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Kenshō Sep 2014
Deciphering coded blight,
I release through this mic.

Built with mind and is always mine;
I build my palace outside of time.

Stumbled paths find their way,
To the golden palace today.

I can coo of golden angels
Fly with the fairies and dive with devils.

All of life's mountain reaches,
and all of its perils.

Reside between, a moment seen.
Of what is, could be and has been.
Kevin Eli Aug 2014
Is when you wait for that perfect time of day.
Somewhere between 4:00 and sunset when the light gives perfect sight.
Follow your rule of thirds and keep your aperture right.
More than your skills, art is within the eyes.
Which through experience and passion, just like film;
Both develop over time.

Just for that precious moment.
Melinda Sep 2014
when you left me it felt like you ripped a part of my damaged chest
you left me and i felt like i betrayed myself
betrayed us both with all those beautiful words we said to each other back then
i was infinite that night and i didn't fear the future that i knew would hit me the next day
we were made to comfort each other
but we only seemed to hurt one another
and i realised
believe me, i knew from the beginning that it was wrong, our connection wasn't right but i still don't want to understand how something that felt so good for a while could turn so unbelievably wrong
and i never loved you, not at all
it was just a sweet, childish crush
i just loved how someone finally understood me and how that made me feel
it made me feel less alone
like i found a long lost part of my soul and i was finally able to fly again
but when you told me
when you said
,,we can't do this anymore''
you made me feel worthless all over again
and i know if you'd read this you'd ask
why i still keep seeing things all black and white
and i know you'd say i'm not a poet
because you're just being ******* honest
that night you told me things i'll never forget
so i will answer you once again
you were my grey in those very little moments we were allowed to share with each other
wandabitch Sep 2014
Your eyes are so precise and accurate
The lens of your gaze
Deep thought


Each moment in time ;)
Full of life
The canvas is empty
/amber heart pouring out
I am yours.

little dragon you are pure
cursed in sight and gift
tossed in the September moon.

Words come undone by a silent muse.
we begin the journey. together we dive.
Step down a bit, my friend

Leafs fall down the trees
colourful, shiny
withstanding drops
from rainy days.

and join me in a moment

I take a nip of my cup
wonderful shiny cup
brown and creamy companion, attached to a sugar island
joining me in my relaxing quest.

of pureness, passion and 

A timeless moment
a striking time
hot and tasty heaven
shining through the cold

Lily Mills Aug 2014
All it took was a glance
a quick look out the corner of my eye
I was spiraling
I didn’t know
what to do
what to say
who to be
who you were
at that moment
so much time had passed
we were different you and I
both of us lost in this big world
not really sure what to do
one of us more so than the other
you seemed okay without me
but I wasn’t okay without you
You purposely hurt me
flirting with other girls in front of me
taking names, numbers
we were supposed to be “friends”
even though we could never be friends
we liked each other
or so I thought
It worked so well
but failed so hard
Im stuck on you
and a glance was all it took.
Chloe Elizabeth Aug 2014
And in that moment,
two people who once existed
in the same darkness of a movie theater,
now existed in two separate universes
and there was both pain and comfort in that

By Chloe Elizabeth
Eleanor Rigby Aug 2014
They told me a joke
And I laughed my head off.
They told me about a kid
Who lost his parents in the war
And I shed a tear.
They told me many things actually
And I made appropriate reactions to them.
But when you looked at me
And told me
That you wanted nothing
From me any more,
I didn't cry or laugh or say a word.
And there was more honesty
In my silence
Than in any of my reactions.

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