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Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, dreaming is my official drug;}

some wound some abuse came to an ache a demand

things I wont suppose an understand

ought for them to ****

brought to me bruised with arms no one to fill

why does it make me mad

quickly to the rush if your eyes I hand

corner stances of broken promises landing to your palm

scratches I seem to beg my lips to kiss to calm

I hate to admit it but

I got it bad to that devilish sword

whispers of magic into my mind taste of words

cutting my limbs in crap

drowning my heavens in a trap

cause maybe then I dream

on the moment unpast unseen

think your feels would come to me

horror of a real I disbelieve

or not come to the sleeping nights I don't need

or not embrace the lots adore me in free

fly my stars to a miraculous scene

so resented so loved

yet so hard to redeem

miniyollo Apr 2021
She walked down the aisle,
In a beautiful white gown just like her smile,
Her hair in a bun
with a crown just like Eve,
Her lips without a smudge,
Her cheeks rosed pink
And her eyes in tears.
She made her vows with the one in her eyes,
But her throbbing heart
Knew she lied.
Since childhood, the angel thought
This day was the best.
Only to realize,
It wasn't the day,
But the man she would spend her rest.
The princess did not have her prince charming riding the white horse,
But he sat on the wooden bench like a silenda,
Reliving the moments of their star crossed saga.
Who knew there was an obscure string,
That would never let them apart,
The flowers,
The mass,
The rings,
Thy charm,
Was all just a show,
When the heart wasn't ready to vow.....
Raven Feels Apr 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, the sun is beautiful--isn't it?:)

come back no more

retrieve those times free those ends skirting down the space

literal meanings of known

overflow in motions of waves I would never say

then them be tunes  symphonious to the ear

splendid in fear of eternal reveal

she in disguise no more

comes to a life

snatched in daze taken by hand

fight or flight said the drag to the glass

hesitancy in the eyes of guilt and rebel Mars

my heart flutters for the leave into the dark

a step between the light and the dark

no seconds no thirds on duty bark

turn the black and show the white hue

for a selfish moment for a stare for a blue

in the tremble memoirs are written upon floors for the remember

yet found in not an adequate resemble

lose me once then carve the doors awake

my feet lie on logs of take and not fakes

make up my soul

make up my mind

its not late for another chance another mistake

she in the adds

she in the lines

she for an escape maybe untouched by those

neither by these

cut my slate bring me to the reals forever sealed

for my eyes surreal

not for once not for dear

the sun brushes feather for the sight to near

an end of oceans to look up mercy on the seas

one jump to **** her gear

Kitty Apr 2021
It's in the way he smiled at me when we first met
Nothing special about his smile but the chipped tooth
The way those eyes tell a million stories and yet are so kind
He listens
I’ve never had that before
And calls me out on my *******
Because he knows I like to lie

He doesn't put people down for things they enjoy
I’ve never had that before
He respects my passion and lifts me
He treats me like I want to be treated
Because i'm sick of being treated like an ignorant little girl

He's nice to everyone and
I’ve never had that before
Even if he dislikes them he's compassionate and kind
And sees good within the worst

And although his hairs to long
And although his brothers a *****
And although I still feel judged by him sometimes
I’ve never had someone like him before


I’m not afraid to call him whenever
And I was already friends with his friends
He notices things, even before, that no one else does
And is genuinely happy for me

And i've never had that before
Never had the kindness
Never had the unconditional
Never had the best friend
But I guess thats because i've never had him before.
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