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Rockie Mar 2015
You stare up at me
As I type, type, type away
With those big eyes of yours
Pleading for cuddles
And scratches
And kisses galore
But I can't I say
I've got work to do
You reach out a paw
Mournfully whining
I give in, tempting fate
For your soft fur
And wet licks across my palm
I giggle
As your tail wags
At a hundred miles per second
And leave my homework
For your joyful personality
For my dog, who captured my six year old heart at Christmas all those years ago and has been one of my best friends ever since :)
Jeremyeckl Jan 2015
There’s a dog on the bench

By the car on the sidewalk 

She won’t move — 

She wants to stay dry 

And stay on the sidewalk.

I am paved in gold & the

Parts that make up a radiator 

A rigid source of heat 

In the cabin.

Like a ligament at the crook

Of your, her, leg — I am bathed 

In the light of the fireplace 

Waning from the moon. 

I am afraid of the moon 

It may render me a wolf caught

In a bear trap;

I howl.

I howl like the dog perched

Upon the bench by the car

Crashed upon the sidewalk. 

She nor I will move for fear

Of straining the safety of dry fur.
Hunter K Nov 2014
Bright eyed,
And bushy tailed.
Happy yips,
And loved by all.
Oh, when did it go wrong?
Foot soldiers,
And flying boulders.
Screams and howls,
Along with angry hooting owls.
You run so far,
Following the East star,
Not knowing what to do.
Mother dead,
And Father crazy,
Who else is there?
To watch over you.
Sweet and seductive
The twilight
Can I come in?
No need to worry
Frustrated moments
Tempting lies
Please don't scream
I'll be discrete
Caresses recollected
Old embraces
******* and bathos
Fur instead of hair
Movements in a mirror
Time for breakfast
The appearance of a peach
Fried sentences
Scrambled words
Rhyming couplets
Tea and coffee
Contradictory conversations
Flee from open mouths.
Poetic T Sep 2014
They said the wolf
But in truth it was not he
All should fear
His name was mud
On the words that growl forth,
They seemed so succulent,
"Wait rephrase that"
Those bacon bandits,
"Wait misunderstood definition"
Those  pink porkers
A triangle of terror they were
To me,
A birthday wish for their mother you see,
Fur, but fur isn't cheap
So a thought??
In to there salty minds
A wolf could make not
But one for each.
"Are you still listening"
They planned, snorted
Laughed with glee, my end planned
By all three it seems
The first
Flame was his weapon
Tightly bound
Ablaze in my face
A circle
I had no escape it would seem,
But as I was pushing behind
A trap cleverly conceived
But I was not defenceless,
And with an exhale,
The flame
Did extinguish
Was blown out,
Embers lit up the sky,
As a pig now in my sights
And smile upon my face
As I huffed and puffed
All that surrounded,
Everything out
Piggy was now floating in air
"One final inhale"
And piggy was hanging by his pinkies
Inside of  my wolfs mouth
"This little piggy was  naughty"
"This little piggy used his  mouth"
"One final piggy down the  hatch,"
I licked my lips and that was that.
I walked along now knowing their plan
And by a whisker
It just missed
Matrix style dodges
Wooden spears
Shrieked past,
Out of the corner of my eye
"I saw him"
"A glint in his eye"
As Ten wooden spears
Of stick rained down
"Was this my end"
And these sticks paper cut
My nose then
In to the wind they flew
Have you heard a piggy
All in one exhale its not pretty
As spears one and another
Encircled my porky Friend
His pink now white with fear encircled
"No way out"
He smiled I inhaled
And once again a piggy held on
To my snout
Eyes watering I  said
"This little piggy was  naughty"
"This little piggy used his  mouth"
"One final piggy down the  hatch,"
I licked my lips and that was that.
"I hope your listening"
I growled
It was him or me I would be
Fur upon a back
So used my senses
But he was no where to be found,
I looked for this bad bacon
So I went home to ponder
"Was it over"
I sat in my chair,
Then a brick through my
Window did appear
Come out and play
I scratched my head??
"Why not just knock the door"
As I went out side
A castle of brick and stone
At the bottom of my garden
"Impressive I say"
"Did I just say that out loud"
You may have eaten
One pig,
Two pig,
But you'll not get the desert,
And down the phone I shouted
To the council of the land,
"Private land"
And with that the castle came down
There is more than one way
To get a piggy off my land
As they left, the piggy snuck off too,
"Where are you going piggy"
"Unfinished business me and you"
It was them they made
Me do it,
Then a growl came forth
And two voices spoke
One little piggy
"It was his plan from the start"
Then a second piggy spoke out
"He set you up, as well as us"
The piggy startled
Voices echoed out
I spoke
Yes my plan he snorted then laughed
"What you going to do"
And blew my wind out
Have you ever seen a
Piglet role down a hill
The noise was like
And with that  I
And the bruised and battered piggy held
On to my whiskers
Eyes watering,
Nose dripping out,
"This little piggy was  naughty"
"This little piggy used his  mouth"
"One final piggy down the  hatch,"
I licked my lips and that was that
"I hope your still listening"
My belly rumbled
It was what I had eaten
Not agreeing with me
I went to the
For this is where
They were regurgitated,
And Spat out, these
Would be doing
Twenty five
In a prison of jackals
These little pigs are going to have
A hard time sweating salt,
Fear in there eyes instead of mine,
"Are you Listening"
What you thought I'd eaten them??
I'm a vegetarian for goodness sake
I licked my lips but *
bacon does taste nice...
Thedarkoutsider Aug 2014
Just days.
Sometimes simple, Sometimes complicated
They feed us or  it´s time we need to forget.
But always teaching us something.
At the end, just merely moments of our existence.
Happening just one time in the same way.
Blinks in the universal tread.
We decide if it´s woth of remember or if is just  dead time, time to forget.
With a song, a picture even a few letters, days that could mark our lives or just pass like a bitter pill.
At the end.
It´s just another day.
Tomorrow is another chance to star over...
Just days, days of our lives..
Red Bergan Apr 2014
Something stirs,
Shedding its skin.
Turning it to fur.

A howl.
A groan,
A rip.

Bounding into the woods,
Digging my paws into the earth.
Galloping like a wild horse.

The moon rises,
Rays of freedom!
Oh the joy!

I am free,
A wolf of archaic life!

I roam the land,
Leaving only a howl..
In the breeze.
Live on. Run wild. Believe you can break the chains of control.

— The End —