spores are blown… I choose to stay away for it’s okay to feel alone rather to be felt thrown….though I mourn and mourn…

Time is passing, days are crawling…. Life is moving… But the sand in the hour glass isn’t falling…
izi Jul 2020
The bells struck twelve, shimmering sound
Whispers in the gloom brushed by grass on the hill,
Without you, my heart cannot be found.

Flowers bloom and are torn from the ground,
I remember but can’t forget, I have lost my will,
The bells struck twelve, shimmering sound.

There could be no other loss so profound,
It’s not winter but I feel a bone-deep chill,
Without you, my heart cannot be found.

Some days I feel as though I only weigh a pound,
I feel free, like the spring bird and its singsong trill,
The bells strike twelve, shimmer and sound.

The last time our eyes met I almost drowned,
It was a thunderstorm, a supernova, a paint spill,
Without you, my heart will never be found.

Time spins in a blur, round and round,
It’s been two years since I’ve seen you, until
One day, the bells struck twelve, the shimmer of sound,
Without you, my heart was finally found.
We have been blind since our inception, until now. Why the change? Ecology.
But ecology is only a catalyst for all other revelations, one variation on the truths of the Cosmos:  infinity;  oneness;  divinity. All truths are related, because all in the infinite Cosmos are one. Right now, the vast majority of
human beings see themselves as plausibly the only "intelligent" beings in the
universe. How absurd! First, the Cosmos in infinite. Second, do the math:
multiply 1 (the number of Earths {the one planet in our solar system that we
know supports human life}) by 200,000,000,000 (the estimated number of solar systems in each galaxy) by 2,000,000,000,000 (the estimated number of
galazies that astronomers think exist in the Cosmos). I cannot do the math, and my computer calculator can't either, but it is not necessary to calculate the
estimated number of planets like Earth that can sustain human life (as well as
other kinds of flora and fauna), because, if one could, the product would be
infinitely large;  thus, to think Earth is the only place in the infinite Cosmos
that is able to support life as we experience it is patently insane. But, for now,
Earth is all we have, so we better become aware of all the ramifications (there
are simply too many to enumerate here) of ecology if life on Earth is to survive. It is past time for all of us to open our eyes, otherwise catastrophic, existential threats will cease to be threats and become realities, and our eyes,
by our own making, will be closed forever.

Copyright 2020 Tod Howard Hawks
A graduate of Andover and Columbia College, Columbia University, Tod Howard Hawks has been a poet, a novelist, and a human-rights advocate his entire adult life.
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