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showyoulove Feb 9
Come with gladness and thanksgiving
Bring the joy of a life worth living
Warm the heart with love's great fire
The Spirit's breath to stoke and inspire
Come now with glad tidings to share
Let the song of your life fill the air
Take in the wonder that's all around you
In your very bones believe it is true
Nilia Loh Dec 2019
Came out of rusty bars, with nothing but black stripes on me.
I walk down the street alone, seeing everyone else with no stripes on.
Their stares pierced through my innocence, as if my sins were still fresh for years.
But someone held my head high, gave me a identity, purpose and forgiveness.
He gave me a second chance, even when everyone else can't.
I walk down the street not alone, but with someone who filled me with hope.
I wrote this poem for a theme "prisoners" :D
Nilia Loh Dec 2019
"Why does it wish to come inside?"
Such stubborn rain not seeing why.
"Clearly a window is in its way."
So why does it wish to come inside?

Pitter patter, doesn't hear me.
Chit chat, continued talking.
Tick tock, time is passing.
Whish whoosh, cars are driving.
Splish splash, kids are playing.

"So why are you trying to come in?"
Confused, not seeing the point.
"Clearly, it won't be worthwhile."
So why does it wish to come inside?

Click swish, the windows swung open.
Pitter patter, the rain ran in.
Tick tock, the sound of the clock.
Silence silence, there's no other sounds.

Pitter patter, the rain continues
Hand held out to hold them tight
Tick tock, splish splash
"Now I know why you come inside."
I wrote this during a rainy day and after finishing it, I realised it could metaphorically apply to a friend in my life whom never gave up in getting to me in my darkest times :) Enjoy!
forestfaith Jun 2018
This day you have made! I will rejoice and be glad in it!
Yet again, you gave me a chance. I will rejoice and be grateful of it!
Another day to feel your presence! I look forward to the day ahead!
to God
Richard Grahn May 2017
There are times in a lifetime
When meanings collide
Times when we wonder
The reason why

There are moments of sadness
And gladness too
Those memories won’t last us
But they might have to do

There is such a fine line
Between the now and then
Such precious little moments
That we learn how to tend

So take up my hand love
And sing me your song
Our moments together
Won’t last all that long

Your heart is my mainstay
My chest full of pearls
Your laughter has taught me
My place in this world

Let’s spend time together
And weather the storm
We can chase all our dreams now
Before they are gone

Let’s live for this moment
And play out the game
Let’s share this adventure
To the end of our days
Marta C Weeks Apr 2017
Remembering our dead
Mansions, or humble abodes
Virtues or deeds

Learned by heart
Nights of gladness
Morning sorrows

Stories as grains of sand
Forming eternal rocks
Or leaves from a tree
Shelters of hopes and dreams
Ocean waves drowning breath
Dreams crumbling as castles
Small homes becoming shrines
Images we choose, or not

Our great grands looking back
Thinking of us as we of ours
Long for memories to grow

Good grows as hands reach out
In time to lift, serve or destroy

Things break and lose charm
Those we feared and loved
Or guides found with sobs

Moments of shared delight
Human frailties, loss and pain
Keep us in want
Never enough, always too much

The hell of heaving
Infernos of inherited pride
Or careful purpose and deeds
Blessing those left

We follow their climb
When plotting our course
In darkness hides the light
Doors close in mind
I would appreciate critiques and comments on this poem.
Arlene Corwin Mar 2017
Sitting Outside A Day In May  
I find myself not only wondering [but]
Thirsting, needing to know when and how they died, [but]
Thoughts or suffering or not: in short,
The state before and during…

I observe a skin that’s wrinkling,
Drying out and shrinking,
Hear and spy a bird in tree,
See the freshness, spring’s new growth,
The only thing I really see is death, a passing.

I allow myself my breaths,
The moods, desires -
All that goes along,
Forgetting for the most part.

Deep down I see the buds of parting
And an emptiness because
I have no answers.
All that I can do is wait and act and meditate
As if life equaled all time-in-the-world.

Every year in spring
I find I’m writing,
Charting age unconsciously,
Literally marking time.

Not sad, not glad but emptier
Than years before,
(or maybe more).
Noticing, acknowledging a substance;
The substantial underlying all the grandeur.

Sitting Outside A Day In May 5.21.2016
Birth, Death & In Between II;
Arlene Corwin
Underlying awareness, outward gladness!  How can that be?
caught from the blue,
with my polished
and sparkling eyes.
all that everyone saw was beauty,

while deep inside pain crept.
forgetting of its existence.
to me it became profane.
refusing to speak of it
Allowing myself to forgetting.

then at my cheerful being of night,
you saw through me
what i had forgotten.
it was the pain that dwelt.
and all the broken pieces inside of me.

lost in the dark night with a fake smile,
i would have never known all was wrong.
and healing could have never come.
but you helped me admit to my wrong.  

today i look back at the lost time in darkness.
all the happiness wasted.
i could have been cheerful then,
but now that am at ease,
solace came unexpectedly
gratitude is the token of appreciation i have for you.
Thanks to a dear friend
Cynthia Jean May 2016
The Lord your God
           in your midst,
the Mighty One,
          He will save;
with gladness      
          He will rejoice
over you,
         He will quiet you
with His love,
         He will rejoice
over you
        with singing....

Zephaniah 3 :17

cj 2016
God's love is so amazing.   He puts such a value on incomprehensible.....
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