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SøułSurvivør Jul 2015

@@ you @@
@@ trew out @@
@@ his heart like @@
@@ a stone clogging your @@
@@ green field of dreams @@
@@ i found it cracked open on @@
@@ my yellow brick road @@
@@ wouldn't you know @@
@@ it was an amethyst @@
@@ GEODE @@
(C) 7/21/2015
jennee Jul 2015
Will there be words enough to express the gratitude I feel for the physical embodiment of comfort?
I think if I try to layer each sheet of thank you and letters, I would make one hell of a tower I’m sure I would be proud of
So thank you for the years of awkwardness and tears and embraces that I have kept looping at a space at the back of my head
But worry not, for this space is remarkable, and is not a singular box nor a definition of solitude

For I have you

We are the youth that grew yet we are still tiptoeing and hoping that we will reach the gap between the doorstep above our heads
Our expressions and terms evolved and shaped the corners of our lips in between the giggles and aches and words we wish we had not misplaced
And I will fall into apology for that one time I blamed you and him for the distance that constructed between us
Yet you built a bridge and crossed it for me
And I despised how I built walls that arose high up that vultures mistook me for a corpse
But the only bridge I would ever want to cross, is the aisle between pews
To meet the man who is to wed my best friend and whom he is willing to fight for

So I thank you

For accepting each fragment of thought
And for gently opening the envelope even though you have no clue what was in store
I was a letter of disarrayed vocals yet you took me into your home
And spent a sufficient amount of time to decipher the paragraphs of each fold
You proved your worth when you did not think I was another piece of crumpled paper
And you found similarities and comfort in my torn up corners

For that I am thankful

I know I will spend the rest of my life with you
This is not a confession of love and romance (god no) but something much more genuine
I will be your children’s jokes and the books that they read
I will greet your husband with a fist bump and I will be your company of trips to the sea
I will drag you to my first tattoo and I will be your most annoying plead
I will be the anchor to keep you steady when far from the shore,
I will be the old woman with gray hair and so will you

And this is what I hope for

A friendship that will not expire and turn into inedible satisfaction
That our hands will always find each other’s comfort
And be the other person’s exception
To finally reach the gap above our heads, with stretched fingers
To create countless views of looping embraces
And to be far from the crumpled paper of envelopes
For no matter what reason it may be, I will make amends
And to these layers and sheets of towering thank you’s and letters
No matter if this world is turned upside down,

I will always love you, and you will always be my best friend

For my best friend whom I am forever thankful for staying by my side
Thomas EG Jul 2015
Pinky promise
Holding hands
Arms on waist
Now let's dance
Set lips free
It's alright
Left confused
In the torchlight
I am grateful
That we're here
We embrace
I pull you near
Run through darkness
Leave our friends
Return before
The night ends
I've written too many of these.
iya Jul 2015
I can feel His love
Because He said "I love you"
I can feel His care
Because He said "I care for you"

I can feel His joy
Because He said "I'm happy for you"
I can feel His presence
Because He said "I'm here for you"

I can feel His comfort
Because He said "release your pain and cry to me"
I can feel His healing
Because He said "I can heal your wounded heart"
He is my wonderful Lord. My heart cries to Him and He gives me peace and joy. I'm so fragile but the Lord is  there to make me strong and He makes me whole again after I've been broken.
NeroameeAlucard Jul 2015
All I've got

All I've got is a Sox Bear, my sketches and my guitars
I used to have dreams but those got repoed by the cops
I once was filled with childlike faith in other people
Now you can't trust half of who you see underneath a steeple

I used to be confident but then anxiety killed that, I'm trapped in a cage bullied by my own brain and that's a fact
Someone you see may have it all together but in reality it could be falling apart.
So always, always keep feelings of gratitude in thine heart
Tolani Agoro Jul 2015
I can't believe I'm here
After six years of highschool,
I'm done,
I've graduated!
A whole world out there waiting for me to explore
Norms waiting to be broken
Expectations waiting for me to exceed
My whole life, staring right at me, waiting to be lived
iya Jun 2015
You're giving me love
When I feel unlove
You're giving me peace
When I'm in chaos

You're giving me joy
When I'm unhappy
You're giving me comfort
When I'm in pain

You're giving me provision
When I have nothing
You're giving me strength
When I feel weak

How grateful I am
Having someone to lean on
Hoping that You'll see me
Having a grateful heart.
Teczboi Jun 2015
is this it...
my rush to an 8x8 cubicle
9 hours of mind numbing minutiae
my penance for a manicured, 4 bedroom, 3 level slice of suburban heaven
then my mind reviews all I've seen in my life
and I say
small price to pay.
One particularly dreadful morning on my way to work, as my bus hurtled at 70mph down the packed freeway, I wrote this.
niamh Jun 2015
Drink in the morning
Appreciate the wonder
Of the life we live
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