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Jamie Sep 2017
To say you are my everything is something deeper than it appears to be..
Thank you for having me.
I'm not disappointed, just a little unstable.
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2017
Your gift, your craft, your love,
Your fingers become a sanguine
fountain, bubbling and oozing down the drain.
Like your dreams.
Like your craft
The shadows of fear and anxiety wrap around you.
Your paranoia hazing your vision.
Your thoughts becoming drums in your mind
and you feel numb.
And you fall on the floor,
your gift in your hand
your fingers are extant
but they feel like nothing but phantoms.
It is then that you know the value of life.
The unpredictability is
Grim Reaper...

Unpredictability was nearly the
death of this author.
I know I've been away from this page. I apologise. A lot of things have transpired...but I'm back with a bang! This is based on an incident that happened to me recently. I cut my finger to the bone and man, I didn't think one could bleed so much from it. I lost so much blood that I nearly passed out and this cut rendered my writing hand useless...for a time. I was so scared. I don't know what I'd didn't have it anymore...
Please, be grateful for what you can do. Life's unpredictability can be terrifying but be grateful. I am able to write again after a few weeks of being not feeling my hand. I always remember that there is someone out there in a worse position than I am. I still have my hands, I still have my fingers. Someone out there would **** to be in the same position as me.
I'll always remember...
David Mac Oct 2017
There's a river
That flows
Through me and you
It's current carries us
Down stream
A journey through
Meandering kinks
Enjoying the view
And sometimes
Rapids threaten to
Cast us down
But all the way through
Our journey down river
We can realise
The currents run
through us too
They bind us and bless us
As we travel together
To the sea.
A jungle of trouble
Where people live once,
Wish they die and rise
In another Place and time
Love to live once, die and live twice.

The bad jungle that harbors good men
A good man will eventually gets tired of here
He'll search for a land christened good
Where good stones are longing
To be pillars for the head of good men.
Good man gets carried away
Snuffs live out of himself
And stopped being good cos he killed a soul.
Once a killer, always a killer
And the land named good forbids bad people.

So if today is bad
Do not be touched.
When today goes, you die
Tomorrow comes you live again
The creator is not nut
He wants to see what you'd do
With what you've always complained about
More lives.
written 12:20pm, Saturday 14, Jan 2006
Mary-Rose H Aug 2017
"The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: 'I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving kindness.'"

These words,
recorded in faithfulness
t   h  o   u   s   a   n   d   s
of years ago,
reach a hand
through time to
strike a tuning fork
against my soul,
setting praise
inside me.
I tremble with
which urges me
to shout, sing, dance, cry, compose, raise my hands in the air,
or simply fall to my knees
in awe of Him;

the ever-present
on my darkest days-
the unfaltering needle
pointing me to
true north
a hundred different opinions
clamour for my ear-
the unending ocean
of grace
and forgiveness
in times when I seem to make
but wrong decisions-
the magnanimous provider
of exactly what I
though I've done
nothing to deserve it.

The one and only
who can name each
and every star,
also the one
who whispered "temple"
in the ear of
a hurting
and lonely girl
to remind her
that she is precious, beloved, irreplaceable, sacred, held dear, and never,
never* alone.
It is this
amazing God
to whom I will be
          ­                                                   y
for loving me
with an everlasting love,
and drawing me
with His loving kindness.

Jeremiah 31:3
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2017
Be sure to count your blessings
every day.
Be grateful...
Star BG Jul 2017
Networking in the maelstrom of my swirling path I footsteps,
I reach out.
Reach out with open heart to learn, grow and share light.
I network using the electrical bond of a smile.
I expand with a joined breath in meeting another co creator.
I dance feeling grateful in the life I lead.

StarBG © 2017
Playing with word networking got from a chat with Shanath
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