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Bhill Mar 2020
we need to honor the MEDICAL TEAMS
who are taking on this fight
they're at the front with all the risk
and sometimes there is no light
what would we do without them
as this virus takes control
one by one it pollutes us
in TEAMS, they stay on patrol
we need to honor the MEDICAL TEAMS
they will help us win for sure
they will hold their ground regardless
and help that someone find a cure

Brian Hill - 2020 # 86
Veda Laurenski Mar 2020
Your heart will always beat,
With or without my love.

But only you could have shown me
Where I can touch it.

The fifth intercostal space,
Beneath your ****** line.

This sacred place under your breast,
The apex of your beautiful heart.

Now when I find my own,
I can only think of you.
We lay in bed.
She showed me all of her pulses.
And let me touch her heart.
ali Feb 2020
I am not one to turn tragedy into poetry.
But may this once,
I will be selfish.
I will turn punches to the gut
into butterflies in my tummy
and I will write
about how ironic it is
that my dad,
giving me this brain
that has its signals crossed,
its white flags
disguised as rally cries,
also gave me this blood.
The one that pumps through my veins
and refuses to move forward,
to let me let go.
That my dad,
who gave me this home,
and who gave me this world
and then turned it into a war zone
gave me a body like a tree,
rooted, etched into by lovers hands
and blood like war -
violent, stubborn, refusing.
Ladyink Dec 2019
You left me in a red hot mess
How i still desire
How i still love
My darling doctor
My heart bleads for you
As i give it to
Ladyink Dec 2019
My mom
When i told her
About you my loving doctor
Called me
And said that i am smarter than
Thinking that gifted people
Arent as gifted
As they want you to think
Love you
Ladyink Dec 2019
With out you
My love
With out your words
I am just a ghost
No time
No space
Breaking einstein's law
But i am undead
Ladyink Dec 2019
My darling doctor
This is my final
Love letter to you
I just want you to know that i love
You with all my DNA
Know that you do too
But our relationship is just
That two ghosts
Chasing eachother
My we meet in the next life
Without tempers  
Love elena
Ladyink Dec 2019
How i
Wish that my heart
Was as stromg as
A post 9/11 cockpit door
But you
Found a way in
With you your medical talk
Nowing that sends
Me into a craze
Ladyink Dec 2019
It was christmas
I didnt get to spent it with
You doctor
Now its going to be the new year
And my love i
Cannot spend it with you
My doctor
I wish to kiss you
Under the stars
Instead of being a zombie
Ladyink Dec 2019
You were a tender loving
I was training to be a coroner
You saw my beauty
Both inside and own
But when i left
You were
My cemetary girl
My cemetery woman
My cemetery beauty
I want you in my world
Hearing those pleas
Saying that you
Love me
Just breaks my heart
Even more my love
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