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Joshua Adam Jul 2015
God made every single creature for a reason!

It happened many years ago, an average day at work
when I was employed as nothing more, just a simple clerk
Heaven sent me a lesson, they saw fit that I learn
sent through the smallest of creatures, knowing I would discern

My first instinct was simple, to one all could relate
a desire to crush this cockroach, I could not wait
As I raised my foot, making sure my aim was set
knowing that he'd be finished, with nothing to regret

I was overpowered by a thought, a simple thought to consider
why should this ugly creature, cause me to be bitter?
With great plan and purpose, was this cockroach surely made
but where was born this eagerness to ****, or for me to be afraid?

With great difficulty going against my nature, I did then dare
no more justifications were acceptable to me, for I was now aware
Although small and ugly was my limited perception, I could still care
With this cockroach, nothing would stop me, and would I now spare

Lessons throughout life, does our Creator continually teach
empowering us with free choice, and potential growth that we reach
By contemplating our thoughts, and their true meaning that we may find
a change of heart in our actions, and a true desire to be kind
A short but True Poem (story) I wrote of one of the very great lessons I received from the smallest of creatures
Jaime Nautte Jun 2015
I sit in a forest, with my back against a large oak,
and listen. Among rustling leaves and
whining cicadas I hear something else.
Something larger.

It's moving through the forest on jointed legs,
snapping the branches of century old trees.
An insect the size of a castle. It lets out a cry.
Sounds like a thousand year old whale's
death rattle. The cicadas stop whining and I

It's heading to the lake to breed,
or to die. Their kind begins and ends in water.
Very morbid creatures, they are.

I can feel its steps shake the earth as it comes
closer and then I see it. Ten long, jointed legs
support the bulk of the thing. It towers over me,
silver. Its shell is a knight's armour and its red
eyes are the devil's. I stand up in awe of the
colossal bug as it lumbers past me, blocking the sun
and casting me in shadow for a while.

I light a cigarette and listen to it move through the forest.
Eventually, I can't hear it anymore and the cicadas
start to whine again.
Today I heard
The all too rare sound of silence
When I took my boots and woollen socks
And with them my feet and legs
And the rest,
From the noisy pebbles
Up to the sea-soft grass that lies
Between stone and rock, and beyond that,
A sea,
That lapped today no stronger
Than a lake in summer.

It is not quite yet the time for silence,
As winter is loud, at least
To my ears.

But today there were
Catkins, on the willow
Coltsfoot flowers, which I had not seen
Before, and
I saw a plant I think looks
As if it might be related to chamomile.

I wore my long skirt,
My sisters scarf
And a green hat
I felt as lovely as the trees today,
Well maybe not quite…
But I will say so because
All is silent, but love in this moment,
And if I am not to love myself I am not to love the earth on which I stand.
Am I not the tree?
Am I not the bird?
Am I not the hoverfly?
Am I not the insect that I almost ate,
Upon plucking a gorse flower
So enticingly filled with a scent of coconut and sweet warm sunlight

I looked into the flower and found another being…

Gorse flowers do not taste as they smell
However often you try, thinking that maybe, this once, they will liken primroses, and taste like….


Maybe I am more like the grass.
Christian Bixler Apr 2015
Hot, cool.
Damp, moist.
Blurring, biting, stinging clouds.
Spring Weather.
Tired of all the bugs.
Tasmin Jade Apr 2015
The love bite to his neck
reeks of the betrayal
woven into his blood
like a caffeinated web.
He contorts in the aftermath
of cannibalistic copulation,
the last of his eight legs twitch
in a silky spasm before he stills,
dead and defeated
by the mother of his
newly conceived children
cradled in my warm womb.
(12 February 2014)
I had to write a poem based around an animal/insect etc for my poetry class in my first year of university. I was 2% from a First Class grade for this!
Francie Lynch Apr 2015
I never feel
More connected
With my world
As when I
Get sunburned,
Twist my footing outside,
Or pierced by an expectant
Then I'm bitten
By the ashen irony
Of our soliloquy.
Tip of the cap to Hamlet's "too too solid flesh."
Kate Mar 2015
Without any reasoning
And without any sort of logic
The praying Mantis assumes the worst in others
For others assume the worst in
The praying Mantis does not simply pray
As one might to believe
No the Mantis is always on alert
Just like a cactus with flowers
The Mantis has beauty
But up close hurts like a *****
The Mantis prefers to be in solitude
Who can blame?
Many view the Mantis as odd
With its eyes and such
The Mantis back in high school
Would get called "Buggy eyes"
Or just "buggy" for short
Boy did the Mantis get flared at that
But would anyone even have known
The raging flames from within?
Of course not.
You see even though the Mantis is alive
Its not like is has feelings or anything
Poor Mantis!
Who can behave such a loving face
Like that in any crude way?!?!
Let me tell you,
Oh the Mantis may appear to be a
Smart intellect fellow
But what it happen to miss
Was its own abilities
The Mantis lives the day with the harsh comments
Twaddling along on two feet
Slow and consist.
The Mantis waves its long behind
Trying to please Caterpillar Cally
Caterpillar Cally was the ideal insect
With her curves and fuzzy volume hair
How Mantis wishes Caterpillar Cally was his
He awwed at her
From a distance of course
Mantis would do literally anything
To make her his
As says the old saying
Once you got what you wanted,
You wont want it anymore.
But this he ignored.
They were in love
Well, as close as two bugs could be
But one day on the leaf Cally had a confession
The dumping hit hard for Mantis
"It's not you, its me. Once I transform,
You wont want me anymore"
Mantis was confused and asked
"I'll lose all my hips and thighs"
He thought in silence...
Trotted away with one last saying
"I wouldn't change a thing."
Alone that night Caterpillar Cally cried in tears
As the cocoon wrapped around
Her curvy body till it was bound
The light hit like a laser
The cocoon cracked under her new expansion
She slowly crawled out
To find... the Mantis?
Butterfly Cally was in shock
Him seeing her like this
Was only going to end in mock
She turned the other way
Getting ready to fly
But something gripped her
And it held her by surprise
Locked in the Mantis grip
She struggled and pushed
Until they met lip to lip
"No stop. Don't look at me like this!"
Mantis only stared
"I Wouldn't change a thing."
"Just look at me! I'm skinny as can be,
It's almost sickening!"
"I wouldn't change a thing."
"Please just let me go! Just let me be!"
She tried to flee
"Can't you see I'm no longer pretty?"
Mantis brought her closer
Touching her wings
"I wouldn't change a thing."
so cliche
result of boredom
sorry for the random rhyming half way through.
Silence Screamz Mar 2015
We are insects of our own demise
Scattering through the cracks in the pavement
Looking down with their bulging eyes
The giants await to squash our brains out
and crush our fragile bodies

The earth shakes with every black soul
We fear the evil that awaits
Decimated with no survivors
We are insects, no more!!
looking down at the lesser known of society, the people living on the streets and under the bridges, the trash can fires to keep them warm, what world awaits them as they try to survive
A C Leuavacant Mar 2015
He could have crushed it if he'd liked
That squirming thing in between his fingers
Tiny black Bulbous eyes, staring up at him
trying in a panic to speak without words
Arrange some kind of bargain for its life

Yellow Lilac tinted wings
Perfectly symmetrical, pulsated with fear
Taking the left one first, he tore at each end untill hearing the tiny snap
Then the next one
turning to sick crumbling dust blended into the mud

A thin black strip of a thing in the dirt
If life was fair, it could have been stood on
But was not granted such dignity
He would leave it for the sun or the  buzzards  
An eye for an eye, after all
Àŧùl Feb 2015
I went to the forest,
Forest spoke a poem...

*Have you seen my green trees,
The trees that gave me shade..

Have you seen my animals,
The animals that here played.

Have you seen my birds,
The birds that sang their songs..

Have you seen my flowers,
The flowers that scented my air...

Why does the evening feel so barren,
Where has she bereft me to rot alone?

Oh my companion mother nature,
Where have you left me oh my God?

Why only the hardened insects remain,
Who am I supposed to listen to now?

Would this bit of grass be able to survive,
Or will it abandon me just like others?

Where do these two-legged creatures come from,
Have I forgot having looked after them throughout?

Why do they use my wood to kindle bonfires,
Couldn't father time just revert everything back?
A namesake personification of the forest,
I give vent to my personal feelings herein.

My HP Poem #772
©Atul Kaushal
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