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Colm Jan 2020
One day a new energy burned in the sky
Bright as the sun beasts eyes
And just as strong as this wind engine of mine
And I could see it, finally
Though it had always been
It was like... Electric skies
Viji Vishwanath Jan 2020
Fire ruined
Almost everything
To ashes
With a
quick glance
And destroyed
the lives
Of thousand animals
Even though some
Rescued gracefully
With the
helping hands
Of God’s love
And the
Panic situation
Settled only
After a blessed rain
That rain
Helped to
Quench the fire
And healed
Thousands of
Wounded hearts

It started to recover
By the wet land
And those trees
Started budding
And making
Its leaves
By filling
The holes of
Ruined land
With the
Wholly vibes of
Pleasant nature
That soothes
Every soul
To live and
Love the land
Once again
With its mesmerising
Scenic beauties
To feel
Grateful for
And giving a
To maintain our
By enhancing
the greenery
To enrich our
Flora and fauna
With a balanced
Rain helped and came as a relief for Australian bush fire and by God’s grace it is blooming again. Let’s maintain more greenery to enjoy and prevent our nature from damage.
Shradha Sagar Jan 2020
I find myself looking for you around in other people,
When I walk past that door, Or, through the places unknown,
I see two people exchanging a glance, or kissing good-byes,
And I think of you a little more, and look at myself with a sigh!

I find you in places I thought I could be alone.
Moments that I thought brought me peace,
movies that I saw to clear my head,
All of these now only causes me distress.

But this is the ***** truth of life,
We'll be together forever was just a lie.
I know I'm broken badly,
It's all gonna be okay,
Gradually it is all going to be fine.

You left me in shock by not giving me any time,
I still can listen to your voice in my head,
And the smell of your skin makes me feel sad,
Future you showed to me, it all feels like a dream,
The only thing being it’s her in it now, and not me.

I keep telling myself these days,
Just give yourself some time,
Sit back, relax and sip the juice of the lime.
I too shall find the peace in my life,
The one that I can perfectly call mine,
But for now, I guess I need to move on,
Why cry for someone who's already gone.
lulu Jan 2020
I don’t think about you as much anymore. I don’t feel the same way about you either.
All those feelings that used to cut me to the core seem like distant memories, possibly even as far back as a previous life. I do remember though. Vividly. What it felt like. That white-hot feeling of panic, stemming from the pit of my chest. Followed by the feeling of being cold, so very, very cold. As if you’d stripped me of any and all warmth I ever carried. My light had faded and faded- until it eventually burned out. For a while I was just numb, nothing felt real. It had to be a long-winded nightmare… I was going to wake up any minute and roll over to have you pull me into your arms, reassuring me it was all a dream. It was all in my head, right? I never woke up.

Or at least, I didn’t think I did.

Today I saw a poem that made me realize, maybe I have finally woken up. I don’t think about you as much, and I most certainly don’t feel the same way about you either.
Rose Who Knows Jan 2020
You know the truth
if he
wanted to
he would.
this was something I had to tell myself about a guy. If he wanted to make a move then he would, so he's just not that into you. A part of me would be like, I have evidence that he does like me, but realized if he didn't have the ***** to act then I don't need to be wasting feelings on that person. I deserve more.
Rose Who Knows Jan 2020
You were the beast
that ravished
my heart.
James Rives Jan 2020
none if it was supposed to happen,
no wine spilling
from whosever glass heart
would hold it.
mine shattered, and it poured profusely,
condescension and hatred,
in good measure.

the lies were supposed to rest
on an old, dusty shelf
with books you no longer read,
forlorn, while warmer things
filled your heart.
only now that it's gone,
do you believe yourself the victim,
and pretend to care.
from what remains, no love of any kind
will ever echo for you again.
I hope your hot priest comes along and breaks your heart in the worst ways.
Ken Pepiton Jan 2020
Now, a new stream, new persona at the keys, perhaps,
we go with it,

a team thing, the old boys, who were never serious,

'til the end, amazing
grace, 'n'all that... they meet the guy that was gonzo

for Jesus, the proto-type, maybe,

but now, he's mellow, got the basic boomer

sub urban rural typical tv family of the decade types

of stories forming pustules in stages
sure to be virulent

if one of 'em pops.

Jesus, what if it got out.

That easy. Peace in the midst of chaos,

the perfect circle in the wide part of the dark paisley,

yinyangyenyank twang twang bang

stradivarian wood, we froze our buts off dis

covering the never hidden, merely,
yet to be known, sealed knowns
known in physics and biology
'n'mythical synchronal stars
all things working right on

sorting pieces of the plans,

we have 8 strands,

3 have marks from the cain diet,
2 y carriers hold mods
from the fires
of both Tubal and Jubal, so they hold

the intuitions,

these are the sybils we were sent to make clear.
Is this clear.
Texting leaves records, as does light,

time is written in light.
May be.

in the direction of the spin, we lean,
and the yingyangthang rolls,

just like ol' sisyphus's rock, perpetual motion,
with a will to live,

leaving be,
I believe you shall eventually come from under the umbrella.

I am defining my terms,
in preparation,

making up a myth, to play with, to see if ifity is as I imagine,

as enjoyable as any creative urge indulged,

in the post truth acknowledgement

beginner's pool. No disconnection here.

Look, quarter in the telescope,
out there, we are beyond all you think or ask

you believe the Bible, you believe me, we words
to the wise enough,

evil is as evil does, not as evil thinks it does, it lies.
I shared a sceptics view of trump and was told by a survivor of the pensacola miracle that I ought to repent of my pernicious ways, and he played right into my record of days
Anonymous Freak Jan 2020
Last night.
It was as if we were strangers
Passing each other
On the street,
Instead of almost twenty years
Of history.

But it didn’t hurt.
It felt...
sarah shahzad Jan 2020
Solar Eclipse
Free Verse Poem | Poem on Nature

As the sun rises,

With lots of surprises,

Granting one after the other,

As slowly the day goes on,

The moon comes out mysteriously,

Blocking the sunny view of the happy people,

As the day gets dark,

As the nights of the shadows,

Making all of them frown,

The day continues for a while,

And immediately vanishes,

The people who saw that spectacular event,

Get surprised and worried,

The children get excited,

As the night goes long,

A night in the middle of the day.

(By Sarah Shahzad, December 2019)
This poem is about solar eclipse.  It is quite different from lunar eclipse.  That is to say that moon crosses the path and comes in between earth and sun.

Meanwhile some enthusiast await for eclipses but most of the people also worried about its negative impact.  Somehow people are afraid of coming out of the houses during solar eclipse but in contrast people with cameras loved to take pictures of it.

Solar eclipse on 25/26 December 2019 is called as final eclipse of the decade.  On christmas day, sun appears about one percent smaller in the sky.  Therefore we will be able to observe a ring of fire.

Some of the people are worried about eclipse and ask their children to stay away from the dark rays of the eclipse.

What are your thoughts about lunar and solar eclipse?
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