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Joel Ochoa Mar 2016
She says: What surprised me most was that he matched me. He wasn't intimidated by my ferocity, my intensity, my deep dark desires. When our lips touched, the world filled with a silence that left only the sound of our satisfaction. I stared deep into his captivating eyes as we devoured each other, him finding places that had been untouched and he stared right back with the same power. His hands searched my skin, grabbed at my curves, kissed my body until my back arched. As he ****** inside of me and I moaned with every pleasure, we moved naturally, in sync, heartbeats racing as sweat began to fill the few crevices where our skin didn't touch. My body responds to his movements, to his breath, and every single push inside of me. Our breathing gets lost with one another until we are one body completely enveloped in a high that can't be matched. The high is delicious, *****, and euphoric. There's nothing scarier than being addicted to someone. His lips on mine, hands pulling at my hair forcing me deeper into a kiss I know will lead to our tangled bodies. Yet, within our tangled bodies we find our most animalistic instincts; we find our most wild freedom, and drunk off his lips, we reach that high.

He said She said is a two part original  poem about a man and woman who share a deep infatuation with one another. Hope you all enjoy....
Joel Ochoa Mar 2016

A little bored just having some fun.
Win Khine Mar 2016
the night sleeps
the light fill the lanes
the mirror behind
the planet so quiet
the shadow everywhere
in negative Fahrenheit
alone image motionless
this world
so divided...

(c) Ko Win Khine aka. D Hlaine (March 3rd, 2016, NYC)
AK Feb 2016
I ******* first months in the city;
a nauseating, fleeting sweet.

now, my tongue numb.
Silence Screamz Feb 2016
I live in tangerine dreams
Tripping on acid
with Lucy and her diamonds in the sky

Shh, listen as the vinyl is ripped backwards
Warped demonic voices echo through our tranced souls
We have all done it

Studio 54,  New York City, 1971
Dancing half naked, sweat drenched men
Grinding upon every inch of their manhood
Lines of coke snorted off the mirror fueled by alcohol induced *** in the bathroom
We wanted to do it
But never had the *****

Never take this tangerine dream away from me
Let me eat the clouds, let it taste like cotton candy
Let it stick to my fingers , as I try to lick the sugar molecules off every one of my digits
I know everyone has done that

I hear Bowie in the background,
the spiders came from Mars
and ate my soul and it didn't hurt
Do you know The Man who sold the world?
I don't !!
A little 70s trip to the past
left town
blasting off
from a
his ***
a rainbow arc
golden glitter
onto chichi
Houston Street
liberating a
fawning glitterati
eager to prance
about a
High Line

for a
NY second
the best dressed
homeless dude
in NoHo
spotted a
Pale Duke
fluttering over
a posse of
splashed across a
Banksyless wall
tagging the
sunny side
of the finest
car wash

a ghostly
Lou Reed
dressed to the nines
in sleek
Transformer drag
scratching his *****
the final bars of
an Eno
Perfect Day,
marking odds
when a
long overdue
Iggy Pop
will crash the
Pearly Gate
mosh pits

the choppy seas
of urban sludge,
lightning bolts
streak down
the sullen faces
of cash strapped
honey dippin
lust for life
luxuriating in
a well nursed

Fun City's
bare footin
Little Monster
in soulless
still a
quarter shy
from annual
bonus time,
by economic
to dial up
flush with cash
fund managers
to seek
margin loans
on their
large positions
in alpha rich
asset funds
while their
diamond collared
wait outside
the corner
State News
licking the
oozing sores

lapping tongue
marks time,
waiting for
the stretchy
panted painted
ladies scoring
organic rouge
at a corner

listening to
a sidewalk
trash can
yelp today's
Daily News
"Major Tom
Myna Hero!"
bekighting the next
15 minute legend
a talking
Myna bird
Major Tom

the vigilant
alerted occupants
of a Brooklyn
townhouse of
a furnace leaking
carbon monoxide
when he stopped talking
and dropped dead

a veritable canary
in a coal mine story

a special service
Major Tom's
supreme sacrifice
is planned,
in the spirit of
the family
implores those
wishing to express
in lieu of flowers
to please occupy
Prospect Park
to drive out
the rapacious
squeegee men
and feed the
hungry pigeons

Bowie's earthly star
may have gone black
but the ashes of his
disembodied voice
will forever
mark the city
like the
gray splot
ashes of

David Robert Jones
1.8.47 - 1.10.16

Well Done Beloved
God Bless and Godspeed

Music Selections:

David Bowie, Dollar Days

David Bowie, I Can't Give Everything Away

David Bowie, Black Star

Jazz Messengers, Wayne Shorter
Lester Left Town

Jesse Osborne Jan 2016
Every morning
I wake up in a city
that feels a little more familiar
each time my eyelids bloom daffodils
on a fire escape horizon.
Maybe I’m in love with a Newness
that begins to feel like Home.
Maybe I dream dumpsters
in Flatbush
or shoot Harlem
into my forearms.
Use telephone wires as tourniquets.
Maybe this girl I’ve been seeing has traces
of Paradise in her bloodstream.

                                           And then I have to remember this city is home to
                                           Pizza Rat, and bedbugs in the metro benches,
                                           and **** Holly Golightly,
                                           she never had to take the F train.

But maybe
she and I can share some unspoken reality,
and I’ll walk down 5th Ave. one day
holding my lover’s hand
as the sun turns sidewalks silver
and we’ll decide to grab a
Tab Jan 2016
She's better on paper
wandering the city
mumbling to herself
taking blurry pictures of strangers
writing fleeting thoughts on the backs of her hands
messy bun coming undone
she's trying to keep it together with pens
but she's better on paper
she's an afterthought, a last minute thought
but she just laughs as they all whisper saying
"She's better on paper"
Michael L Dec 2015
A* live to every push and shove
B reathing each and every toxin
C aring not for those awake
D ead to insults from mankind
E lecting to run and hide
F rigid walls are formed
G uiding us to isolation
H umanity smells of lies
I nstinct guards our very souls
J ustice no longer exists
K indly acts evaporated
L iving in this city
M anages to make me numb
N early every feeling gone
O nly existing to revenge
P eople who have harmed me
Q uiet forever alludes
R ansacked dreams haunt me
S treaming lights and screams
T ake hold of my mind
U pon these crowded streets
V iolence becomes a way of life
W here can I go to die
X enophobic people in large numbers
Y oung and old alike
Z ero chance that I'll survive
life is hard in the city
She tells me that
she's weird,
that she doesn't know how
someone like me
would even talk to
someone like her.
Honestly, if she is weird,
then I have been living
a very bland life,
and I'd rather
join in on insanity with her.

She's got eyes like the
Earth itself,
and long brown hair
like the Weeping Willow
in October. I want
to see her morph into the
disastrous hurricane that
she claims to be;
I want to transform her
into the pearl
that she really is.

I want to observe her
and find out what
makes her tick,
and what
makes her smile.
(She's got the most beautiful smile.)
I want to travel to
New York City
and dance with her in the rain
until she is smiling to
the sky again.
And in the city of bright lights,
her eyes were the brightest.
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