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Krishnapriya Feb 2020
I rise above and look
At the journey of my life

You were always there
You pushed me
Prodded me
Guided me
Helped me
Nudged me
Carried me
Always and forever
In your arms
From within me

I kept gazing
And still do
Out in the world
Looking for you
Wandering in Temples
Rushing to Masters
Crying, praying, longing

You smile
In my heart
The journey is complete
You and me
Here and now
I love You, my Lord and Master
Eternal Friend and savior
Thank You!
Shruti Gour Feb 2020
So eager to please are you,
that your first reaction is to smile,
as the poisoned words leave his lips.

‘Sorry, what?’ is your second reaction,
like somehow no matter how vile,
the words are your fault, you need to apologize.

He says ‘come here’ and for the first time,
you face your inner voice that whispers ‘Run’,
like it’s standing outside your trembling body.

But you are rooted in your spot, frozen,
still a smile plastered on your lips,
as the goosebumps erupt everywhere.

He bangs his hands on the table then,
says ‘are you deaf? I said come here’,
and you begin praying desperately for a miracle.

As you start to walk towards him,
your hands extended, placating him,
you wonder if it’s fight or flight you choose.

The doorbell rings followed by excited knocking,
It's probably his friends with his birthday cake,
their presence diffuses the tension in you a bit.

You finally exhale as they rush inside,
still smiling but it doesn’t reach your eyes,
you take the cake and escape into the kitchen.

‘She’s hormonal’ his lazy voice drifts to you,
like anybody looking at you will not see,
the fear that oozes out of every pore.

The money you’ve been hiding is under the sink,
your purse still on the kitchen counter,
while they cackle watching some old videos.

You shove the money in your purse,
with your eyes fixed on the back door,
and you move towards it, no longer frozen.
Rex Verum Regem Feb 2020
There is nothing that shines brighter than you
with the force of 100 exploding stars ✨
your smile:
                    • soft
                             • infectious
                                                 • untameable
sends one to the deepest layers of the abyss with
Nothing but the moment
You must believe
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2020
I feel you for a moment
Look so tired and so bent
Comes with a soft sigh
Kiss slow and sweet
Apart are broken
Together complete
S I N Feb 2020
First it hits - then there’s a blast
It is so simple man
But when you come to think of it
You dread
For how you could
But well
You know
You wouldn’t know
That’s all
That’s how it is
How Was and will
And ****** be ye if not feel chill
For it is scary
Just you think
You live and die in just a blink
anna Feb 2020
perhaps i’ll just long for you, forever,
and perhaps, i’ll die with decaying flowers,
knowing to love me, and to leave me,
must‘ve been only a  moment for you.
FullmoonFlower Feb 2020
I’m sorry
for what I said
when I thought I was in love
with you

I got caught up in the moment
cause I haven't been the same since
I finally felt content
not thinking about mistakes

'I love you'
really meant
this moment
- But how could you have known?
In todays world we can easily forget how real love feels, we get caught up in moments thinking that it just 'feels right'. Especially if the one we've ever been in love with was toxic and misused the sentence 'I love you'
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2020
Not what is said

What is done
In the present tense
The future
Genre: Observational
Theme: Time Matters
Krishnapriya Feb 2020
Stories of the past
Let them be
Moments of joy
Fluttering butterfly hearts
Let them be
Drama and trauma
Tears, indignity
Let it be

Like sleeping babies
Tuck them in bed
With a kiss
On the forehead
Let them be

Turn your face
To right here
In this moment
Eternity unfolds
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