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Merinda Nov 2019
First date of Miss Yellow and Mr. Grey Sky
They met in the eastside
Talking about the earth and the light
How to shining bright within dark side
And how to let it rain in the night

It's not easy
But it has to be
Perfect match of the storm and windy
Quite beautiful even rising gloomy
Mary Frances Nov 2019
I see love with all those beautiful colors,
with colors brought by Dusk and Dawn,
with colors when the Sun kisses the sky as it rises
and the horizon, as it sets.

I see love with all those beautiful colors,
like how blue the sky is in a clear, bright day,
like how fresh the flowers and leaves are in early Spring.

Though there are times that love is dull and dark,
with colors that are grey and black,
like how the clouds become heavy in gloomy days,
love still remains to be beautiful.

For to be loved is beautiful.
And being loved by him will always be beautiful.
Noa Adler Oct 2019
And then I was alone
A single daisy
In a field of thorns

Standing on my own
Waiting for a saviour
My future unknown

Waiting for the rain
To make me grow
Or wash me away
Aurora Sep 2019
I feel your pain
Only sought after for rain
Providing beauty that remains unwanted
Trying to bring others happiness
At the expense of your own
R Arora Aug 2019
Oh my, you really could not see,
That I was gloomy.
Just as the grey clouds,
Outside the window - the sun's shrouds.
You were more curious about the drops
On the windscreens,
Instead of those
That were rolling down my cheeks.
Okay this is a twisted and exaggerated version of the exact feeling.
Also, I was really bored.
fray narte Jul 2019
And maybe one day,
when the storms
are gone
and the sun
shines brighter
and the waves of
ebb and subside,
I’ll run short of sadness
to write poems about.
And maybe then,
I can finally
step out of this ark
Maybe then,
I’ll be okay —
maybe then,
I will be fine.

It's been 40 days and 40 nights.
The rainbow is still
to be found.
fray narte Jul 2019
my soul is stuck
in old, coastal towns;
a cup of strong coffee in hand;
i can drown in its taste
mixed with my heartbeat running amok.

the sound of the rain
threatens to deform the roof,
as if the midnight sky
was trying
to read her sadness out loud
to the unmarked graves
beyond my ribs;
as if the raindrops
were prison guards
chasing after my soul,
waiting to cage it
back in place.

the broken clock
tells me it's still midnight,
but for all i know,
it may yet be another
sleepless night kinda
monochromatic daybreak

i can no longer tell which is louder —
the storm inside my head
or outside.
aiming for that edgar allan poe vibe
Jac Jun 2019
the angels had cried
a few moments past
the sky now tinted a soft grey

morning dew still fresh
on the various roses
that covered the fields

she sat alone
cheeks a bit wet
and her mind slightly numb

the only thing she could feel
were the spirits in her presence
her shaking hands
went up to her face
drying the tears
i am glad the spirits were with her
David Hutton Jun 2019
Sometimes I feel like I'm wearing a crown.
Othertimes I feel like I want to shutdown.
Give me what I need,
that special kind of seed.
The one where I get lost and can't be found.
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