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Mazen Edlibi Jun 2017
I broke my silence in silence
I broke my silence with a smile
I broke my silence through my eyes
Words feels shy
Voice feels voiceless
Meaning are humble
Still silence is prevailing
Like gazing at the water flowing in the stream...
when you hold your breath so you won't lose any moment!
When your heart is in peace of its kind
When your can't make logic of what is happening
When there is no formula that can be prescribed
When you keep you smile alive and let that child in you laugh inside you!
When your lungs are filled with hope and dream
Stay in silence and be grateful
Stay in silence and don't ruin it with words
Stay in silence and feel the joy that you are alive within you!!!
Star BG Jun 2017
You are humanities angel,
as you walk on earth in human form.

You’re a gift to many
as you give aid to those who gather at your table.

You are like hug of air that caresses ones consciousness
to awaken to know who everyone is, divine.

You are a beacon for hope, prosperity, good health, and bliss
as your deeds enlighten.

You are the guides, ancestors, and beings of light who stand in dimensions ready to assist inside a prayer.

You are the Light-worker, Lecturer, teacher, Nutritionist, Healer, Star-seed and sage that has come to help all at this time.

I am grateful to those who have come.
I am grateful for those in different realms.
And I am grateful to you the reader who begins their journey awake alive and to realigned with the birthright of freedom.

StarBG © 2017
fae Jun 2017
i could search for someone perfect
and i might find you instead
it's not that you're perfect
but you're enough
enough to make me the happiest
enough to make me see my worth
enough to be the luckiest
because then i can finally feel whole
Frank DeRose Jun 2017
My father hurt me.
Not emotionally, or verbally, or physically.
But he did push me.

He ****** me forward and higher,
Steered me through brackets of thorny growing pains.

I bled and was scratched,
But am not scarred.

He has constantly molded and guided me,
His hands rough and calloused,
(From all those long years in the kitchen, making and earning bread),
But ever caring.

He gave me so many "father-son" talks,
And charitably called them "man-to-man."

He breathed me into existence,
And his imprint on my soul is indelible.

Though there are places where the treads are different,
And the paths diverge,
One always informs the other.

And while of course we sometimes disagree
On thoughts of who the other should be,

He has taught me what to be,
And I have learned also what not to be--
From him I have taken the best
And behind I have left what is left.

I am proud of who I am,
And as I put these thoughts into words,
I know fully that I am where I am

Not in spite of him--
But because of him.
Jonesy Jun 2017
He sat there as still as a statue,
His spring rusty from being forgotten by his loved ones;
Oh, he knew this day would come when he was no longer  of value,
For his old age has dimmed his light and he no longer shone.

His box was sealed away,
The rust on his spring will always stay,
For the children has outgrown him and never stop to play;
So, Jack was left alone in the attic for the rest of his days.

Now that we need him for our children's children,
To show them how fun he was to us as a child;
We did not know his value then,
His heart rusted away, now he can never be beguiled (again).

Jonesy 2017 ©
You never miss the water until the well runs dry.
Star BG Jun 2017
Here I am,
walking in the moment
awake within heart.
I smile at my neighbor,
reaching out a compassionate hand.
I rise to unite singing with
Mother Natures song.

Here I am, kicking the worry habit,
the fear habit, the doubt that inhibited self
too long.
I dance uniting with spiraling energies of love.
I move in celebration with Love,
in these new times where
humanity is evolving
and I am grateful.

StarBG © 2017
There is nothing but the moment where we can expand inside of the divine energies of light and love.
Star BG May 2017
For me....

my words are housed in a treasure chest of heart. They enhance inside breath to give life to what would normally be a naked page.

For me words are backdrop for an amazing life filled with trials and tribulations. A place where I standing knowing I'm eternal and can't fail.

For me my words are little blessings that dance like fairies anointing the moment in third eye. Celebrating the birth of realities inside phases.

And as I dance, words surface to be sanctified inside a moment
A moment where I am grateful for my poetic words that sings.
Inspired by Frank James Davis
Star BG May 2017
In morning breath,
my gratitude prayer rises from heart.
It starts for Gia, the Mother of us all.
The place we move upon in life to feel her love.
The Mother, who hugs us and whispers inside wind,
carrying a diamond at core to aid with wisdom.

Once said, many a thought of gratitude builds
like a volcano of sacred light.
For The Divine whose essence of love filters through me.
My life's gifts, that emanate within to share.
Angels and guides, who shelter and lead in grace.
Father sky, whose vast precious highway is home for birds
and rainbow dreams.
For parents who taught me well,
even though lessons dished out were sometimes hard.

In breath another round begins.
For ancestors that lead in pathways of discovery for me to be born.
My family and friends that anchor me when seas get rough.
A sacred form who takes a beating and keeps on ticking.
And for all people on their journey,
whom I have been blessed to meet.

The list goes on for every moment, every breath
and my soul who has given me life force energy.
Energy, to make a difference and experience life on earth.

In morning breath I am grateful, grateful, grateful.
Being grateful is empowering even when you say it for things that are difficult in life. Try it you'll like it.
JS May 2017
Love your life
Whenever are you
Wherever you go
To feel lonely is the key to feel happy
Touch your loneliness
Swim in it
Jump on it
Die because of it

And then stand up
With smile on your face
And be grateful
Be kind
And love your life
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